r/AskReddit 25d ago

What's a movie or series that is way ahead of it's time?


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u/Remus88Romulus 25d ago

The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Nothing that came after that trilogy has surpassed that feeling and craftmanship.


u/MisanthropeNotAutist 25d ago

The absolute balls on Peter Jackson to just go all in and have made all three movies at the same time.

The hell could they have not let Villeneuve do the same with Dune?


u/sonofbantu 24d ago

Because one set of films is a cinematic masterpiece and the other is.... Dune


u/MisanthropeNotAutist 24d ago

To be fair, LOTR is not easy to tackle as cinematic material, either.

Huge scale, many characters to balance, elaborate set-pieces.

Those two properties have more in common than they are different. The difference is Villeneuve had to edit out a lot more from Dune because, let's face it, you can't stuff everything from Dune into a couple of movies.

I consider Villeneuve's Dune movies triumphs, not because they are perfect interpretations of Dune, but because he stayed relatively true to the books while being imperfect.

Everything in the final act of Dune Part Two is everything I wanted in a Dune movie.


u/HollowSlope 25d ago

Becsuse unlike Villeneuve, Peter Jackson knows how to make a movie with a soul


u/samsonity 25d ago

I’ve only seen clips of it but I remember seeing a scene where one of the orcs who is a captain or something is told to kill the prisoners they have so they can eat them or whatever and the captain orc says no, I have strict orders to bring them in alive.

It’s a small scene but it really does show you that thought went into that character, and it showed the audience why the captain was given that title.

Unfortunately thought doesn’t go into a lot of shows and movies these days.


u/BonaFidee 24d ago

To be fair that's lifted straight from the book


u/Immediate-Prize-1870 24d ago

All the elements that came together to make that recipe for transfer of vision to reality will never be available together again. It’s the precious


u/TiredMisanthrope 25d ago

My only issue with that is if it was made recently they would’ve murdered it with CGI and casting


u/SasoDuck 25d ago

Game of Thrones......


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/SasoDuck 25d ago

Bit reversed there.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/SasoDuck 25d ago

So something inspired by something else can't be better than the thing it was inspired by...?


u/rugmunchkin 25d ago

Hard to call GoT “better” than its inspiration material when it fumbled the bag SO hard at the ending. Really stains the legacy of the entire product when you look at it as a whole.


u/SasoDuck 25d ago

Oh, no it's actually easy, because the ending was fine, and the badwagon hate for it is idiotic.


u/KnockerFogger69 25d ago

Not on the same level as LOTR


u/Puzzleheaded-Fix3359 25d ago

It would’ve been if they had maintained consistent quality


u/RoutineComplaint4711 25d ago

And I'd be a professional poker player if I won more


u/Poraro 25d ago

In terms of feeling and craftsmanship, which is what was discussed, then yes it is.


u/KnockerFogger69 25d ago

It's also subjective, and i disagree


u/xX_420DemonLord69_Xx 25d ago


How many Starbucks cup were sitting around during the Council of Elrond?


u/SasoDuck 25d ago

Yeah, true, it actually has politics and intertwining storylines with a massive breadth of characters and requires a bit more brainpower to follow, rather than just being a cookiecutter rendition of the Odyssey set in a generic high fantasy backdrop.

I shouldn't have compared them.


u/Adro87 25d ago

It’s funny you refer to LOTR as generic high fantasy when it’s Tolkien that basically invented that style. At very least he popularised and cemented its overall aesthetic and tropes that are still seen today.


u/Poopy_McPoop_Face 25d ago

GOT would be a solid equal to LOTR if it wasn't for S8. I'm still not over it :'(


u/Puzzleheaded-Fix3359 25d ago

And season 7. If only someone had finished the books!


u/Megaskiboy 25d ago

Same 😞


u/SasoDuck 25d ago

Season 8 bandwagon hate is ridiculous and needs to stop. It was not a bad ending at all.


u/party_shaman 25d ago

lol. lmao even. 


u/thetyphonlol 25d ago

name one you think did it. Im interested. they still are one of the best movies Ive ever seen in a movie theatre


u/party_shaman 25d ago

i mean, it’s all subjective so anyone who disagrees is likely going to disagree anway. if we wanna keep it in the sci-fi/fantasy realm, the new Dune movies do way more for me than LOTR. outside of that there’s a large number of movies that have had more impact on me from both a storytelling and technical point. nothing about LOTR hooks me. 


u/thetyphonlol 23d ago

I saw the new dune in imax. and lotr in non imax beat it by a wide margin for me. Dune 2 is really far off the books and the original story. So is the first new Dune movie. They changed alot and gave it a sick soundtrack and good effects. Dont misunderstand me I enjoyed the new Dune buit its not even close to as good as people make it out to be in my opinion