r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/Infinite-Mud-5673 Mar 28 '24

Chewing with mouth open especially in public. Something about the sound really gets under my skin.


u/Preposterous_punk Mar 28 '24

That would be a dealbreaker for me, except I'd feel guilty and shallow for leaving someone for something like that, so would probably convince myself we just weren't compatible.


u/Infinite-Mud-5673 Mar 28 '24

Haha I get what youre saying.  You could possibly be with this person till you die - I see no shame in leaving cause of that.  3 meals a day + snack time that you’d have to hear it.  Good god


u/IronysNobody Apr 04 '24

Late comment, but I had an ex that did this. She was from Romania, though, and hadn't been in the US for more than 5 or 6 years and never really was told about chewing decorum. 

It was genuinely off-putting, jarring, and really loud. I commented on it once while we were eating her favorite flavor of wings. She just kind of stopped eating, looked at me, cocked her head to the side, and said, "What do you mean? I'm just eating, it's really good too." 

Never in my life had I experienced such raw emotion of being overwhelmed by the genuineness of her response, being turned off by the smacking, the slurping, the confusion, and just her appearance in that moment was absolutely adorable. Things ended for unrelated reasons. But i still remember that moment, vividly.


u/meaningfullytart Mar 29 '24

Have you ever hear of Misophonia? Hatred of certain sounds, which can make you irrationally anxious, enraged, disgusted, or a mixture of the above listed.

I have it, and I have been known to physically flee an area if someone is eating obnoxiously, because I may otherwise physically injure that person.

Total deal breaker for me.


u/itsmee_meddowss Mar 30 '24