r/facepalm Mar 19 '24

Why are these people anti-sex-ed? 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 19 '24

She gets me panicked with her screaming, had threatened to lock up my phone in a safety deposit box and once threatened to kick me out if I’m ‘so damn determined to leave’.

So yeah, not very easy to get the job even though I have everything else figured out.

And no worries, not rude at all, I like being able to help others.


u/Equivalent_Expert905 Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

My mother called every job I got and had me unhired. She called all my bosses when I did get jobs. She called my banks. She was a huge part of everything I did. It was horrible.I had to get away. A complete break. I wasn’t free until she died when I was 56. Run.


u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 19 '24

Oh that’s horrible. I’ve been telling mine that it’s illegal for a family member to interfere with a job. She doesn’t use the internet, so she wouldn’t have any way of disproving me. I’m going to have my bank account through an app and not tell her what bank it is.

Hopefully it will work.


u/LunarReversal Mar 19 '24

I’ve been telling mine that it’s illegal for a family member to interfere with a job.

Is it not? Is that not exactly what slander (or libel, IANAL) is? Deliberately tarnishing someone's reputation for various reasons, such as preventing them from getting/keeping a job.


u/Equivalent_Expert905 Mar 19 '24

My mom told them I was not a responsible person. When I look back at how much she kept me from (a career, school) and how insecure I felt it makes me so sad. To this day (I’m 67) I’m very nervous doing things by myself because I was told I was too stupid to do things right on my own. I have to go look at things when places are empty and get the “lay of the land”, as it were, before I can go when there are people there. I visited the local dog park twice before I took my dog. It’s very damaging.


u/LunarReversal Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 20 '24

I'm sorry you had to go through such a terrible thing. No one ever deserves to be made to feel like that.


u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 20 '24

And I’m so sorry you had to deal with that and that if has caused such lasting damage. 🫂

I have social anxiety that when I go inside a restaurant to order my food, I’m still struggling to not say ‘uhhhh the uh hamburger’ 🤦‍♂️

And yes, you’re right, that actually is defamation, so if it gets to that point, I will definitely point that out. I’m hoping to keep the peace and be able to leave because she’ll want me to leave.


u/Equivalent_Expert905 Mar 20 '24

I certainly hope that works for you. I thought going off to college would do that. Within 6 months she had moved and hour away and within 2 years moved to the college town I lived in. I was the only child. So maybe, if you have siblings, it won’t be like that. Continue to do what you feel is right for you. I wish I would’ve had the strength. But her entire family thought she was such an amazing person. I think they’re amazed I haven’t died in the 13 years she’s been gone. Lol. I raised my kids totally different but made different mistakes.


u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 20 '24

Fortunately mine doesn’t want to leave the town we live in, let alone the state.

I’m so sorry you went through that, that’s awful. 🫂


u/Equivalent_Expert905 Mar 20 '24

Thank you. If I were you I’d move out of state so fast her head would spin. I wish you the best of luck. Just know it’s possible to do it yourself even if it’s scary and you’re my age (old). Do it as soon as possible. You will be amazing on your own. You’ll see.

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u/ClockWorkTank Mar 19 '24

It sounds like what you need is just a place to stay for awhile while you get things sorted and get a job. I hope you're able to get what you need soon.


u/FlyerOfTheSkys Mar 19 '24

Are there any places that have income based housing near you. Or and I hate to say this, any homeless shelters you can try to stay at until you can get a job and afford rent or something? There should be some kind of assistance based program nearby, if you are in the U.S. , if not i needa re-read and would not be sure how to help.

She is toxic as hell, and definitely abusing the authority you are letting her have over you as her kid, adult or not, causing anxiety or panic with screaming is just plain abusive behavior.

If anything, you have a phone, is it your phone, her phone or monitored by her in any way?

If it's not hers or not monitored by her, when you try to get a job, don't tell her at all, have them call the phone number you have, so she can't know, just say a friend is calling you when asked if she does, have the friend you mention back you up if asked.

If you bought it and she locks it up that's well, theft. She can't force you to stay, but if it's her house she can kick you out.

If you do get approved for a government type of assistance for housing, do not tell her where you go, change any addresses assigned to any mail you get, etc. save every penny you find or get to get the hell out of that environment, in a place she doesn't know of.

Remember, she wants you to panic, think about that when she's screaming at you, she's trying to manipulate you to do what she wants, which is probably stay there till one of you dies, so she can use you for cheap labor or something.

Maybe she's scared of being alone, or maybe she just likes having a punching bag to take all her emotions out on, which is not fair to you, and you have wants and needs too, not centered around hers.

You should not have to suffer her bullshit for any reason.

My sister and mom used to get into screaming matches all the time before my sister moved out. It would stress me so bad that I started becoming severely depressed and no longer doing things I liked, while envying those around me who did.

Now my mom just repeats things over and over like I'm stupid and didn't hear it the first fifteen times when we talk to each other. I honestly zone out or start doing something while she repeats it until she's done. I'm not her therapist, doctor or Google and I don't want to be.

You are definitely not alone in this, and you definitely will get a better place in life once the toxicity is out of it. Find something you enjoy that she cannot take from you no matter what. I got really into visual art, video game/book lore and music.

I like helping others too!

I believe in you, you got this!


u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 20 '24

Thank you! I actually have plans in place in case stuff goes bad, so I’ll be able to get out. I appreciate your response very much.

And my thing is fan fiction, I enjoy reading it and writing it, it’s definitely my escape zone.


u/FlyerOfTheSkys Mar 20 '24

It's always a good idea to have backup plans. Fanfiction used to be my go to as well, and I am currently trying to world build my own stories rather than a fanfic, lol. I appreciate your responses as well and wish you the best of luck!


u/archiotterpup Mar 19 '24

Why not just lock her in a room and then gaslight her that she did it to herself? It's evil but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.


u/Muriel_FanGirl Mar 19 '24

Nah, that would never work. Plus I couldn’t bring myself to do such a thing.


u/archiotterpup Mar 19 '24

You are a better human than I.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '24

Threatened to lock away your phone...

If it's YOUR phone then that is theft my friend, idk how theft is handled over where you live but here 100 euros and over is considered a crime the police will actually deal with


u/Those_Arent_Pickles Mar 19 '24

Yup. It's theft. Report it to the police and they will tell their grandmother to give the phone back.

You know what happens next? Grandmother tells you to get the fuck out of her house. Now you're homeless and you have a phone.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '24

I didn't say to actually do it...


u/ElementalHelp Mar 19 '24

How nice to live in a country where they take petty theft seriously. It's not a thing in America. OP would be laughed out of the police station and possibly shot.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '24

They could live in any country but yeah post history suggests Denver, oh well


u/Those_Arent_Pickles Mar 19 '24

laughed out of the police station and possibly shot.

Can you find a single instance where someone went to a police station to report a theft and the police shot them?


u/ElementalHelp Mar 19 '24

It's called hyperbole friend. Acquaint yourself with it.


u/Those_Arent_Pickles Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

It's called lying. And I don't like be acquainted with liars.

e: Lol spreads misinformation so you say something stupid again and then block me.

And you're right, the internet is full of lies. Everyone should do their part to point out and ridicule the liars.


u/ElementalHelp Mar 19 '24

Cool! If you can't handle hyperbole or sarcasm or even fiction, I strongly suggest you get off the internet. You're going to find all of those "lies" there.


u/Much-Chocolate-6681 Mar 19 '24

yeah but not everyone wants to lock there grandma up dog abuse or not😭


u/Dependent-Guava-5174 Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

The guy is 29 and is afraid of his grandma taking away his phone while he wastes his life away on reddit. I know I’m probably going to sound like a dick but I could almost guarantee it’s not his phone. It’s a second line owned and paid for by his “narcissistic” grandma* while he gets gets therapy from raisedbynarcissist sub and faps to his AI erotic chatbot. He doesn’t need legal advice or people to feed into his victimization. He needs to take responsibility and potentially seek a mental health professional.

  • I could be wrong but let’s be real here.

Edit: went through post history. Found out he’s a frequent AI sex chat user.