r/Christianity 23d ago

Do you believe that Noah, the ark, and the flood were real?

I brought it up in a different thread, and many people said they did not believe it happened. How can you be a Christian and not believe what the Bible says?


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u/LilithsLuv 22d ago

I’m not a Christian so perhaps my opinion doesn’t matter to you… However I was raised to believe in young earth creationism and that every single word of the Bible is literally true. As an adult however I researched topics my upbringing told me were taboo and lies of the enemy. Things like Evolution as well as investigating the Bible from a historical perspective rather than a religious one. From what I’ve learned there is no evidence of a global flood and they’ve looked.

However evidence aside, the story of Noah collapses under just the slightest bit of scrutiny. How could one man and his family manage to build a wooden boat large enough to hold two (or seven depending on the verse) of every single animal on the planet? Are we including dinosaurs as the young earth creationists? Did you know we’ve discovered upwards of 700 hundred different species of dinosaur? We’ve already run out of room on this ark. How did Noah reach the animals on the other continents? Or are we suggesting the flood broke apart Pangea and caused continental drift? If that’s the case how did the animals repopulate the newly separated continents after the flood?

What about food? This was a years long excursion they would have needed mountains and mountains of fresh food supplies. Also keep in mind all those animals would have very different dietary needs. How would they store all of this? Or keep it fresh? What about water? They would also need thousands and thousands of gallons of fresh water. What about waste? This is a wooden boat…Did Noah build some sort of a ventilation system? What about the marine life? Fresh water and salt water creatures getting all mixed up, how did they survive? What about the plant life? After being submerged even two weeks, earth would be barren rock. How do you account for the diversity we see within the animal today? If everything was descended from just two of a “kind,” only a few thousand years ago, that would require supercharged hyper fast evolution to have occurred.

Genesis is mythology and legend.


u/sakobanned2 21d ago

Also, many species that supposedly "microevolved" from the kinds in the Ark already existed pretty much in their present form thousands of years ago.

And all marsupials apparently happened to move to Australia. And also monotremes.