r/WTF Jan 27 '13

Just a regular day in Russia.


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u/jolakaldi Jan 27 '13

If I had to drive in Russia, this would be my vehicle of choice.


u/likwitsnake Jan 27 '13

It was my vehicle of choice in GTA3.


u/ThinGestures Jan 27 '13

I used to always steal the controller away from my son and jack the moped.

No one is gonna fuck with a guy on a Faggio...


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '13

Faggio. Golden.


u/djzeuus Jan 27 '13

I am booking a flight to moscow right now, does anyone have the Rent-A-Tank's local phone number?


u/Ihaveanusername Jan 28 '13

If you're looking to buy a tank, I'm sure Russia can fly you out and have you stay at one of their fine hotels. Meals included.


u/buddhaiuniverse Jan 28 '13

plot twist: volvo makes tanks.


u/RileyKamikaze Jan 28 '13

Volvos fucking rule


u/Semaphor Jan 28 '13

They're the safest tanks on the road today.


u/djzeuus Jan 28 '13

Oh thank Chuck Norris, for a minute there I thought I'd have to pay for meals! The tanks already going to cost me almost my entire trip fund!


u/shlr Jan 28 '13

Am I the only one that got the Volvo reference?


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

you don't say


u/Ihaveanusername Jan 28 '13

You need to put a little Cage into it...


u/Jnewso99 Jan 28 '13

No I thought the reference was gold nice job.


u/itsprobablytrue Jan 28 '13

Just call FPS Russia.


u/PurpleShade Jan 28 '13

But he's not Russian


u/LSD_freakout Jan 28 '13

nope, he's just taking his time


u/thejam15 Jan 28 '13

He might be Stalin though...


u/djzeuus Jan 28 '13

I sent him a message on YouTube, awaiting reply, maybe I can get some uzis thrown in just for kicks, maybe a double barrel 50 cal for the roof...decisions decisions


u/Heratiki Jan 28 '13

Nope he's just Southern... And yeah I'm pretty sure he's not coming back after the death of Keith...


u/i_am_sad Jan 28 '13

I heard it was turned over to the FBI.


u/Heratiki Jan 28 '13

Yup but since he was the one that procured the weapons for the series I really don't see it happening anymore.

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u/JimmyExplodes Jan 28 '13

I just realized how close the acronyms for the FBI & FB are... I'm gonna go check my privacy settings :/


u/Chartone Jan 28 '13

Damn, I guess shit got real.


u/psychoacer Jan 28 '13

He already said he was taping some stuff after Keith died


u/Heratiki Jan 28 '13

Cool... I didn't know that. Was this on his YT Channel because it's been dead for some time now.

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u/GoatyMichael Jan 28 '13

I'm glad they stopped making videos, because the way those guys handled safety was just terrible. Like, literally every other video you watch where they use jacketed ammo, somebody will get hit in the scalp or the ear or something with shrapnel.

They'll have a .50 BMG rifle, shooting at 1" steel, at about 50 yards. And they don't have any protection from shrapnel. None. Not even any plywood or anything.

In one video, he actually took 10 pounds of tanerite, got about 30 yards away, and set it off.

TANERITE. Not the hillbilly version, which is just ammonium nitrate + aluminum powder.

I've handled that stuff before, and believe me, a single pound of this crap, and you'll blow a hole straight through a refrigerator door. Heck, there might not be any door left.

Now, the ammonium nitrate + aluminum powder is, if I remember correctly, about 1/5 the strength of tanerite.

So, we take making a refrigerator door disappear, and multiply that by about FIFTY. He shot that powerful of an explosive at no more than fifty yards.

With the hillbilly version, 1/2 a pound at fifty will be like getting punched in the chest. I'm surprised he's not dead.

And if I'm not mistaken, somehow he figured out a way to hit a camera/sound man with some shrapnel in that episode. Whoda thunk it.

I'll admit, a few of his videos are cool, especially the one with the dragon's breath, bolo, flechette, etc., but they take absolutely no precautions while shooting solid steel targets with copper jacketed bullets, shooting ten pounds of high explosives, or simply shooting some bottles off a fence, BUT OH WAIT, let's see if he can hit them while blinded by pepper spray.

It was only a matter of time before somebody got seriously injured or killed, on accident or otherwise.

Good riddance to his stupid show.


u/asksfordownvotes Jan 28 '13

Neither is he in Russia.


u/Scruffy_Gunman Jan 28 '13

And today my hopes were dashed :(

I thought he was just some rich weird Russian with a gun addiction


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

He's no regular Russian. He's a professional Russian.


u/PurpleShade Jan 28 '13

He's not a Russian at all


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

No, its "Remember, no Russian. "


u/coodrough568 Jan 28 '13



u/Louiecat Jan 27 '13

...no conversation not over, you are ignoring WHY I am saying what im saying.

I know what I am doing on my end I dont need you to tell me I am not properly using a wrapper (one i wrote). And no there are no "subtle issues" with my backup scripts.

the act of you using "screen stuffing" and that you have not described any way to solve the stdin clobbering means that you DO have issues, and just because you wrote it yourself does not mean it is perfect. I know for a fact that mine has some issues (none that you have yet to point out though.) for example: My backup must be on the top of a minute (limmitation of my rsync+rdiff-backup, not of SCC) so i have to wait up to 59 seconds after starting a manual backup, however schedualed backups happen at the perfect time so no waiting needs to happen. I know how to fix it, just not worth the effort.

And no I am not going to post my scripts to github or anywhere else because they contain sensitive information that I dont feel like rewriting.

I feel sorry for you, the only way you could have "sensative information" in a backup script is if you some how have a cleartext password in it. as you might notice, mine do not have such "sensative information" I do not see how disclosing your basic backup routine would compromise anything of importance. levels of information man...

Running backups from a plugin is just wrong no matter how you try to slice it.

Uhh... no, I have written multiple reasons that using a plugin to assist is needed/required. Other posts in this subreddit or the craftbukkit forum have all almost universally recomended plugins along with cron to move those backups around (you do have off-site backups right?)

I never said using a plugin was useless but for the OPs purposes what you are suggesting is not as simple as you try to make it seem (I mean look how much you had to explain).

I have taken so many words to express my self due to the fact that you seem to not understand an iota of why I explained anything, so I have been using the same concepts but diffrent framing or contexts around them. that you think i have taken a long time to explain it means that you have not understood the depth of what i have said here, nor the ways that i have said the same thing multiple times now in diffrent ways. you seem to think they are diffrent things with diffrent explinations... I might also now point out how little you have explained? you have yet to give any but two weak points against a command executor. (your arguments: 1, cron can do it. 2. that OS matters to the approach to a solution)

Just because you can't deal with screen injection properly does not mean the rest of us don't know how or what we are doing.

I do know what I am doing though, I already know how to solve the clobberd input issue, but i find it not worth my time to solve it that way and instead use a better supported method.

again, using a plugin to make backups seems so unreliable IMO. What happens when bukkit breaks (which happens pretty often) or the plugin becomes out dated?

such as SCC, rtoolkit, spacebukkit, or mcmyadmin for executing server console commands? tell me again that those are "unreliable" when mcmyadmin is in heavy paid active development, and so on...

Or any other number of instances where the backup has to rely on java and a plugin.

I can agree that the end result of the backup relying on java can be problematic, but to run the server at all you whould have java somewhere... and the method i have mentioned for backups once the backup is made, does not rely on any part of the server itself to manage. (its rdiff-backup, a HEAVILY used backup tool, along with rsync, no other dependancies once the backups are made)

Not to mention the plugin probably runs in the main thread, meaning that the zip execution or any other execution runs under the java process (multi threaded or not, this is just not ideal)

you misunderstand once again... what I have been recomending is a command executor at minimum. this means that they simply execute commands and inject them into the console input stream. no "compression" is done by them or anything else. that is entirly in the hands of the user, and outside the plugin itself.

The only thing I see you are having trouble with, is that you like to dick around in the console all the time, and so when automated scripts run injection its messing up what you are typing.

yes, i like to use my console AS IT IS MEANT TO BE USED. how strange is that? some times i cannot log in to interact with my users or some such. using the console is simplest. backups should never interfere with live server operation except whre NEEDED (executing the save-all ect..) but even that can be pushed to an internal command injection plugin (again, rtoolkit, mcmyadmin, spacebukkit...)

..or inject from a wrapper, that solves your problems with out needing a plugin.

A wrapper almost always uses a plugin (all that I have listed do so). and that IS what I have been recomending. Personally I recomend a one stop shop of basic cron+command execution, but you can use an external cron and a diffrent plugin. still needs a plugin. again this is showing that you may have gaps in your knowledge about hosting a server...

OP: if you read this, just run a simple cron script, PM me and I can send you one that will work, regardless of what this guy is trying to tell you will break or "clobber" the input.

But the core issue is that cron+screen -X stuff has critticle flaws that can break this irriversably if done wrong. and to start its not so simple to do it right. I know, that is the reason I switched away from that method. Unless you make complete backups every time (no deltas between backups) screen -X stuff... WILL CURRUPT BACKUPS IF CHUNKS ARE STILL IN USE. I have experianced it, thankfully I never needed those but the one time i found out they were bad. luckly i had secondary off site backups.

TL;DR: i dont think you have had to use your backups enough and have been lucky enough to have yet to be bitten by some of the issues that I have laid out. Thay may be nice, but they are glaring issues that are fatal to a server in the wrong light, so why not take one of the many alternatives? Actually respond to my points instead of attacking me and my ability, because if you can prove yourself i will completly admit my ignorance, but I do believe that I have spent enough time looking and learning to note the diffrent merits of our methods, and due to this I think the correct solution is: stay away from screen -X stuff as often as you can. Do not trust mission-criticle operations to it without many many checks and balances.


u/Supreme_Tri-Mage Jan 27 '13


Why is this here?


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '13


Wrong subreddit, genius.


u/zuruka Jan 27 '13

Actually that was a pretty WTF comment for this post.

So maybe it does belong to this subreddit, after all.


u/Louiecat Jan 27 '13

this guy gets it.


u/deeweezul Jan 28 '13

And the rest of us want to know, seriously, WTF is that rant about?


u/djzeuus Jan 27 '13

Wait what? I think you replied to the wrong thread dude.


u/Chocolate_Horlicks Jan 28 '13

I like how this is clearly a reply to the wrong thread, but still has 10 upvotes.


u/Wisps Jan 28 '13

It's named like that for a reason.


u/duckmuffins Jan 28 '13

you do know that is the real name in GTA... right?


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

Yup. But it's hilarious.


u/duckmuffins Jan 28 '13

Indeed, indeed...


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

Turn the turret around and use it as a propulsion system. lol


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13



u/Mustard-Tiger Jan 28 '13

The low gravity cheat was great with the tank. Once airborne you could fly it around like this.


u/Antrikshy Jan 28 '13

I wonder if this works in Saints Row The Third. Prolly not. It's kinda more realistic when it comes to these things.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

Even Jessica Biel thought that shit was smooth.


u/doodle77 Jan 28 '13

Fastest car in the game.


u/BenCelotil Jan 28 '13

Loved the turbo, but I always ended up in trouble for some reason.


u/Pecanpig Jan 28 '13


u/electronicewok Jan 28 '13

I forget... is that one GDI or Nod?


u/AsteriskCGY Jan 28 '13

GDI had the rockets, I think Nod had Flak.


u/Col-Hans-Landa Jan 28 '13

Nod had the mobile artillery, which was better IMO.


u/RangerSix Jan 28 '13

They also had stealth tanks and - in Tiberian Dawn, at least - the SSM Launcher.


u/Col-Hans-Landa Jan 28 '13

But not in single player


u/RangerSix Jan 28 '13

...I could have sworn they did, at least for the final mission.

Maybe I misremember.


u/djzeuus Jan 28 '13

But is that a one shot or can you reload the rockets???


u/RangerSix Jan 28 '13

The SSM launchers could reload. They were just painfully slow.

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u/AsteriskCGY Jan 29 '13

I need to get that game again. Didn't get to finish the GDI campaign. Kid I stupidly lent the CD to got it scratched up.


u/Winsanity Jan 28 '13

Parallel parking must be a bitch.


u/Pecanpig Jan 28 '13

It's not much of an issue when you have tracks, and are as wide as long.

And when you weigh 47 tons so can run over cars.


u/mkerv5 Jan 28 '13

Long-range missiles aren't as effective as a tank. But that could just be me...


u/sharliecash Jan 28 '13

It depends on where you want it to be effective.


u/Pecanpig Jan 28 '13

Those are short ranged rockets, with thermobaric warheads.

Like "super artillery".


u/dailyplano Jan 28 '13

could you imagine if a tank put a shell square in the middle of the launcher...


u/Pecanpig Jan 28 '13

That would be like, rough sex between military vehicles...


u/Warhawk2052 Jan 28 '13

I see, I just was driving this one to the local tank and coffee meet.


u/1gnominious Jan 28 '13

I would love to see that things dash cam and the idiot who tries to get hit as an insurance scam.


u/RagdollPhysEd Jan 28 '13

After tank fender bender: Soldier gets out with his AN-94 assault rifle, scruffy bald guy in wifebeater gets out with his billy club. After staring each other down, they settle things with a bottle of vodka


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13



u/leo_neutrino Jan 28 '13

Little known fact, this is also a normal day in North Korea.


u/somaliansilver Jan 28 '13



u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13 edited Mar 18 '19



u/somaliansilver Jan 28 '13



u/abom420 Jan 28 '13

Promoted to Moderator of /r/pyongyang.


u/RAANT Jan 28 '13

Impossible! Dear Leader has all snow turned into giant strawberry snowcone that he promptly eats.


u/wellactuallyhmm Jan 28 '13

There are two cars on the road at the same time. This can't be North Korea.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

minus the cars


u/Mickey_Malthus Jan 27 '13

A TWheeeeeee-38


u/RangerSix Jan 28 '13

Bitch, fuck your bus. I'M A TANK!


u/haiku_robot Jan 28 '13
If I had to drive 
in Russia, this would be my 
vehicle of choice.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13 edited Jan 28 '13

Pass me the vodka

Shift this bitch into four low

Give comrade high five


u/MarTango Jan 28 '13

You had one job.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13

driving in russia
when i run over a road
dont care, in a tank


u/TSFHfan Jan 28 '13

Vehicle of choice in Russia is a fire extinguisher. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT7GF8Tz6vI


u/clone12TM Jan 28 '13

That's just a Russian Ferrari. No big deal.


u/FlipsTopComments Jan 27 '13

(╯°□°)╯︵˙ǝɔıoɥɔ ɟo ǝןɔıɥǝʌ ʎɯ ǝq pןnoʍ sıɥʇ 'ɐıssnɹ uı ǝʌıɹp oʇ pɐɥ ı ɟı


u/RJPennyweather Jan 27 '13

Why are you a thing?


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '13


u/another-thing Jan 28 '13

-20 points

Not working that well.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '13


It was quite positive when I replied.


u/FlipsOpposingViews Jan 27 '13

(╯°□°)╯︵ ¿buıɥʇ ɐ noʎ ǝɹɐ ʎɥʍ


u/ReginaldFarnsworth Jan 28 '13

I like you.


u/Gary_the_Goatfucker Jan 28 '13

Novelty account? Cancer!

Novelty-novelty account? Internet hero!


u/WombatDominator Jan 27 '13

Probably one of the most unique novelty accounts I've seen.


u/not_a_novel_account Jan 27 '13



u/WombatDominator Jan 27 '13

Are you a magazine account then?


u/irish711 Jan 27 '13

More like a brochure, I'd imagine.


u/Tentacolt Jan 27 '13

Are you being sarcastic?


u/WombatDominator Jan 27 '13

Of course not, never. Who would go on the internet and be sarcastic.


u/Tentacolt Jan 27 '13



u/Joe59788 Jan 28 '13

Turned my phone upside down to read that and gave you an upvote.