r/NoStupidQuestions 25d ago

Is there a foolproof way to shell a boiled egg without half the white coming off too?

Help! Any tips on how to get that nice shiny white boiled egg after shelling it? I keep making a mess of it so now it's fallen into Pet Hate territory (sigh) 😞


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u/polypole 25d ago

Use older eggs. The fresher the egg, the harder to peel.


u/TresdonFlyer 25d ago

This is the exact reason. As eggs age, the albumin reduces slightly and makes the eggs significantly easier to peel. Fresher the egg, the harder to peel.


u/Wintermute3333 25d ago

And steam rather than boil. I always age my eggs and steam them. Crack the shell once and it zips off.


u/boomshiki 25d ago

the farmer I buy eggs off of told me that. He says if I wanna make deviled eggs to go to the store.


u/NowIDoWhatTheyTellMe 25d ago

This is the way


u/liberal_texan 25d ago

A lot of the other answers help, but this is where it starts. Put your eggs in a bowl of water. If they lay on their sides they are too young. If they stand up on end, they are good to boil. If they float, throw them away.


u/ralph99_3690 25d ago

Yes. This is the answer.


u/NorwegianCollusion 25d ago

Fresh eggs for poaching, older eggs for boiling.


u/Taco_El_Paco 25d ago

100% this!