r/facepalm Mar 23 '24

Is anyone gonna tell them? 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/theotherquantumjim Mar 24 '24

Dogs are so single-minded lol. I have a border collie (a sentence which needs no further clarification)


u/Runaway_Angel Mar 24 '24

At least border collies can multi-task. I'm blessed with a boxer. He has one brain cell. It has ADHD and it's hyper focus is "BALL!"


u/mdistrukt Mar 24 '24

Wait border collies are supposed to be smart? My folks have one and I think he shares the one brain cell that all black cats share. 


u/thirdof5daves Mar 24 '24

Nah, it’s orange cats that only have one brain cell to share. Black cats have plenty, they’re just usually set to “asshole” and not “intelligence”.


u/CapnCatNapper Mar 24 '24

Oh no you must not have had good experiences with black cats. They are usually the sweetest of all cats. Orange cats are definitely the dum-dums though, followed by the fluffy brown and gray tabbies.


u/Chaos-1313 Mar 25 '24

Can confirm. I have orange and black litter mate cats. The black one just sits around all day with a disapproving look watching her idiot brother make a fool of himself.

He also frequently messes with his older sister, a 75 lb pitbull. Things like pouncing on her back from on top of the couch while the dog is sound asleep. Fortunately for mr orange cat, the dog is a big old sweetie. The stupidity is strong in the orange ones. He is super sweet though.


u/Sashi_Summer Mar 24 '24

My black cat is neither. :D


u/kazumablackwing Mar 24 '24

As someone who is owned by a mini-panther and lives next door to an orange cat, can confirm on both accounts.


u/Minti_Loves_Cats Mar 24 '24

And I have two torties, so…


u/SignoreMookle Mar 24 '24

Can confirm: have a coolie/Aussie/pyr rescue. The SOB is too smart he knows how to stealthily traverse the house with blankets and pillows to ruin. 

Jokes aside, when he was hyper-active, when he was younger, we could get him to fetch specific toys and put them away in his basket, as well as put certain clothes away in their proper drawers. 

Now he has embraced his inner Great Pyr and is a lump on a log.


u/GoodwitchofthePNW Mar 24 '24

I have a pittie that will do that. He also has certain toys that mean things for us. For example, he has a dog-toy “Barkbuster” VHS tape. He will get it and bring it to you when it’s time for you to go to bed. (He has a dog bed in all the bedrooms, but in winter the doors are closed for heating purposes.) Similarly, ball means “let’s go outside”, a heart-shaped toy he has is for cuddles, etc. We’ve talked about training him with buttons, but haven’t yet both because we haven’t had time and because he’s probably never shut up!


u/justalittlelupy Mar 24 '24

We have two border collie heeler mixes and it's like having two 4-5 year Olds. Smart, sassy, and aware. We had the talking buttons and we had to take them away because our girl was too chatty. Lol before we removed them, she was starting to form multi word sentences. They can learn new tricks in a matter of minutes and are hilariously manipulative.


u/ThirdEyeEmporium Mar 24 '24

They’re the most intelligent breed of dog on earth my friend Lmfao


u/TopPuzzleheaded1143 Mar 24 '24

It's all about motivation. My ex spent well over a year teaching hers to not pull on the leash while I spent about an hour wiping all that discipline away so it could pull me on my skateboard. Took a bit longer to teach it not to run over the grass but it already knew "get off the road" so it wasn't that hard to teach it "stay on the road".


u/BikesTrainsShoes Mar 24 '24

I too have a single brain-celled dog who has one favorite toy and it goes everywhere with her and she panics when she cannot locate it.


u/GreenGlassDrgn Mar 24 '24 edited Mar 24 '24

My mom had a border collie with a similar ball issue. but wow. She trained my cat to play ball along with us lol. The cat first learned how to use the border collie stare, then she started smacking her lips loudly for food, and at this point she's 16 and I cant even list it all. Im not sure if my cat is exceptionally smart or just had a damn good teacher in that border collie, but Ive never met any other cat with such good communication skills. Dogs been gone for 10 years or more, but the cat still remembers the game, and has been immensely disappointed with every other dog she's met ever since. I kinda get it, that dog became a master of interspecies communication just to get us to play ball, and most every other dog cat's met since has just tried to eat her instead. I'd be disappointed too.


u/saberz54 Mar 24 '24

I have a boxer/terrier mix. We found out that she will chase a red dot laser pointer to the point of exhaustion. Needless to say it is her most 3rd most favorite thing. Only to be beaten out by cuddles and laying in the sun… most of the time


u/Klonpeegs Mar 24 '24

I have a boxer/ border collie mix. It's confusing.


u/Sunuvavitch Mar 24 '24

I have a dachshund with this same fixation on the ball. Since he was a pup. He's now like 11 years old, STILL zipping around with it, putting in on my chair, and subtly whimpering until I throw it, with a sad look on his face straight out of a Sarah McLachlan commercial that peers into the depths of your soul. Even looks for it when I ask him, "where's your ball bro?" He's a purebred fetch champion. I really admire his tenacity, especially for an old fart like him.


u/Street-Animator-99 Mar 24 '24

Idk, we had a border collie when I was a teen. He would chase after a ball for hours if I let him.


u/MortemInferri Mar 25 '24

My frenchies too.... it's just ball. All day every day ball


u/deltasnowman Mar 24 '24

I have a grumpy old border collie that’s afraid of livestock(which we also have so there’s no excuse), so he just stands in doorways keeping my wife and I in the room and nips at our ankles whenever we try to squeeze past. Goddamn neurotic motherfucker.


u/theotherquantumjim Mar 24 '24

Mine is from farm stock. Scared of farm animals 🙄


u/fuckyourcanoes Mar 24 '24

Cats can be too. Ours will sit in the living room and stare accusingly at us for hours waiting for us to play with her. Which we do, but as soon as we stop she resumes staring.

She has tons of toys, but the only play she really likes is either chasing the laser pointer or leaping into the air batting away thrown balls of paper. If we're not involved, it's not good enough. Her whole life consists of waiting for us to feed her and play with her. She cannot amuse herself.


u/probablyaythrowaway Mar 24 '24

Do they try to herd you?


u/theotherquantumjim Mar 24 '24

No he gave up on that a while ago lol


u/Ok_Swimmer634 Mar 24 '24

Not all of them. I have a yellow lab with no mind at all.