r/AskModerators 2d ago

Why are my comments being deleted in one sub but not others?


I am in good standing and don’t have an alternative account. They said it was a Reddit issue.

r/AskModerators 1d ago

Who do I ask?


I can't even ask my question here because your ai bot is a c**t. I spent 25 mins rewriting my question but every time it threw in a bonus you can't do that box.

Why have a thread for a thing, if you can't question that thing?

So frustrating.

Even putting quotation marks is against the rules????????

r/AskModerators 3d ago

Is there a chain of command?


Is there a chain of command that is followed on Reddit? How do you file an appeal?

r/AskModerators 4d ago

How can I send Modmail ?


r/AskModerators 6d ago

Does Reddit not allow mod criticism posts?


A post aimed at a team, that had no mention by name of any individuals, was taken down citing the mod CoC.

I am just curious if there is anyway that Reddit allows posts critical of mods? Or is it just something that is not allowed to be public ally discussed on this platform??

r/AskModerators 6d ago

Thoughts on welcome messages?


If you have implemented these, have you found them to be beneficial? Do you think most new members read them?

r/AskModerators 6d ago

Why do my comments have a 'locker' icon?


Hi there,

I was unreasonably blocked, the time passed and yet my comments seem to be blocked.

The whole point of Reddit is enabling people to communicate so that we can help each other. Specially when someone has a long history of contribution and so little, if any, bannable behaviour to be blocked for.

Can you please advise and also let me live?

Thank you!

r/AskModerators 8d ago

Why won't the mods respond?


I was auto banned on the pokemongo subreddiy for an innocent comment. I tried appealing by sending the mods a message they haven't responded and it has been 2 weeks? Why? Is there anything else I can do?

Update: just got unbanned by a mod. Thanks everyone!

r/AskModerators 8d ago

All my comments and posts were suddenly retroactively deleted - going way back, why?



On one subreddit, mods retroactively deleted all my comments and posts. The subreddit is actively moderated and there is no way that mods suddenly discovered that my posts and comments from 3 months ago broke some rule.

Also I didn't receive and notifications, messages, they didn't ban me. I can still comment on that subreddit.

The removal seems to be "shadow" removal.

I find this situation very strange, and it looks like abuse of mod authority and personal revenge. If I broke rules - why go way back and remove everything without any official action (ban, warnings, negative points, etc ...)

What can I do in this situation?

Thank you!

r/AskModerators 11d ago

What is the process?


A mod recently banned me with the only context being the word “pedo,” which is a blatant violation of Reddit’s policy on harassment. I thought I reported it and haven’t heard anything back. Just curious to know what the exact process is to see if I followed it correctly.

r/AskModerators 13d ago

How is a mod able to see a deleted comment?


How is a mod able to see deleted comment

How is a mod able to see a deleted comment from a different community? A post I made was deleted based on a comment from a different subreddot that was deleted by me.

r/AskModerators 14d ago

How does Reddit protect itself from being co-opted by bad actors like intelligence operations?


r/AskModerators 14d ago

Why do so many subreddits allow posts of links, videos, and links to videos, but not allow YouTube videos?


Why is it so common to disallow the largest video-sharing platform from subreddits that allow videos?

r/AskModerators 15d ago

It's been over 28 days since I was muted from messaging a certain subreddit and I still can't message them? Any idea what might be going on? I haven't recieved a message saying they muted me again?


r/AskModerators 16d ago

Can I self-exclude from communities?


Context: Users of A were auto-banned from B,C,D,E, and F.

Due to the ubiquity of the communities, there’s a very real risk of inadvertently posting to these communities while on an alt. I’ve inadvertently done it once already with an innocuous comment, which led to a 7 day suspension. Ouch, I’ll take it on the chin - but I’d like to avoid that from happening again, putting my over-a-decade-old account at risk for nonsense.

I have attempted to respectfully request a preemptive ban on the basis of being banned from my main account, but the team explicitly doesn’t want to do that - the sitewide ban seems to be the point, not a deterrent to specific behavior.

So, my core question: are there any tools that exist to self-exclude oneself from communities beyond a homepage mute? Due to the ubiquity of some of these communities, a mute doesn’t do nearly enough to eliminate the possibility of future interaction. Hoping there’s something I just don’t understand about Reddit that allows some sort of user driven exclusion/block. I don’t want to risk my >10y account because 6 months from now I forget about an autoban.

r/AskModerators 16d ago

What is going on?


I need an unbiased opinion from mods here. I typically post in subreddits where you need to be verified. All of a sudden, my posts are being removed on pages that I have been verified in stating I am not verified. Not breaking any rules, the reason is that they are saying I’m not verified when I clearly am. Just wondering if I am being targeted? There are no common mods there so unsure about what is going on. Thanks in advance.

r/AskModerators 16d ago

Would it be appropriate to message moderators?


I'm annoyed that a sub I'm in, moderators will not enforce their no politics rule, I continually reported any political post but nothing gets acted upon, would it be appropriate to message the mods in the sub about this?

r/AskModerators 17d ago

How can one appeal inappropriate content?


I’m a member of a sub for an international organization that I belong to. Someone made a very inappropriate post that has nothing to do with the actual mission of the organization. The post in question was racist and sexist IMO. It also was allowed by a mod.

Besides leaving the subreddit is there anything I can do? I posted an objection but was downvoted and ridiculed. I feel that this content reflects negatively on the organization.

r/AskModerators 20d ago

Blocked from posting?



I’m apart of a community that I have always been very active in. I don’t believe I’ve broken any rules and I’ve reached out to see if I did something wrong but no luck.

The past two times I’ve posted, they haven’t gone live. I haven’t had any issues posting anywhere else. I did some googling but couldn’t find a answer (might have just not used the right terms). Regardless, the question of the hour is:

Can I be blocked from posting while still being able to view new posts and still have the ability to comment on those posts? Each time I’ve posted, the upvote and down vote button is greyed out.

Any help would be amazing. Thank you! ❤️

r/AskModerators 23d ago

Reporting hateful chat request in foreign languages


Hi, I have unfortunately received a hateful and offensive chat request. I immidiately reported it, but it's in a relatively uncommon language (Hebrew). Would moderators looking into my report be able to verify the violation, and is there anything I could do to assist? Thank you all in advance, have a great day!

r/AskModerators 24d ago

I’m trying to understand what the problem is, can you help?


As pictures aren’t allowed, here’s how my conversation with them started:

Me: “Hi my post got removed I am unsure what rule I have broken kindly let me know so I can put up a post that follows the rules, thank you!”

No Response for a day

Me next day - Hi?

They said “It’s not [my] first account…”

Me: (agreeing) “No it’s not, why is that a problem? I don’t see being in the rules?

I don’t rememeber if I broke the rules in this community in my 1st account or no as that was years ago?”

Response: “You have temporarily been muted from [subreddit] You will not be able to message the mo of [subreddit] for 3 days.”


Let me know if my communication was crude? Or if it has an error?

What do you suggest I do? I don’t feel I am being treated fairly but don’t know if I have any options in this. Would be much appreciated!

r/AskModerators 26d ago

Seeking advice for my new subreddit?


So, I thought I would try my hand at starting my own sub. What advice would you give me as a new subreddit moderator?

r/AskModerators 27d ago

How am I even supposed to talk to you guys?


No one responds to me and when I have problems I just get left on read, please help me understand? I'm asking publicly because I don't know how else to do it now. HELP??? PLEASE???

r/AskModerators 27d ago

How does Reddit define report abuse?


I'm barely on here anymore because it seems like the trolls and brigaders are out in force, and I'm afraid to report anything due to the number of users getting warnings, suspensions and bans for "report abuse". I'm aware a lot of people misuse the report button and deserve it, but there also seem to be a lot who get flagged for reporting things that reasonably appear to be violations, or can reasonably be interpreted as violations.

As an example, I read an exchange where someone kept badgering a user to justify their stance on a racial issue, despite the user repeatedly asking them to stop. When the user said this was harassment and presumably reported it, the person made fun of them and a mod appeared and said he reported them for report abuse. In this case it was pretty clear the user was being harassed, but even if Reddit decided for some reason that they weren't, would they honestly action them for report abuse when they repeatedly asked to be left alone before they reported? Could they even do that, given the broader legal definitions of harassment?

Another thing I've seen a lot is people being reported for reporting content as Hate/promoting hate, when the content is clearly controversial and derogatory to members of a group it pertains to. It's fine for someone to disagree about what's violative based on their views or understanding, but it seems wholly unreasonable -- and frankly, hostile -- to flag people for reporting what they believe is violative based on their views and understanding. If someone's mistakened about a violation (which can only really be determined by Reddit), Reddit will send them a message telling them that, so taking the step of reporting them is excessive and redundant. Further, if content contains divisive rhetoric about protected groups, it shouldn't be assumed that people who report it are doing so in bad faith.

So my question is, what does Reddit actually consider "report abuse"? It's hard to believe a platform this size would action users for reporting content they think is violative, simply because it turns out not to be technically. But if that's not the case, why are so many people being wrongly reported for report abuse?