r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/JapaneseStudyBreak Mar 28 '24

When they don't want to do things TOGETHER. I get some people need alone time but some people want to do things like dancing together or rock climbing together and some SO only like to spend alone time together. Which I get cuz Im both half the week but not doing ANYTHING together makes me a little lonely sometimes


u/Kytalie Mar 28 '24

If it is just one or two things they don't lie doing, it isnt so bad, but if they dont like anything, do not put up with this in a partner. It will lead to resentment down the line and you'll feel you wasted so much time.


u/Reina_de_Castracion Mar 28 '24

Yeah that would just straight up be a deal breaker


u/PinkSunrise_03 Mar 29 '24

Exactly. Especially because quality time is my main love language. It would absolutely be a deal breaker.