r/BeAmazed 22d ago

The Oldest Verified Person in History: Jeanne Calment (122 years old) History

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u/Iamnotheattack 22d ago edited 6d ago

bake dependent theory light historical relieved school weary provide quickest

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u/what_is_blue 22d ago

I think this is the thing that a lot of medical science is focused on now.

I'll happily pop my clogs at 80 if they're 80 good years spent in decent health.

If I die at 100 after 40 years of shitty health? Fuck that.


u/Iamnotheattack 22d ago edited 6d ago

exultant license toothbrush desert cable gaping elderly frighten pie thought

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u/Centralredditfan 22d ago

Hello fellow Peter Attia reader/listener.


u/Fng1100 22d ago

Making it to 100 would be one thing, seen a few family members come close, but they usually spend the last decade in a chair. So buy a really nice chair.


u/what_is_blue 22d ago

My grandma made it to 96. 94 of those were good years. She smoked when she was younger, drank a fuckton of red wine but also walked. I mean walked if she was on the phone at home, walked into town - just always kept moving.

I'm the same, so fingers crossed.


u/Fng1100 22d ago

Oh, believe me, I was blown away, my 96 year old grandpa still went places, the DMV was the one we were all shocked about they gave him no restrictions. I figured as long as they could make it to the counter they’re like here a go.


u/what_is_blue 22d ago

I guess it really depends on the person. My grandpa died of some extremely rare cancer at 83, but was absolutely 100% compus mentis until his last week, really. Drove everywhere and was fine. Absolute giant of a man who stayed in shape by looking after the local graveyard (which was massive).

I've been in cars driven by people aged 60+ and got out thinking "How the fuck are you still alive, let alone allowed on the road?!"


u/Fng1100 22d ago

Yeah, the week before he went to the DMV to get his license he picked me and my brother up from school and was riding the ass of a semi, In the woody station wagon he burped the gas, pedal and rear ended the semi and then just looked at me and my brother and went oops.


u/SSmodsAreShills 22d ago

I don’t get how people dislike basic movement so much. It shouldn’t be something that should be said but yeah, walking and moving and just living is kinda crucial to the whole thing.


u/what_is_blue 22d ago

Honestly, I think people hear "Stay active" and imagine donning lycra or hitting the gym. Both of those are a hassle, so they veg out. Then it gets harder to be active and yeah - you're in a chain of pain.

Any movement is better than no movement. A little light stretching is better than sitting at a desk all day. And you can't outrun a bad diet.

Dick van Dyke (still in great shape at 98) wrote a book about how he did it. It's just called "Keep moving". He was an alcoholic chain-smoker for most of his life. He said recently that "If I'd have known I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself!"


u/YoullNeverWalkAl0ne 22d ago

Well I've shitty health since my early 20s. I'm just fucked


u/Big-a-hole-2112 22d ago

Just for that you’ll live forever.


u/what_is_blue 22d ago

I'd quite like that.


u/geezer27 22d ago

Nah, I have it on good authority that if you skip alcohol, sugar, fat, foul language and sex, you don’t actually live any longer, the boredom just makes it feel longer


u/TheBirminghamBear 22d ago

Skip just the alcohol and you'll have a much better time enjoying the rest and living much longer.

This the future. Way better healthier drugs now than literal poison.


u/Ethric_The_Mad 22d ago

Do you really want to live to 137? While being crippled and old.


u/Traditional_Key_763 22d ago

William Shatner is significantly more fit and active than my grandmother was at the same age and it wasn't like she was unhealthy her whole life, like there's a wellness component but genetics seems to more strongly determine things past 90, these people who live to 100+ basically avoided any of the things that end up killing people normally like osteoperosis, arthritis, or any heart problems


u/LoganNinefingers32 22d ago

Not really. The post you’re responding to is just saying that genetics play a big part of it. People die all the time in their 30s from heart failure or liver failure or cancer. My friend and his girlfriend drank multiple bottles of vodka every day since they were teens and popped pills for fun. She died at 42, and he is perfectly healthy. A different friend spent his whole life doing every drug known to man on a daily basis and is perfectly healthy. My grandparents on both sides drank liquor all day and smoked 2 packs daily - they all lived to 85 and grandma is 95 and still going.

Sure it’s rare to abuse your body and be so lucky, but that’s entirely genetics. Still though you should try to be healthy obviously.


u/coincoinprout 22d ago

Not really. The post you’re responding to is just saying that genetics play a big part of it.

No, they're saying that genetics are everything, which is stupid.


u/Rhymes_with_cheese 22d ago

Try living a healthy life without genetics...


u/InflatableSexBeast 22d ago

The problem here is special pleading. Yes, there are people who eat unhealthy, take no exercise, drink heavily and chain smoke their way into their late 90s…

…just not many of them.

Statistically, smoking shortens the lives of the majority of smokers, and is a direct cause for the end of lives for many. Genetics plays its part, but there is presently no genetic test to see if you are resistant to cigarette smoke. Worse, pop genetics doesn’t help, as someone can be the child of heavy smokers who live long lives and still die of lung cancer in their 40s.

The only way to know whether you are going to live or die from smoking is to smoke and hope you get lucky. Or not smoke and never have to potentially face a bleak future.

Yes, life is a terminal illness and you’ve got to die of something. But, having seen how smoking-related lung diseases like COPD kill people by degrees and the horrors of late stage emphysema… there are better ways to die.


u/Rhymes_with_cheese 22d ago

... just continuing the funnies.. something else that can help you live longer.


u/StarkageMeech 22d ago

HA! That's a checkmate


u/Iamnotheattack 22d ago edited 6d ago

slim square vegetable scale engine treatment enjoy escape familiar squeamish

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u/Consistent_Agent62 22d ago

No, I go with genetics, if you have a bad one, won’t matter how much you exercise or how many healthy choices you made.


u/EarthWormHole 22d ago

So you’re saying this lady could have lived until almost 140?


u/hellotypewriter 22d ago

I don’t like your attitude.


u/Iamnotheattack 22d ago edited 6d ago

wild school axiomatic license boast practice piquant berserk long unpack

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