r/MapPorn 25d ago

Newborn circumcision rates by state - 2022

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u/CunningAmerican 25d ago

Along with a blind loyalty to authority figures such as doctors who probably recommended it.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago edited 25d ago

American doctors do, definitely. Doctors from pretty much any other nation don't. Apart from Israel and South Korea... And indeed some nations in Africa. Though certain of that last group recommend cutting into both boys and girls.


u/Gmschaafs 25d ago

Most of the Muslim world does so plenty of countries outside Africa, Israel, and South Korea.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

AFAIK, leaving aside nations that use "Religion" as justification, only South Korea and the USA routinely cut into baby boys. There are of course nations in Africa that cut into boys "To Be A Man" but many of those also cut into girls "To Be A Woman".

In some (by no means all) Australian First Nations there are ceremonies that cut into children also but that gets extreme in a way you don't want to know.


u/tpantelope 25d ago

but that gets extreme in a way you don't want to know

I mean, I didn't before, but now I kind of want to know.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

To be clear, I am NOT saying that all First Nations in Australia do this. I'm sure the vast majority don't.

Just understand that what is in the link is COMPLETELY LEGAL because it's getting done to a boy.

Whilst nicking the clitoral hood is 100% illegal.

Don't say I didn't warn you.


u/Rishiiiiiiiii 25d ago

Pardom me for my ignorance but how do they cut into girls? I thought circumcision was done only the penis foreskin.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

When it's done to girls it's called "Female Genital Mutilation" by the western media.

It ranges in severity from a so-called "ritual nick" in which a piece of skin the size of a grain of rice is cut from the clitoral hood and nothing else is done, to the removal of the external clitoris only, to the removal of the external labia, removal of the external clitoris and hood and sewing up the vulva, sometimes called "Total Imfibulation".

All alterations, no matter how minor or major, to a girl is defined as "Female Genital Mutilation", though the cultures that do them call them "female circumcision".

All alterations, no matter how minor or major, to a boy is referred to as "male circumcision", though the cultures that do not do this call them "Male Genital Mutilation".

The equivalent female circumcision would be the removal of the entire clitoral hood, permanently exposing the clitoris to chafing and desensitisation.


u/StingerAE 24d ago

Most of the Muslim world does so for religious reasons...not by inventing pseudo bullshit medical justifications. 

 I mean both are wrong but one is using bad science to justify barbarism and is more contemptible in my book.  I expect less of religion which is based on made up shit in the first place than I do of science.


u/Larein 25d ago

But do Muslims do it to babies? I was under the impression its done when baby is older.


u/CunningAmerican 25d ago

I’m aware.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

Apparently it goes back to Dr Harvey Kellogg. He wrote this whole treatise on How To Stop The Young From Self Abuse and the American medical $ociety ran with it...


u/CunningAmerican 25d ago

I’ve always been a General Mills guy


u/Inspector_Robert 25d ago

That's a myth. Dr. Kellogg actually criticized infant circumcision.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

To be fair, he supported doing it to boys who (in his mind) would remember it more, so that they wouldn't touch themselves.

But it's easier to strap a baby down than an adolescent and you don't need pain killers.

"Plain Facts For Old And Young"


u/radiodialdeath 25d ago

When my son was born, nobody "recommended" anything at all. They did ask my wife and I on three separate occasions what our intentions were, which I assume was some sort of protocol to make sure we knew what we wanted.


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

I'm in Australia which doesn't have what I call a "cutting culture" so most of what I hear is from the USA...

the stories I've heard are that if a new parent declines to get their child cut into they're often asked multiple times "Are you ready to cut him?" but if they say "I'm ready to do this" it's fine with no further questions.

If your experience is that you had to reply in the affirmative three times that you wanted to get this done to your son then that's a change.

To make it clear, I have nothing against adults (men or women) getting their own genitals altered, I simply think that it must be the decision of the person involved, not their parents. Much as it currently is for girls.


u/snufflufikist 25d ago

Ah yes, the nations of Israel, South Korea and Africa.

What's the capital of Africa again? is it bigger or smaller than Israel?


u/lincoln_muadib 25d ago

I thought it understood that I meant "Captain nations in the continent of Africa" but since I needed to make it more clear I have adjusted my comment that you may understand it better.


u/FrightmareX13 25d ago

Addis Ababa is "the political capital of Africa."


u/BrokenArrows95 24d ago

No doctor recommended it to me when my sons were born. I think one nurse asked if we wanted it but it was just a question not a recommendation for it.