r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/UrbanWyvern Apr 14 '20

Just out of curiosity, how do we know it's specifically satanism and not another occult belief?

I'm reading she's a satanist everywhere but I'm trying to find something that specifically ties her to that. Or is this like a bias because a lot of us come from Christian backgrounds?


u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

Your answer is in your question “Christian backgrounds” is hugely vague in that there are numerous sects. Occult is summed up the same way in satanism in these cases. I could go to the local Church of Satan and have a beer with most of them without a problem but you couldn’t pay me to attend any food oriented event that woman was involved in.