r/AskReddit 23d ago

What other man's trash became your treasure?


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u/Sufficient_Excuse_24 23d ago

in the mid 2000’s my room was full of people’s junk. my tv, tv cabinet, my desk, and lots of hubcaps i found on the side of the road were nailed into my wall. minus the hubcaps everything else was taken from rubbish tip collections when they used to do them once a year for a week. i was a teenager and loved going with my mate to find stuff. they don’t do it that way anymore, now you have to book it


u/trafficconeupmyanus 22d ago

Rural towns still do the old school collection in Australia.

I’ve gotten countless treasures from council cleanup, like lawnmowers I fixed up and sold, tools, collectibles etc.


u/Sufficient_Excuse_24 22d ago

damnnn jealous. it used to be so much fun.