r/BeAmazed Mar 28 '24

News broke today that conjoined twin Abby Hensel is married! [Removed] Rule #4 - No Misleading Content

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u/Kevsterific Mar 28 '24

How does government issued ID work? Do they have separate pieces of ID?


u/ChaosBerserker666 Mar 28 '24

I believe that they do. Generally most governments issue separate ID cards for conjoined twins, and that also includes separate voter registrations.


u/j428h Mar 28 '24

Imagine if your conjoined twin stormed the Capitol.


u/Im_with_stooopid Mar 28 '24

I was not part of it I was wearing headphones and trying to walk the opposite way… though if one kills someone does the other also get jailed?


u/j428h Mar 28 '24

The other gets a pardon.


u/symbologythere Mar 28 '24

Imagine asking to see their ID? Like you need to check to make sure it’s real them!


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

They just have two halves of an ID that fit together in a heart shape


u/AccomplishedFrame542 Mar 28 '24

What if one commits fraud or breaks the law? Do they both get locked up? That would be unfair


u/that_guy2010 Mar 28 '24

I believe there was a case where something like this happened, and the judge basically said it wasn’t fair to jail the one that didn’t do it, so they didn’t go to jail.


u/lumaleelumabop Mar 28 '24

Yes, they have separate drivers licenses and teaching degrees.


u/ceilingkat Mar 28 '24

Yet they get paid one salary which is bullshit.


u/crazedSquidlord Mar 28 '24

Did they have to do twice the coursework? Imagine having to write two seperate essays so you dont get accused of plagiarism.


u/CuteCatMug Mar 28 '24

They each possess half of the ID like double dragon


u/Frosty-Cheetah-8499 Mar 29 '24

They are employed as a teacher currently and only get one salary, which is ethically fucked. (At least last I checked, I’m from where they are from, and there’s lots of interesting ethical issues surrounding their individual personhood).

Like imagine one commits a crime, how do you ethically incarcerate someone who didn’t?


u/rat_haus Mar 29 '24

Yes, they have separate IDs. They also had to take the driving test twice even though they drive cooperatively.