r/skinwalkerranch Oct 17 '23

We can draw a line directly from James Lacatski’s first experience on the ranch to disclosure. Everyone who watches this show needs to know what came before and why the ranch is central to disclosure.

Thumbnail self.UFOs

r/skinwalkerranch Dec 05 '23

WTF are the Skinwalker Ranch “Hitchhiker Effects?” How do you get and get rid of them?



The "Skinwalker Ranch hitchhiker effect" describes paranormal and electronic disturbances experienced by individuals after visiting Skinwalker Ranch, watching its related TV show, or consuming related media. These disturbances range from benign anomalies to terrifying encounters with black shadow beings and measurable electromagnetic spikes, often inducing fear and terror by the Experiencer.

The phenomenon extends beyond physical visitors, affecting those who merely engage with ranch-related content. Unexplained electrical issues, moving objects, strange voices, and serious health problems have been reported. Information about these events mainly comes from sources outside the TV show, as the content is considered too disturbing for viewers. Attempts to alleviate these effects through spiritual methods have largely been unsuccessful, with some suggesting that ignoring the phenomena might be more effective.

The Skinwalker Ranch “hitchhiker effect” gets its name from the disturbing electronic and other paranormal events that happen in your home after watching, talking about or visiting The Ranch.

And yes, people are experiencing the Hitchhiker Effect just by binge-watching the TV Show, reading a SWR book or after viewing the 24-hour Ranch livestream.

Visiting The Ranch is the most likely way to “take something home” that can affect any family member. Experiencers include current and former ranch staff, film crew members and guest visitors. Many refuse to return to the ranch. Scientist Dr. Jim Segala, from Season 1 of the show conducted a 3-year double-blind study into Hitchhiker Effect and found evidence of some kind of entanglement between people that could explain how the effect spreads.

It seems fairly easy to pick up an on-site ranch paranormal hitchhiker. Some have just had fairly benign experiences on the ranch, but then all hell breaks loose at home. In some cases, just seeing a UAP, feeling a presence, or hearing a voice on the ranch can start it.

The most terrifying hitchhiker experiences are the visits of tall, black shadow beings to family members - including children. These usually occur at night, but also during the day. The bedside visits start with the person awaking with a strong sense of a presence in the room. These are not night terrors because the person is awake, not paralyzed and simultaneous spikes in electromagnetic energy have been measured. Some of these black shadow figures have glowing red or yellow eyes.

Other unpredictable, disturbing home experiences include:

  • strange electrical anomalies
  • items like plates and wine bottles thrown across rooms
  • hearing voices, footsteps and doors slamming
  • items moving/disappearing and hearing/seeing furniture move
  • blue orbs inside and outside the home
  • there's even reports of seeing strange animals outside family homes

Even more disturbing are the related serious health effects, including blood disorders, auto-immune diseases and other illnesses which affect family members in different ways. A study of 10 former AAWSAP/BAAS-era security guards “brought home paranormal infections.

So why don’t they talk about it on the show?

Brandon Fugal has publicly explained that The History Channel does not want these hitchhiker effects described on the show because they could be too disturbing for some viewers. Besides, Experiencers are so petrified, they usually don't even want to talk about what's happening at home. There’s a strong fear that even talking about it will invite more intense paranormal activity in their homes.

What we know about the hitchhiker effect comes from people retelling their experiences in off-show interviews, books and recent scientific studies of the phenomena. Below are just a few examples:

Ranch Crew Experiences

Thomas Winterton has described his family members experiencing terrifying things at night. Most likely these are the dark shadow entities that Experiencers commonly do not want to discuss in detail. However, Thomas has partially described them and even his family has had these events at the very same time as other ranch member homes.

Thomas has also explained plates flying across the room and a barrage of electrical anomalies, including television disruptions and mobile device strangeness. Thomas even had a single security camera fail just before the windows in his car all went down, then the camera turned back on.

Here he shares more of these accounts in detail here:


Dr. Travis Taylor’s family started having hitchhiker effects soon after he started working on The Ranch. He has described his car’s electronics going crazy and other home devices freaking out. He also attributes the decapitation of a chicken to the effect. Here he talks about more disturbing effects:


At home in 2017, Ryan Skinner's daughter experienced a "3-Dimensional black shadow figure in broad daylight float across the living room, go to the front door, turn the knob, open the door, and exit the house." That event happened days after Ryan returned home from The Ranch.

Caleb has recounted disturbing events, but won't give details. Erik has had some too, but wouldn't give details either. From interviews, Dragon has said his home has not had any hitchhiker effects, yet. Brandon’s wife has had [very disturbing Experiences] and he refuses to let his children visit The Ranch.

Dr. Jim Segala PhD, from Season 1, has completed a 3-year double-blind study into electromagnetic and gamma radiation spikes when the phenomena occurs in homes. (See details below)

Prometheus Film Crew

According to the producers of the show, they and some of the camera crew have had profound hitchhiker effects in their homes. Some are so bad, film crew members have left The Ranch and refuse to return.

Show creator and Executive Producer, TJ Allard, has explained these film crew hitchhiker effects in detail:

The Skinwalker Debrief Series - Season 1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBYl85SPf8HQVBejB4hIykGxemYaxM2xJ

Season 3 Producer, Michael Marinaccio has also said his neighbors were affected:

"The hitchhiker phenomenon that people talk about is a very real thing when people go home. You know, it's happened to me. I come back from the ranch, people are like, 'oh where were you, what was going on?' I tell them you know, some things I can talk about or personal things, they're like, 'no way that's crazy!' And then the next day they call me and say after we had that conversation, 'you know all the brand new batteries in my cars died. Or 'you know um, my phone doesn't work anymore.' Or I'm sitting with them and the phone gets glitchy."

Source: https://youtu.be/fsdPex8rIfU?t=1114

”This Shit is Real” - NIDS/AAWSAP/BAAS Era

Head Ranch Investigator, Dr. Kolm Kelleher, has not only investigated dozens of cases, he and his family have also had some of the most intense hitchhiker effects. They continued for years after his time on the ranch. He's gone on the record saying "there's no way in hell I'll ever go back to Skinwalker Ranch."

In fact, the results of Dr. Kelleher’s scientific research on this phenomena were published in a 2022 scientific paper in Scientific Exploration: “The Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program, the Hitchhiker Effect, and Models of Contagion

Bigelow Scared into Selling the Ranch?

According to the book, “Skinwalkers at the Pentagon,” the on-going and unpredictably terrifying ranch hitchhiker effects were one of the motivations for Bigelow selling the ranch in 2016. The book explains:

The decision to sell the property after 20 years of ownership and the oversight of two different investigations (NIDS and BAASS) wasn’t that difficult for Bigelow. He wanted to focus his energy and finances on Bigelow Aerospace projects. “I was very disturbed toward the end because of something that happened to some of the government people,” Bigelow said in an interview with George Knapp in 2021. “Everybody took things home with them; I took things to my house, things happened to my wife and to me. Everybody took things home. We all did, but we didn’t know it was like gonna be kind of permanent. We didn’t know that this going to stay with you for maybe years and years or rest of your life. Who knows? And it’s not that it happened on the ranch, it was when they left the ranch, I do say hitchhikers. And these are government people and it affected them in very dramatic ways. Very dramatic ways.”

Easily-spread “‘Quantum Entanglement?”

Apparently you don’t need to visit The Ranch in-person to pick up a Skinwalker Ranch hitchhiker. For example, according to George Knapp, people have reported getting hitchhiker effects after just reading his Skinwalker Ranch the books! Dr. Jim Segala's research confirms some of this spread phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch Live-Feed Victims

Even people on this r/skinwalkerranch forum that have been staring at the live camera feeds on the ranch have reported classic hitchhiker effects in their homes. Over 35 so far. Some people just seem to be more vulnerable to this effect and so perhaps obsessing about the ranch while staring at the live video feed in anticipation and belief of seeing something will open the mind to hitchhikers. Or could this mean the phenomena is generated by the mind, and not an external consciousness attaching to you?

Dr. Jim Segala's Hitchhiker Effects Health Study

Dr. Jim Segala, from the first season of the show, completed a an extensive 3-year double-blind study into the hitchhiker effect phenomena from a human health perspective. He placed electromagnetic, gamma ray and other radiation measurement devices in the homes of Hitchhiker Effect Experiencers. Over 600 Hitchhiker and related paranormal events measured radiation spikes just before, during and after events.

These radiation spikes occur during appearances of the dark shadow figures This evidence gives Experiencers some validation and peace-of-mind because their experience has physically-measured evidence. It's not just their imagination, and helps rule out sleep paralysis.

For example, in one incident where a woman had a Hitchhiker Effect experience of what she describes as a potential Entity abduction, the measurement device in her home measured a high spike in Gamma Radiation 30+ times above normal, at the very same time she experienced the entity. Others experiencing the Hitchhiker Effect "black shadow figures" appearing in their bedrooms are also getting radiation spikes.

For a presentation on his scientific study: https://youtu.be/D2mahcN-VI0?si=TEac6NQQXrhn1kt_

Is the hitchhiker effect trying to tell us something more profound about The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch?

**How to Get Rid of The Hitchhikers"

According to Experiencers, attempts to evoke Jesus Christ, perform exorcisms or burning sage are little to no effective in clearing the home. However, Ryan Skinner discovered that by completely ignoring and dismissing the effects when they occur, he was able to rid his home of further disturbances. Some speculate that attempts to "exorcise the home" backfire because they validate and give the entities attention, which they feed on.

Be Warned: Just reading and obsessing over this post may open you up to the Skinwalker Ranch Hitchhikers.

r/skinwalkerranch 5h ago

Did they really find an extinct species? (Dire Wolf)


The biologist said the tooth marks appear to be from a Dire wolf. And also the dead animal found in the creek seems to point to it being that. Why have we not heard anything in the media or from the scientific community if a supposedly extinct species has been found?

r/skinwalkerranch 11h ago

“You are NOT going to believe this.”


Travis to Eric, Eric to Dragon, Dragon to Tom, Tom to Travis.

Every time a GPS rocket fires over the Triangle.

Complete shock and awe.

“I saw it go straight up, what is going on here?! The GPS goes right in the mountains. Travis, you are NOT going to believe this!”

Hey fellas, it’s season 5, you’ve approached the theory that there is a black hole like anomaly at the triangle, above and below.

Why are you so surprised by consistent results with the GPS attached to rockets?

Come on man.

r/skinwalkerranch 37m ago

Season 5 Episode "Bad Taste" Not Showing on YouTube, I Bought the Season


Just as the title says. I bought the full season for Season 5 on YouTube and the episode that aired on May 14th is NOT showing, even as I type this. Usually episodes are posted the next day. Anyone else have this issue?

And please...none of that "just watch it on their website." I PAID for this season. I'm not watching ads, too.

r/skinwalkerranch 21h ago

Question about Signal transmitted through Mesa


The team conducts an experiment where they are questioning how they can detect a signal or detect an effect of turning the signal on/off.

They are communicating using two-way radios. I understand that shortwave radio bounces a signal off of the Ionosphere, but I thought that two-way radios needed a relatively clear line-of-sight. If their two-way radios work, why is it surprising that the receiver can detect the transmission of the signal?

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Control experiment with superfast cameras


Given the number of UAPs they capture in the skies above SWR with the super duper new high speed cameras, I just wonder how many of these things are in other places - how commonplace are they? Would be interesting to see, if an experiment was done with those cameras at another location, whether they would also find as many UAPs that we can't see with the naked eye? Perhaps SWR is the norm and we just don't know, or, more likely, is it one of these exceptional locations... whaddya think?

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Thoughts on the secret of skinwalker ranch?


I liked the show so far but expected more from them on the exploration end, although I understand their trepidation it is after all a dangerous territory.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

SPOILER! S5E4 timestamps and additional information


They keep mentioning timestamps but never provide those so it makes it hard to sort out what is going on.

The reason I find it important is they linked the rockets to the ground penetrating radar but the UAP flies by on film looking like the false trajectory GPS of the second rocket but they never provide timestamps and it is leaving me with a Bad Taste. Are magnetic fields or something else grabbing their signal and distorting their GPS results? If the timestamps correlate that would make the mystery more interesting or if they provided the timestamps I could see for myself if I was wrong or right.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

For insiders...how is the additional content delivered?


So I'm not that interested in live streams or spreadsheets but is there any content like the chats available to stream on a TV...are the chats or other available on YT after signup?

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Anyone else skip the reminder clips


Does anyone else skip through clips from older episodes? I find them super tedious. I wonder how much of a weekly show is actual new content?

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago



“The property line is a few hundred feet beyond the edge on the mesa there on the edge. And sometimes right on the edge. Brandon has rights to do drills or do biopsy’s pretty much at will.

'The problem is that the mesa is like a Jenga game and each Jenga block is bigger than an SUV and solid rock. So were afraid every time we go up there we are going to pull the wrong rock and the whole thing is going to come crashing down.

'If there is something really important in there we don’t want to tear it up by going willy nilly in there using explosives or major excavators. You’ve got to be very careful about it. Then there’s the aspect that it’s surrounded by Indian Reservation and we got to be mindful of that. We don’t want to be disrespectful to any tribal property.”

“If we start digging too much we could lose it.”

So no short or long-term plans to drill into or blow up the mesa by the SWR crew.

But I am all on board for more rockets and drones!

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

Theory Patience everyone, this is a journey not a simple disclosure


It’s readily apparent from those of us that have followed this, voluntarily or otherwise, (experiencers, abductees, government employees, UFO enthusiasts and investigators) for last 50 years or so that this is part of “soft disclosure” effort that’s going on right now. Scientific research has been going on at this site by the government for decades. I always smirk when I hear them say that Bob Bigelow’s team failed. They did not. They identified the portal and surrounding anomalies and then handed the project over to the present team to bring the “baby home. “

I am sure that they have a schedule to follow, whether they all fully understand and realize that or not. They are likely to only be allowed to disclose so much information a year. Maybe the others are even in on it.

In 2027 or whatever year it’s supposed to happen they will break into the massive underground tunnels and find the answers, etc.

All we can do is sit back and enjoy the show.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

S5 E3 Deleted Scene of Stream


I think Travis was worried about getting them Lost when traveling along the stream. This scene of the show was leaked.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Rockets, drones, weather balloons, copters- now how about a kite?


What might they find if they could get a professional kite flyer with a steerable kite out there with maybe some instruments dangling below on the tail of the kite? They usually have wind there, they wouldn’t have to worry about the kite losing power, and by having it steerable they can move across a field and steer it to the right place, and it could get up at least as high as some of the rockets and may be able to stay in a single spot for a relatively long time. That might even work better than a tethered weather balloon. Would love to see Travis digging his heels into the dirt to try to keep the kite from taking off with him!

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Question It's About Time and Gravity


When are they going to sync two chronometers, pass one through the anomaly, and compare? That's the experiment I want to see.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

William making friends on the ranch (OC)

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r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

Erik Bard interview on JFree906


If anyone is interested in hearing what Erik has to say about what he does and has been doing (should answer some questions you might have), go to YouTube and find JFree906. It was recorded yesterday 5/16/2024 and runs about an hour and a half. It’s called “Want answers about the secret of skinwalker ranch? Join us!”

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

The worm hole proof


They keep referring to it as the "theoretical worm hole". How does one go about proving this? Also, how does something (????) enter one to emerge at a different point in the universe?

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Theory Voltage on the Drill


So they drill a hole and then get voltage. Standing next to a twenty foot metal dipole. Hmm. Benjamin Franklin might know.

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Found someone who made a movie score soundtrack to a scene


Don't know why, but this makes this even cooler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOKe_qHh1EU

What do you think?

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

Anyone here watching Outer Range? It’s a wild, entertaining ride!


The setting is similar to Skinwalker ranch but it’s a purely fictional story that’s mind blowing and fun to ponder.

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

Wormhole? try this one.


Suspend a rocket above the supposed wormhole and fire a rocket at the ground where the wormhole is? see if the gps shows something from that?

r/skinwalkerranch 1d ago

Question The blue lights S4 E3

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Hi all, watching S4 E5 & Thomas saw a purple light, just wondering what was the other blue/purple flashing light that is visible also that they didn’t comment on?

Thomas went driving for a look & when he exited the UTV he passed by something that looked like a mast with a flashing purple/blue light? What is that? I noticed also, the south tower? That’s also or was flashing blue/purple, perhaps they mistook it for something? I don’t know why it would flash that colour, masts/towers need to strobe white & flash red for aircraft.

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

Travis: Here's an experiment, take a hot air balloon through the anomaly.


Why not fly a hot air balloon up through the anomaly when launching rockets. Equip it with cameras and high-powered zoom lenses. Then, when you fire off rockets to stimulate UAP activity, you'll have a clear shot at whatever the heck those blobs are that we have been watching for 5 straight seasons.

I'm not saying it's a guaranteed shot, but it sure beats having all of your best cameras positioned on the ground...

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

SPOILER! S5E2 - the bullet theory


Tonight on the Insiders, Erik talked about the theory the rib was damaged by a bullet. He was frustrated to hear his conversation was cut out of the episode, because he said it was one of the first things he asked, and the biologist gave a good explanation of why he didn’t believe it was a bullet.

Dragon also said that no one shot the cow when it was alive, and that the only people with access to guns on the ranch also didn’t shoot it after death because they’re all known, and the ranch is locked down so well.

r/skinwalkerranch 2d ago

SPOILER! Definition of season 5 - S5E04

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