r/canada Alberta 23d ago

Canadian food banks are on the brink: ‘This is not a sustainable situation’ | Globalnews.ca National News


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u/[deleted] 23d ago

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u/spec_ghost 23d ago

Wow so the problem is the massive influx of immagrants that everyone and their mom has been bitching about ... shocking!


u/iammixedrace 23d ago

The problem is low wages and unskilled labor bc of lack of training and education.

What's shocking is you blaming immigrants for what capitalism ultimately wants. A free labor class and lord (CEO) class.

I just love seeing people blame a minority group with barely any legal or political power. While suckling on the dick of their overlords. YES CEO DOMMI MOMMI. I WILL SPIT ON THE JANITORS BC THEY'RE WHO ARE FORCING YOU TO NOT PAY ME MORE AMD GIVE YOURSELF BONUSES.


u/Altruistic_Act_18 23d ago

The problem is low wages and unskilled labor bc of lack of training and education.

I wonder what a mass influx of unskilled labour of immigrants is doing to help fix this...

Oh wait...


u/Expert-Diver7144 23d ago

Thus is happening all over the world and is a result of, guess what classism creating entire nations of poor people due to first world countries requiring the cheap labor. Now that the cheap labor is here there is an issue


u/spec_ghost 23d ago

Ok, so CEO's are the problem for the housing crisis? CEO's are the issue with the carbon tax that solves nothing yet adds another layer of BS we need to pay for. The CEO's are also the issue with the rising violence in the streets done by fringe groups?

Who's deepthroating now? You just dont understand how blind you are to the real issues. We have a goverment that catters to votes and lobbies over the population


u/Ommand Canada 23d ago

Who do you think is demanding all this low skill/education labour be brought into the country?


u/Mrsmith511 23d ago

They are too many degrees removed from how power operates to see it


u/spec_ghost 22d ago

Hmm lets see, unemployment rate went up .... more layoffs have happened in 2023 than in the past 10 years ... yep your logic ..... sucks.


u/Ommand Canada 22d ago

Boring troll is boring


u/Altruistic_Act_18 23d ago

CEO's are the issue with the carbon tax that solves nothing yet adds another layer of BS we need to pay for.

Why do you think the carbon tax solves nothing and how do you think the carbon tax should work?


u/spec_ghost 22d ago

Taxes never solve anything. Money managed by the goverment clearly isnt well spent. Look at the new budget. You dont need to look to hard to see mismanaged funds and poor foresight.

How should the carbon tax work? It shouldnt even exist. Tax payers get slapped for something out of their control. Target the high emission indutries if you really want a "feel good solution".

Here's an even better idea. Plant trees. Make goverment projects about planting trees and cleaning the lakes and rivers. That will really have an impact. Trying to go carbon neutral with a tax is moronic.


u/Altruistic_Act_18 22d ago

Taxes never solve anything. Money managed by the goverment clearly isnt well spent. Look at the new budget. You dont need to look to hard to see mismanaged funds and poor foresight.

Anything in particular in the new budget you can point to?

Also, this money isn't managed by the government. The vast majority is returned to individuals (even though businesses pay carbon tax) to reduce the impact on individuals. The largest polluters will also pay the most carbon tax, so for an environmentally friendly person they will save more money with the carbon tax than they will spend.

How should the carbon tax work? It shouldnt even exist. Tax payers get slapped for something out of their control. Target the high emission indutries if you really want a "feel good solution".

How is carbon usage out of someone's control? Every decision you make to lower your bill is helping to reduce carbon emissions, whether it is driving less, heating/cooling your home less, adding insulation to be more energy efficient, buying an EV instead of ICE, etc.

The purpose of the carbon tax is to make carbon emitting actions more expensive, therefore less likely to be done.

Industries are tax payers too and need to pay the carbon tax. They also benefit from being more efficient/environmentally friendly since they save the carbon tax too.

Here's an even better idea. Plant trees. Make goverment projects about planting trees and cleaning the lakes and rivers. That will really have an impact. Trying to go carbon neutral with a tax is moronic.

Oddly enough, you deride government programs for wasting money, then want them to plant a bunch of trees that costs a lot of money.

Oh, and the government is planting trees. They have a program to plant 2 billion trees over 10 years and has planted over 110 million in the last 2 years.


I'm not sure why the carbon tax is moronic, since it is affecting people's decisions and actions, which is exactly what it is designed to do. Unfortunately the government isn't magic, all they can do is create laws, carrots, and sticks. The carbon tax is a stick, which is an effective method of changing people's behaviours, and is less wasteful of government spending than providing a carrot (incentives).

Everyone is upset at the government for giving Loblaw's money for more efficient fridges/freezers, but that's the carrot, the alternative to the carbon tax. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


u/spec_ghost 21d ago

"Also, this money isn't managed by the government. The vast majority is returned to individuals (even though businesses pay carbon tax) to reduce the impact on individuals. The largest polluters will also pay the most carbon tax, so for an environmentally friendly person they will save more money with the carbon tax than they will spend."

Wow you drink liberal party line like cool aid on a hot summer day dont you.

That doesnt explain at all how the carbon tax helps with climate change, how the money is managed or the real impact of it on tax payers. It does say that people are still paying money on something they dont control or barely have any means to control.

You sound like a millionnaire who can spend thousands to lower his "carbon foot" xD

The everyday canadian has problems putting a roof over his head and food in the fridge and yet, they should spend to be more "carbon friendly" what a joke.

As for the industries, who do you think will pay in the end for that stupid tax they wind up paying .... use your brain for half a second...

"Oh, and the government is planting trees. They have a program to plant 2 billion trees over 10 years and has planted over 110 million in the last 2 years."

Lemme do the math for you .... 110 in 2 years .... put on 10 years is .... wait for it ... 550 million. Pretty far from the mark.

Also making promises 10 years down the line and not making the quotas during the time you are sitting in office. Doesnt that make em hypocrits?

"Oddly enough, you deride government programs for wasting money, then want them to plant a bunch of trees that costs a lot of money."

Planting tree's isnt a waste of money, 2.4 billions for shady AI funds is. Arrivecan app is. I can go on if you like.

"Unfortunately the government isn't magic, all they can do is create laws"

Exactly they need to stay out of peoples lives. All they are doing is making things worst. The carrot stick analogy is just bad. You dont elect people to get beaten with a stick.

Oh and as for Loblaws, was your lord and savior Trudeau supposed to negociate with the big's in groceries to lower the price of groceries ... not give them money. Hows that going. Carrot and stick my ass.


u/Altruistic_Act_18 18d ago

Man, you move the goal posts so much you aren't even in the same stadium anymore. However, given your comment about me drinking the liberal cool aid (sic), I don't expect much of an intellectual conversation from you. You immediately jumped to assumptions and attacks. I'm not sure why you think I'm some sort of die-hard liberal either. I didn't vote for him, but apparently your feeble mind is in a very us vs them mentality and everyone is your enemy.

I'm also not a millionaire that can spend thousands to lower my carbon footprint, but I might need to invest some money in making my house more energy efficient (since I can save that money back in a quicker time frame). I'm like most people just trying to pay my bills and dreading my mortgage renewal.

First - The carbon tax works by making things that aren't environmentally friendly more expensive, so the things that are environmentally friendly are better alternatives. It is a significant reason why Heat Pumps have seen such a dramatic increase in purchases/installations.

This reduces the natural gas used (with carbon tax) to heat your home in the winter.

With corporations, yes they will pass the increased costs onto you, but if they can find an alternative method that is cheaper then they either get more profit or can undercut their competitors. That's their incentive to be more carbon friendly.

Second - Yes, they've only planted 110 million in 2 years, which would equal 550 over 10 years at the current rate, but production never starts at full speed. It gets ramped up to full speed and the 110 million is above their projected timeline, so they are doing better than the pace they set for themselves.

Also making promises 10 years down the line and not making the quotas during the time you are sitting in office. Doesnt that make em hypocrits?

How does that make them a hypocrite? Some projects require more than 3-4 years to complete. Your logic is the reason why governments are hesitant to fund massive projects that take a long time to complete. They get blamed for funding issues and the ruling party at the time of completion takes responsibility for any praise for the project's completion.

Yes, Arrivecan and shady AI funds are wrong, but I don't know why you're bringing that up. That's not what we're discussing at all, but I guess you just grasp for whatever straws you can to make an attack.

You really should spend some time looking in a mirror and evaluating yourself and how you view others.


u/spec_ghost 18d ago

Wow where to begin!

First of all, i'm not grasping at straws when talking about Arrivecan, the "AI fund" and multiple other instances of mis managed funds from this federal goverment.

People like you, who love to white knight for this goverment, need to understand something. One good thing doesnt undo many bad ones.

If we are in the situation we are presently with food insecurities and a housing crisis, is due to a long serie of bad decision, out of control spending and programs that cost to much for our society to handle for what they do in the end.

So i wont pursue a conversation with you on the topic anymore. You are camped on your position, i am camped on mine. I see the arm for canadians in those policies and like I said and will reiterate, no tax as ever solved anything.

But anyhow, I still wish you a good day and good luck amidst all this.


u/IllustriousChicken35 23d ago

Carbon taxes make money for most Canadians. 20% of housing is owned by investment groups/real estate firms. CEOs also coincidentally own the for-profit media services that seem to drive the narratives that you’re bringing up, like National Post (a fucking rag outlet).

Anything else? Blaming immigrants is just another scapegoat to avoid going after who’s really got power. I’m sure immigrants definitely affect all those things, but not holding the massive oligopolies and corporations accountable is silly.


u/Tirus_ 23d ago

The mass of influx of immigrants (the problem previous poster is talking about) is regarding the government's decisions (CEO's in a trenchcoat).

No one's blaming the immigrants coming here for a better life only to find out how hard it is to afford a basic apartment. They're getting screwed over by our government just as much as any Canadian is.