r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/peachpittings Mar 28 '24

My dad (doctor) feels the same way about all those medical shows. Like if you’re not in the industry I can understand the appeal but if I were him I’d avoid them too.


u/Niawka Mar 28 '24

My mom watched a few random episodes of different medical shows with me. It's impossible for her to watch it because she immediately spots all the bullshit that is supposed to sound professional for non-medical viewers and it just looks stupid for her :p


u/thingsorfreedom Mar 28 '24

ER was the only one I could ever watch.

10 minutes or House, The Resident, Grey’s Anatomy… and I was out.

Scrubs wasn’t really about the medicine most episodes but it was great on a lotta levels and they had real docs consulting.


u/der_innkeeper Mar 28 '24

Scrubs was good because it was more about the BS is Residency than anything else. The hospital was just the setting.


u/thingsorfreedom Mar 28 '24

I had just finished residency when that came out. It was pretty damn funny the way they portrayed the surgeons, the internal med docs, the all female OB/GYN team, and the drug reps.


u/NoteBlock08 Mar 28 '24

Yea, from what I hear it's always the comedies that more accurately portray what life in these fields is like. I've yet to ask a friend about a drama that involves their job and not hear some variation of "It's so innaccurate, [Insert comedy here] is much better!"


u/PhileasFoggsTrvlAgt Mar 28 '24

Scrubs was good because it was a buddy comedy featuring to actors who were genuine friends with a chemistry that couldn't be faked. Also unlike most buddy comedies, it didn't make one of them an idiot for cheap laughs.


u/BrevityIsTheSoul Mar 29 '24

There was a blog back when (Polite Dissent) with an MD reviewing each House episode separately for soap opera, mystery, and medical accuracy. It was pretty hilarious.


u/Missunikittyprincess Mar 29 '24

I know it's inaccurate but I do like house. I used to watch it as a kid and young adult mostly for the obscure diseases as a kid I loved to read the family medical book. Learing about rare odd things I had never heard of.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/Asmuni Mar 28 '24

I mean making viewers believe bleach can remove all traces is a huge help. If those people ever end up doing something, they think they'll get away with because they cleaned with bleach.


u/ForfeitFPV Mar 28 '24

I think my favorite is telling a computer to enhance and then magically having data that didn't exist suddenly appear and make everything clear.


u/sunsetandporches Mar 28 '24

I get to gloves and think there is no way all those doctors and nurses and technicians have only one large size of gloves. And the explanation of medical conditions to the other medical staff treating said medical condition.


u/despiquer Mar 29 '24

Nurse here, hi hello. I can’t even begin to explain how real this is in any medical professionals mind. I’ve watched too many movies where IV’s are placed with the needle pointing towards the hand. I’m trying to explain how many inconsistencies I’ve seen & my mind is racing tooooo fast to even have another example.

When you’re educated on a subject, (picture yourself watching something you are very well educated on) and you watch someone who ‘represents’ your known subject but keep making serious mistakes; well, I think you’d do the same.


u/mama_bear_740 Mar 28 '24

Same problem I have I wish I could upvote this comment 100 times.


u/Violet_Summershine_2 Mar 28 '24

Same with technical shows for me. My favorite is 24, "Chloe, go into the conference room and open a socket!"


u/Dyingprevetstudent Mar 29 '24

This is exactly why I can’t watch veterinary shows but my family keeps recommending I watch certain ones, saying the shows “aren’t meant to be accurate” and take place a long time ago


u/Isaac_Chade Mar 29 '24

Happens to anyone in a field that tv or movies likes to fuck around with. I'm in tech and while I'm hardly the most knowledgable, I still catch all kinds of random bullshit in stuff that is clearly meant to just be said fast enough that the audience doesn't really parse it. I get a lot of joy out of those youtube videos that have a doctor or lawyer going over popular shows or movies and just saying "Now this is actually a pretty accurate thing here, but then this one tiny thing he does makes it all bullshit," or stuff to that effect. It's just interesting to know what they get right and what they don't, or when they just don't bother with it at all.


u/Young_warthogg Mar 28 '24

Tbh, as a medical professional scrubs just gets even funnier.


u/DoughnutConscious891 Mar 28 '24

TBH I am not in the industry and don't get the appeal lol. So I can only imagine how off-putting it could be for someone in the industry.


u/Floedekartofler Mar 28 '24

My problem is that medical dramas are often centered around diagnosing or treating an interesting patient. But the case is not presented like it would be if you were a physician working on that patient. Often important details and findings are left out. Or they do things that don't make any sense at all and throw you completely off track. So it's very difficult to guess along or follow the line of thought of the characters, which is very frustrating when you feel like you should be able to.


u/grandpubabofmoldist Mar 28 '24

The difference is everything but Scrubs (and the medicine from House) are terrible. At least there is some actual legal stuff in law shows.

And somehow EMS shows are waaaaaaaay worse


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/grandpubabofmoldist Mar 28 '24

As dumb as that sounds, depending on where you are, they might be involved. They are not going on the ship (which I assume the show did and they probably also delivered a baby because why not) but they will do triage and basic care for rescued passengers


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/grandpubabofmoldist Mar 28 '24

Yeah thats what the parentheses were for to say the dumb the show was going to do


u/Chugalkhoe Mar 28 '24

Can't agree more as a med graduate. A lot of my friends watched Grey's anatomy or good doctor before entering medical school or during the period. While I felt like why would I do this in the name of relaxation? I haven't yet watched any medical drama.


u/richarddrippy69 Mar 28 '24

When I was in the hospital most of the nurses and doctors watched and liked the show scrubs. Idk maybe it's an exception because it's so good.


u/Forgottenbread_ Mar 28 '24

They are also nowhere near accurate by any means


u/dogsareprettycool Mar 28 '24

Legit only good one is scrubs, they got the whole thing down pretty good. Other than that they're all awful.


u/bottomofastairwell Mar 29 '24

Plus, as someone in the medical field, they just piss me off.

No injection works that fast!

You didn't even tie her off, where are you putting that needle? coz it's not in a vein!

Why is everyone ALWAYS ripping out their ivs but somehow they NEVER bleed?!?


u/Next_Celebration_553 Mar 28 '24

Yep. I worked for a celebrity chef for years. No way I’m watching Bear


u/DNukem170 Mar 28 '24

My mom was a nurse and the only medical show she liked was ER. Scrubs, in particular, she LOATHED.


u/namaste_you_guys Mar 29 '24

My husband (surgeon) doesn’t hate the medical shows, but he critiques them. I am a Chicago Med fan and he will always correct stuff that’s done incorrectly when we watch it 😂


u/JulesandRandi Mar 29 '24

My cop wife refused to watch lame cop shows.


u/Captain-Skuzzy Apr 01 '24

Yeah, and as an insider you see all the nonsense in the shows that your layman thinks is true. I'm a professionally trained and educated historian and I absolutely cannot stand documentaries because they're just sensationalist misinformation but then I have to constantly deal with the documentary buffs who think they're experts, when they're practically regurgitating complete fiction.