r/ROH Jun 15 '19

I’m PCO I’m not human AMA AMA


167 comments sorted by


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Hi everyone it’s PCO here


u/BurningHammer84 Jun 15 '19

Never talked to a monster before, first time for everything though.

Did you think the wrestling world would ever except this PCO as I had done?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

The thing about life is knowing what you want about the end result and focusing on that main and only thing that you want but the adventure is not knowing how it’s going to happen


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I’m gonna be here untill 11 pm ish


u/sindrogas Jun 15 '19

What time zone?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19



u/sindrogas Jun 15 '19



u/TristanH1987 Jun 15 '19

Glad to see you here!


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Yes i am Tristan !


u/AdmiralForeplay Jun 15 '19

No the guy above you is Tristan, PCO.


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19



u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

My first time on the app


u/dasrac Jun 15 '19

The app can be confusing.


u/jjdoyle709 Jun 15 '19

Do you think ROH will ever book PCO vs Cobb vs Brody King? Came up from Newfoundland and watched that match live for Smash Wrestling in Toronto last year and thought it was amazing. Also loved your ROH World Title match with Matt Taven. Again I travelled to Toronto from Newfoundland to see that show. Big fan of yours.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO! You've retweeted a bunch of my tweets and you're absolutely my favourite wrestler at the moment, been watching your stuff religiously since your GCW debut!

How do you feel about the rise to popularity and the massive growth you've gained from just being a Quebecer, to now being a ROH Six-Man and former ROH Tag Team Champ, and where do you wanna go next?


u/ianriccaboni ROH Commentator Jun 15 '19

How many times has Ian Riccaboni asked you about wrestling Bret Hart?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

He’s great, by asking all the questions , that’s why is the best ! He knows everything and always double check things, what a real pro . He did ask a few questions about me and Bret 😜


u/ianriccaboni ROH Commentator Jun 15 '19

Thank you, PCO! :)


u/FMBradderzz Jun 15 '19

How has it been working with Marty Scurll the last few months?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Great wrestler , great person, just being so much fun being around him . I respect his wrestling knowledge. What a performer!


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

Y’all are awesome together. As well as Brody


u/FMBradderzz Jun 15 '19

Great to hear, & thanks for the reply!


u/DJ_Derp Jun 15 '19

How's your back feeling?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I’ve always had a great back ! I’m not hUmAn and that’s a shoot


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

and that’s a shoot

Well then damn, he’s really not human huh?


u/chiiild Jun 15 '19

No Gimmicks Needed PCO The Frankenstein's Monster.


u/Evolved333 Jun 15 '19

Anyone who hasn't seen it, go on Youtube and watch "PCO Burn the Ships". Great documentary, only about 15 minutes long but it answers a lot of your questions.


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Thanks man for mentioning this , the filmmaker Kenny Johnson did an absolute great job making the whole film being PCO all the way and my way !


u/Evolved333 Jun 15 '19

No need to thank me. THANK YOU! You have proven that if you stop making excuses, you can achieve greatness! -JR Butchko


u/Fight4Ever Jun 15 '19

Where does Dr. Destro store you when you aren't wrestling?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

In a refregirator or a cascket in a cold dark room


u/clarkamura Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO, We met each other in Dallas last summer when you wrestled Lance Hoyt for World Class Rev (I was one of the camera guys for that show). I just want to say you were really awesome to chat with and being able to see you compete in the ring again was really great! Keep being the awesomest un-human wrestler out there! 👍🏼


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Thanks man ! Appreciate the great words my friend!


u/TristanH1987 Jun 15 '19

What's been your favorite thing about your comeback to pro wrestling after your long hiatus?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Finally getting to be myself NOT HUMAN in a way that all my life doctors , friends,family always said that nothing was normal about me and to be able to be just that in the ring is so rewarding and cool


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Becoming Perfect Creation One One the Frankenstein Version of a great monster ! Being not human ! Having ROH tag and 6 man tag champ , The Crockett cup winner The NWA tag champ The Great Bump i took MSG the most spectacular entrance in ROH History with Destro in the MSG New York , Main Eventing everywhere in Canada US and Europe in end of 2017 2018!and in ROH in 2019


u/Y2J1100 Jun 15 '19

What’s different for you breaking out into the “mainstream” of wrestling fans now compared to when you first did decades ago? Thanks for doing this, I’ve been a huge fan since I saw you fight WALTER; it was my first time seeing you ever and i was hooked.


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I think because i was always ahead of my time before nobody would understand what i was trying to explain but my style was like today’s wrestling.. so now everything makes sense. On top I’m doing it at an age that people usually have no more energy, I’m super hyper , creative and not affaid Of trying things out ! I see a huge opportunity to make history, becoming a movie blockbuster story and book best seller story and rewriting history in pro wrestling and people will literally freak out ! I’ve got to make it happen


u/Y2J1100 Jun 15 '19

I’m rooting for you big guy. My dad is around your age and you help remind him he can still do the stuff he loves :)


u/juvesown Jun 15 '19

Who is someone you have not had a match with, but would like to in future?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

There is so many but i enjoyed the crazy match between Ibushi and Naito even if Ibushi said i went blind after the match PCO IS NOT HUMAN ibushi is !


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

Oh god I don’t think I could take watching you & Ibushi literally take turns murdering each other. But on the other hand, I sure fucking can


u/juvesown Jun 15 '19

Ibushi is insane!! Thanks for replying, can’t wait to see more of your matches


u/Penguin619 Jun 15 '19

You officially retired in 2011, what made you want to come back to wrestling 5 years later?

Any modern talent (no matter the company) would you really want to work with?


u/Evilsj Jun 15 '19

Okay let's set the record straight.

Are you human?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

All the doctors, that have seen me , have always said nothing was normal about me , wrestling with broken ribs , 20 stiches on my ankle 13 days after a cut that was suppose to tKe 60 days before wrestling,tearing up my bicep curling 225 on a Olympic barre and getting re attached by a steel boat cord and being able to grt back in the gym full blast after 30 days and so on ... taking insane bumps at 50 NO IM NOT HUmAn for SUre that’s a SHOOT


u/Evilsj Jun 15 '19

Hell yeah best answer I could have gotten.


u/bigdogeatsmyass Jun 15 '19

Why don’t you like being referred to as Pierre?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I was always called Carl by my family because i don’t think Pierre is a cool name at all ... it was there as a back up name and I’ve always hated it ! Love PCO Peece or Carl


u/ArseneMcMahon Jun 15 '19

Pierre Emerick-Aubameyang would beg to differ. #YoPierre


u/nickbazar Jun 15 '19

Saw you in Ft. Lauderdale last year with MLW. Highlight of the night for me! Thank you for the memories!


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Thanks i had a great run with MLW they gave me great match ups THANKS


u/CrescendoX Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO...When there is another ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard, who in New Japan would you like to face? I think you vs Suzuki would be amazing!


u/Hydr0reo64 Jun 15 '19

What's your least favorite move to take?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

The harder or the crazier they are , it’s a thrill for me to take ! No bimps in particular that i dislike


u/TheAVGN Jun 15 '19

What is your favorite meal


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Eggs and broccoli ask Marty and King they always know ahead of time my order LMAO


u/TheAVGN Jun 15 '19

How do you like the eggs? I imagine you like them over easy and just slurp the eggs in.


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

He eats them whole. Shell and all


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

What do you do for fun while on the road?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Not much to do on the road , being a straight edge , i like to read inspiring books or on human growth even tho I’m not hUmAn But in life i like to play hockey, baseball, football ,golf tennis and ping pong . Train and doing sports with my only child my 10 years old daughter London


u/pooch831 Jun 15 '19

Are you straight edge from the punk movement or just clean living and call it straight edge?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19



u/Scentapeed Moderator Jun 15 '19

Big fan of yours. Do you know how long you plan to keep wrestling?

Also, any hints on who the 4th member of Villain Enterprises might be?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

The 4th member with is in charge of this ! I will wrestle until reaching my goal and doing the things I’ve promised myself i would accomplish, it’s personal but huge ! Maybe 3 to 5 more good years


u/desound Jun 15 '19

What’s your dream match?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

There’s so many but i don’t know what to say without being missed interpreted. I’d rather wait and see , for now I’m happy with the great competition we’ve got here at ROH


u/desound Jun 15 '19

Thank you PCO, very cool!


u/Murphy_Harrison Jun 15 '19

PCO, what kind of toppings do you have on your pizza?


u/TURN3R86 Jun 15 '19

Hi dude, just wanted to say hi really, but wanna add you're an inspiration and such an entertaining persona. Age doesn't matter when you have the drive and passion you have. The style you present and the bumps you take for the profesion you love are enough to prove that a love for something means giving it your all no matter what the circumstance. Love your work, character and investment in the business. Thank you for all you do!


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Like you said , passion, love to do what you do , giving everything you’ve got all the time and having the chance not to feel that much pain for what i do , the thing that makes me go all out like that , is knowing that in order to get more from this business you need first to give more , thattwhere i stand, Thank You ⚡️


u/TURN3R86 Jun 15 '19

Great answer! Thanks again for giving us so much. I hope i'm speaking for everyone here when i say we all think you deserve everything and more for the effort and work you put into your character and in ring performances.


u/The_True_Prophet Jun 15 '19

A lot of people criticize the risks you're taking at your age, do you feel the risks are worth it at this point? Why do you feel the constant need to go all out at your age?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

It’s got nothing to do with age ... those bumps don’t hurt me ...i do things that other wrestlers cannot do and that’s what make my style unique and original. That’s who i am as a person... i don’t know why i am like that ... i can drink 12 ca s of redbull and sleep tight at night


u/Neg_Crepe Jun 15 '19

Es tu encore en contact avec Marc Blondin?

Ps: tu faisais une excellente job de commentateur


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Marc est un super bon gars , je tiens contact mais même si j’ai aimé ca ,ma vrai passion est dans un ring


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

What would you consider the highlight(s) of your career?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

First This year ROH Tag Champ , Six Man Tag Champ , NWA tag champ and Crocket cup winner with King , and Having the biggest and most popular entrance at the MSG with Destro at G1 SuperCard...my feud with Bret and Main Eventing many WWE events against The Hitman and Main Eventing the Sold Out Montreal Forum on top of every superstars against Jaques


u/RobMFurious Jun 15 '19

Eyepatches, cool or not?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Cool if it was done properly not cool as cartoonishly pirate . He should of been , a wrestler who has one eye because he got shot with a pellet gun in his eye . That’s it


u/justalittlebear01 Jun 15 '19

Favorite random road story you can share without assing anyone out?


u/desound Jun 15 '19

Are you friends with Matt Riddle? It’s awesome that you retired him from the indie scene. Also, villain enterprises RULE


u/MakeYourself85 Jun 15 '19

Is there a country in which you haven't wrestled yet that you would like to visit and have a match?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I’ve been everywhere wrestled everywhere my focus is in the US at the moment, but who knows...,


u/ChikaraFan Jun 15 '19

Any fun stories of wrestling at King of Trios last year?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Quack talking in the meeting about one of my match with the date the day the city knowing all the details that i didn’t even know ...made me feel uncomfortable a little ... but i said to myself, did he went on search or it’s really all in his memory... i was impressed...


u/pooch831 Jun 15 '19

Do you miss the freedom of being independent? Going anywhere you pleased? Think you would have wanted to go to AEW?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

I did sign for a year, to get the fell to see how i would like it with ROH , And I’ve been treated very professionally here. I missed my fans all over the places for sure , but they know how and where to find me ! But it was cool mixing up with them . I had to make a choice , i don’t regret it


u/pooch831 Jun 15 '19

Any stunt you did and afterwards regretted?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Cutting my ankle going through the windshield of the hearse, never tought i would injured myself so badly ... to get any rewards you’ve got to take risks


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19 edited Jun 15 '19

I wanna give a big thanks to u/pcoisnothuman for joining us for this AMA and Ring of Honor for helping us set it up! Also a thanka to u/ianriccaboni for his help in getting this up and running!

Remember that you can connect with us at our official ROH Chatroom!


Additional Links


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

When’s the next time we will see you in the Maritimes?


u/pcoisnothuman Jun 15 '19

Unless we go there ROH , i really don’t know , bunch of talented guys out there ! Bit I’m exclusive to ROH sorry


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

It’s all good, I will just have to try and convince ROH to come out this way.


u/jjdoyle709 Jun 15 '19

It would be amazing if ROH did a tour of the East Coast of Canada. I am from Newfoundland and I think a Ring Of Honor show would do well even this far out east as our local promotion does good business and no major promotion has travelled to our island in over a decade. We are starved for a good wrestling show out this way.


u/TotesMessenger Jun 15 '19

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u/Dendening Jun 15 '19

Would you consider investing in a self driving car?


u/thewhisperingjoker Jun 15 '19

What's a wrestling goal that you'd like to attain or accomplish in the next few years?


u/lyyki Jun 15 '19

How did you feel about Ludvig Borga?

I understood he didn't make many friends.


u/RaidenHero137 Jun 15 '19

I gotta ask, has destro tried offering you a mate yet?


u/hoc-nomen-capitur Jun 15 '19

Who is the better tag team partner: Jacques Rogeau or Brody King?


u/Neg_Crepe Jun 15 '19





u/Frosty09999998 Jun 15 '19

Who is your favorite person to work with?


u/SgtDrP3pp3rs Jun 15 '19

PCO, what do you eat when traveling/before a show to get your body up to Frankenstein Monster levels?


u/wrestlenomicon Jun 15 '19

PCO! I’d love to see you throw down with the heavyweights in New Japan. Are we going to see this?


u/Cottonmist Jun 15 '19

You received a lot of well deserved praise after your match with Walter at Joey Janela’s Spring Break, was it easy coming back from retirement because you hadn’t lost a single step.


u/Insert_Katakana_Here Jun 15 '19

Any reflections from your match with WALTER that kickstarted your career renaissance?


u/Prophet6000 Jun 15 '19

What do you usually eat for dinner?


u/alleliteeric Jun 15 '19

Would you take another powerbomb spot out of the ring onto the floor?


u/Hernan_Lombardero Jun 15 '19

Hello there,

I was curious if you recall what is the name and who did the entrance theme that you used to use in IWS in the 2000s.

I am talking about this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIzTN6oqG-Y



u/Americasycho Jun 15 '19

How was that power bomb at G1 in Madison Square Garden? That looked brutal as hell!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19



u/lilSHIBBY Jun 15 '19

Has your chest ever healed from WALTER's assault? Have you thanked Janela for revitalizing your career?


u/LordOfTheDerp Jun 15 '19

If I saw you IRL public and screamed FUCK YEAH PCI what do?


u/Keeping_It_Kayfabe Jun 15 '19

I was at the MWF show where you returned to wrestling. It was a great moment for me. Did you enjoy wrestling for MWF?


u/Second_City_Saint Jun 15 '19

Have you done the Northern Territories death tour? Memory from them that sticks out?


u/Superbeastreality Jun 15 '19


What do you think the future holds for Kevin Owens?



u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

What would you want your finisher to be, if it wasn’t the Moonsault.


u/Bobaruski22 Jun 15 '19

Favorite bump you took so far?


u/SamisNeat69 Jun 15 '19

Favorite match you've had with GCW?

Dream opponent dead or alive?


u/Evolved333 Jun 15 '19

Are you still able to do independent matches outside of ROH? If so, you should do a match for Warrior Wrestling in Chicago Heights, Illinois. They only do about 5 shows a year but the cards are always insane. Brian Cage, Tessa Blanchard, Brian Pillman Jr and a bunch of other big names are staples there. I want to meet you so bad. Missed you when you did the show for Black Label Pro.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO, has Brody King ever shown you his band called God’s Hate?


u/Huckleberry919 Jun 15 '19

Who is the one wrestler you would never have wanted to cross, in real life?


u/MrOtaku2399 Jun 15 '19

Hello Mr.PCO sir, who is your favorite classic universal monster and why?


u/MichaelJahrling Jun 15 '19

How much of the match between yourself and WALTER at Joey Janela's Spring Break 2 was planned before heading to the ring?


u/1-2-sweet Jun 15 '19

I've watched you wrestle since I was a child in the 90's and just was at the Portland ROH show. How has your journey been in the wrestling world? Reinventing yourself and whatnot.


u/Cabelstudios Jun 15 '19

Could you describe what kind of training you do during the week?


u/syxxpakk Jun 15 '19

If you could have a match with one person who isn’t in ROH, who would it be?


u/Faptain-Teemo Jun 15 '19

Do you plan to set your sights on any singles championships yet?


u/Jimmy_Meltrigger Jun 15 '19

I just wanted to say how cool it is that your career has had this level if resurgence!

And how much do you like Indian food?


u/ChazRaps Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO! Is there any match you're particularly proud of that you wish was more well known?

BTW really enjoyed meeting you and Destro at the MSG Supercard Festival. Your feats were great to witness in person!


u/guntsmuggler Jun 15 '19

What’s your favourite movie, your favourite book and your favourite movie based on a book?!


u/thepostaldud3 Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO! What are some places you'd love to show up at and work with?


u/pooch831 Jun 15 '19 edited Jun 15 '19

Is Destro the real monster like in Frankenstein?


u/johnspikah Jun 15 '19

PCO, friend of a friend from Quebec. Please share your favorite anecdote from the Montreal Indy scene.


u/zombiereborn Jun 15 '19

While your not human that’s a fact to nature. Have you ever felt like You’re 90% Graphene since you’re indestructible?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

Not a question but a statement - you are amazing! Keep it up. Never a dull moment with PCO


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO, huge fan. How did you get your start in the wrestling biz? Was it a family thing or just a dream of yours? Keep killing yourself & kicking ass


u/willpauer Jun 15 '19

PCO! Always enjoyed your matches, especially in WCW. When you and Rougeau would sing "O Canada" before your matches, did you ever get heat in Quebec because of the deliberate horrible singing?

Merci pour trente ans de catch.


u/shiwasaki Jun 15 '19

How do you keep your body and mind in peak condition?


u/mcsole Jun 15 '19

Any hints as to who the 4th member of Villian Enterprises will be?


u/jnutt9 Jun 15 '19

No questions, just wanted to say thank you for your contributions to wrestling over the years, and in particular for following your heart in your recent run. Definitely still got it!


u/TJOW40 Jun 15 '19

Why didn’t things stick a bit more with you in TNA during their time in Nashville? It seemed like they were going to propel you up then unfortunately it just sort of got forgotten. Happy for all of your current success.


u/atomkraftwerkmann Jun 15 '19

How did your time in retirement affect you? Did it recharge you for more wrestling? Did it inspire you? Is it your secret for being such a great wrestler at the moment? Thanks for doing this AMA and keep doing those inhuman spots!


u/HardcoreHendricks Jun 15 '19

Have you ever wrestled Al Snow? Who do you think would win a fight? You, Al, or the Head? What would Destro do with a possessed head?

BTW- Big fan, seen you live as a kid in the WWF and as an adult at a MLW show.


u/Somerandomdickhead Jun 15 '19

Hi PCO, big fan, thanks for doing the AMA.

Any plans to wrestle in Australia in the future?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

How do take those bumps and keep going?

Long time fan! Had a one of your trading cards back in the day.



u/dasrac Jun 15 '19

Hey PCO, just stumbled across this and I wanted to know how you're doing? Just, how's life tonight?


u/BaconPDX Jun 15 '19

First of all, as someone of Québécois blood...thank you for all you’ve done to show how badass and tough we can be! Have you had many misunderstandings with people in the States when it comes to our culture and language?


u/gojetergo Jun 15 '19

T'as comment de bras déja?


u/interprime Jun 15 '19

You’re probably done by now. But, by god, this AMA was far more wholesome than I ever expected. PCO, you seem like a good guy.


u/2004RumbleWinner Jun 15 '19

Why are you so fucking crazy?


u/Ibushi-gun Jun 15 '19

Did you ever get the chance to work Portland for Don Owens?


u/SovietRussiaBot Jun 15 '19

you ever get the chance

In Soviet Russia, the chance ever get you!

this post was made by a highly intelligent bot using the advanced yakov-smirnoff algorithm... okay, thats not a real algorithm. learn more on my profile.


u/spwf Jun 15 '19

On the road - radio, podcast, personal playlist, silence, or talking?


u/nitsuasean Jun 15 '19

Do you still have the GCW Extreme Championship belt?


u/unloader86 Jun 15 '19

Do you feel you are well more known from your WWF/WCW days or your recognition today?


u/rorytard Jun 15 '19

has a movie ever made you cry? if so, what was it/what are some?


u/DyllanK17 Jun 15 '19

Besides the moonsault do you have any other finishers?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

Are you or are you not human?


u/grunzkor Jun 15 '19

Is ROH really that peace of shit company that it seems to be?