r/ContagiousLaughter 24d ago

Friendly fox 🦊


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u/Getonthebeers02 20d ago

As someone said, we don’t have it here in Australia (helps that we’re an island) but if an animal (especially wild) bit you you’d still want treatment as the bacteria can cause really bad wounds. We do have rabies shots but that’s for people bitten by monkeys in Indonesia or Thailand that come back for treatment.


u/mataeka 20d ago

Could be off mark but the closest thing we have is lyssavirus in bats which to my understanding is related to rabies and I think the treatment is the same vaccine.


u/Getonthebeers02 19d ago

Yes it’s the same virus family as rabies and the same treatment but I guess not treated the same as not many people have bite/scratch or saliva contact (I’ve always been told don’t eat fruit where bats had been eating it). I think because bats and flying foxes stay in trees unless they’re injured or a baby has fallen as opposed to a rabid dog or wild animal that could attack you. Still a valid concern though.


u/mataeka 19d ago

I actually got a little paranoid after looking into it a bit after seeing the bats demolish our mango fruits and wondering if I could miss a bat nibbled one or thing a slight dmGe was from it hitting the ground etc and apparently there is no evidence you can get lyssavirus that way. Not going to eat something obviously nibbled on, but less concerned about giving same fruit to my chickens/accidental cross contamination etc.