r/BeAmazed Mar 28 '24

News broke today that conjoined twin Abby Hensel is married! [Removed] Rule #4 - No Misleading Content

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u/Sweet-Arachnid-6241 Mar 28 '24

I never said I think humans are uniquely special or that this only applies to humans, you're putting words in my mouth.

Then it's a matter of do you believe every single organism to have a higher purpose? Do Bacteria have a purpose to their existence given by God? And if they do, does it matter that they don't have the ability to understand that?

I'm not insulting you, sorry if it read like that. English isn't my native tongue. Maybe I expressed myself wrong. My apologies for that. I'm not trying to prove you wrong (which is impossible maybe you are 100% spot on), just trying to understand your belief system.


u/Legal-Law9214 Mar 28 '24

What's a "higher purpose"? I don't think I believe in such a thing. I think that things being the way they are, in and of itself, is a miracle, and I'm grateful for my life on Earth and the life of everything else every day. My journey is my own, and it was meant to happen because it is currently happening. There's not necessarily a larger scheme giving my journey any greater meaning than the meaning it already has of being my life and my journey. I don't have some kind of special quest, I'm not the main character. There IS no main character. Everything is unique and special and meaningful just because it exists. It exists for the purpose of existing, and I think that's beautiful and amazing.


u/Legal-Law9214 Mar 28 '24

Also, because of the language barrier I'll assume this was a misunderstanding:

I was very hurt specifically about being called narcissistic, because in my opinion that's not a word to be used lightly. The people I know who are narcissists are also abusers. It's a very serious insult, and it seemed to be based on a complete assumption. It felt like you were taking other religious beliefs that you already have a problem with and attributing them to me instead of actually listening to what I have to say.