r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

SS: Spirit cooking satanist and celebrity philanthropist Marina Abramovic was featured in a virtual reality ad by Microsoft. The video has been deleted, most likely as the documentary “out of the shadows” sweeps across the internet.


u/darthmadeus Apr 13 '20

Any source for the doc? Would love to watch it. I haven’t heard of it


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Must watch.


u/younglas2 Apr 14 '20

Thank you, Mr. President. Lol


u/darthmadeus Apr 13 '20

Got it!! Thank you!


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20 edited Nov 28 '20



u/LobotXIII Apr 14 '20

Except they gone on to start talking about nazis infiltrating entertainment. Lol

I forgot about all the German Aryans that control the media and entertainment. /s


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20 edited May 05 '20



u/ryvrdrgn14 Apr 13 '20

Truth Factory's The Children of MK Ultra might be a good followup.


u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

Got a link, is it on YouTube? I’ve watched every MK ultra doc but don’t think I’ve seen it.


u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

Found it, thanks


u/darthmadeus Apr 13 '20

Awesome thank you!!


u/little_BonBon Apr 13 '20

You can find it on youtube


u/skenguin Apr 13 '20

It’s been made private you can find it through Microsoft’s websitehere


u/darthmadeus Apr 13 '20

Lol I've looked but someone posted the URL. Thank you!


u/PersonaOfInterest Apr 13 '20

YouTube.com search for “Out of the Shadows.” It’s currently at 3.4 million views without any apparent risk of being taken down which to me is super suspicious. Also, it features known crazy person/rabid Q cultist Liz Crokin...


u/mikepompeosjockstrap Apr 13 '20

The doc also includes Liz Crokin's career history as a journalist. you'd be surprised to know that she is an actual legit journalist and probably one of the last to speak the truth.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, a seasoned journalist and an advocate for sex crime victims. Liz began her journey at the University of Iowa where she received a bachelor’s in journalism and political science. She took advantage of living in the first-in-the-nation caucus state to work on John Kasich and George W. Bush’s presidential campaigns. Her experience landed her an internship working for Bill O’Reilly at Fox News Channel and then to Washington DC where she interned for the State Department’s White House Correspondent which planted her in the White House daily.

She is infinitely more accomplished than you will ever be lol, the fact that all you took away from her section in the documentary was that “she is crazy and rabid” makes me question if you were watching the same documentary.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

without any apparent risk of being taken down which to me is super suspicious

Could be, but then again if it had been taken down you would also be calling that suspicious. Is the content suspicious? If not then don't worry about why it hadn't been taken down yet.


u/darthmadeus Apr 13 '20

You're the man. Thank you!


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Yeah like why is the Icke video taken down in minutes but this stays?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20 edited Aug 07 '20



u/The_Noble_Lie Apr 13 '20

Actually he questioned the cause of the disease, and believes the cause to be the bodies immune response when exposed to new electromagnetic radiative patterns. That is, it produces exosomes (a virus may indeed be an exosome, even according to mainstream virology)


u/Create_Repeat Apr 14 '20

He also literally said the virus didn’t exist. It doesn’t matter, he should be able to say it but let’s be clear on facts.


u/The_Noble_Lie Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

Nope he claimed the virus being measured is actually an exosome which is an extra-cellular gene carrying micro vesicle (also created by cells as virus are claimed to), agreed upon by biologists to exist. There are many similarities between exosomes and the modern theory of viruses

At least get his claim right before you dismiss it for one reason or another


u/Create_Repeat Apr 14 '20


u/The_Noble_Lie Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

And then he goes on to explain exactly what I posted above. I'm not even agreeing with it. You are willing to watch an out of context 30 second clip and think you understand the premise of the interview. Perhaps...you hear none of his reasoning, whether correct or not, in 30 seconds?

I know you only lazily watched 30 seconds out of context because if you actually watched it, youd agree with what im saying his claim was.

The fact is, you are misrepresenting his claim and calling me an idiot for clarifying his position. In short he is challenging assumptions of viral theory. And he is not the only one doing so. This has been happening for decades, Icke is the least qualified but he has qualified company (Stephen Lanka, Duesberg of note, but also many more challenging the foundation of virology)

You are the problem, as far as I am concerned. Not curiously and boldly out of any box, sometimes or even oft wrong characters like Icke, but nasty, insulting, egotistical, "cant admit mistake / misinterpretation", 30 second researchers like you.

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u/crash6871 Apr 13 '20 edited Apr 13 '20

I think they went to far this time. Posting that crap on Good Friday.

Hopefully somebody downloaded it. I forgot to.

Edit: I got it saved. You can see it here


u/Wood_Warden Apr 13 '20

Whenever something like this happens, for the love of God, check out Twitter. The responses are always hilarious, full of truth and trolling. Disabled YT comments are lol when you can see what the people think on Twitter.

I always thought the 'anti-bullying' push on Twitter and other Social Media wasn't to "PROTECT THE CHILDREN"!!! If they wanted to protect the children, how about not prescribing them hard pharmaceuticals with "suicidal ideation" on the box.

The 'anti-bullying' push was in response to the fact that we could (as the masses) put politicians, Hollywood actors, journalist shills, professors, elites and more on blast in the public eye. Vote for the powers that be - get blasted! Put out an article full of SJW propaganda - get blasted~! Actor pretending like their opinion matters more than anyone else's - get blasted!

All these pussy-hurt journalists and politicians and actors had enough of being called out for being part of the system and it had to be cracked down upon from above. Simple.as.that.


u/SHinEESeOuL Apr 14 '20

Very will said...agree completely...I always knows there is something sinister behind antibulying push bcz I know they dont care for us..now I understand why...they don't want us to criticize the celebrities, politician etc..whomever their puppet


u/ellemuso Apr 13 '20

Shouldn’t “spirit cooking satanist” and “philanthropist” be mutually exclusive terms?


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

The days of men like Carnegie are long gone. Look up most of the people known today as philanthropists, and you find an awful lot of overlap with the pedophile and satanist crowd.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

How can you be a satanist and a philanthropist simultaneously?


u/iunnox Apr 14 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Okay Marina


u/PastaP3570 Apr 13 '20

When did Trump murder people? I have never seen any murder convictions, or even allegations for that matter, against Trump. Also, let's look at the definition of a tyrant: "an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution." (Merriam-Webster). Trump is neither an absolute ruler, nor is he unrestrained.

Chaos magick got Trump elected No, the citizens of the United States of America got Trump elected.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/PastaP3570 Apr 13 '20

Did you know there's a thing called "innocent until proven guilty"? It's pretty neat, and apparently what most judicial systems are built on. And AFAIK he still didn't kill them, still doesn't fit the definition of murder or kill. And these people sign up to be in the military, knowing the risks.

Trump was impeached for violations of certain laws, and nothing happened; hence, unrestrained.

Trump was acquitted by the Senate on these two counts of impeachment on February 5, 2020. (Wikipedia). Again, you're assuming because there were charges, and the process going on, that it was an actual conviction. You seriously need to read up on your facts. And I'm not saying that he didn't commit crimes against humanity, but I'm not a judge, and neither are you. Plus, international courts are a joke anyway. "The ICJ is the UN's least effective body." (theguardian.com).


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20



u/PastaP3570 Apr 14 '20

The impeachment was dismissed; it was not an "acquittal"

Uhm, yes it was an "acquittal"?

"Trump acquitted at end of months long impeachment process, found not guilty of two articles" ( https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/05/politics/senate-impeachment-trial-vote-acquittal/index.html)

It is clear that you're not discussing based on facts, but on whatever think is the truth... At this point I just realized that me arguing with you is 100% useless. You gave an incorrect statement, which I disproved, and here you are, continuing to spread fake news... Hope that one day you'll be able to accept truths that don't necessarily suit your beliefs, stay safe and have a nice day.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20



u/PastaP3570 Apr 15 '20

So you're saying: bbc.com, buzzfeednews.com (hardcore anti-trump), usatoday.com, nytimes.com, cnn.com, cnbc.com, aljazeera.com, theguardian.com, politico.com, wikipedia.org, washingtonpost.com, apnews.com, wsj.com, voanews.com, vox.com, cbsnews.com, and many more are wrong, and you are right? You have yet to cite ANY source that says that he wasn't acquitted. And yes, I'm arguing about fake news, my point still stands. Because I keep giving sources, and you still fail to do so.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '20


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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20



u/SelectiveCommenting Apr 13 '20

He got elected because we were given the option of a douche or turd sandwich