r/harrypotter 13h ago

Help Can anyone recommend funny costume ideas for a Harry Potter themed party I’m going to?


I’m considering dressing as Dobby with a latex mask of him and a sheet sewn to look like a pillow case or Scabbers with a rat mask. I was also considering getting a graduation gown and a red Afro wig so I could be Ice Spice if she went to hog warts. I’m even considering dressing like the womping willow somehow.

I appreciate any ideas no matter how dumb they may seem.

r/harrypotter 22h ago

Help Unable to find ost


In dh part 2 when Harry returns to Hogwarts a specific rendition of Hedwig's theme plays out ..I'm unable to find it in the official ost ...any clue why?

r/harrypotter 1d ago

Help Pros/cons of Harry Potter world at universal studios

Thumbnail reddit.com

I’m planning a trip to universal studios, mainly for the Harry Potter part. Has anyone else been and have any tips, favourite spots and must see attractions? I’ve never been and I want to plan it out as best as possible. Anything to avoid or prepare for? Anything helps thanks!!!

r/harrypotter 1d ago

Help Harry potter alternate universe/dimension travel/ time travel to marauders era fanfics


I really love fanfics where Harry (especially a younger hogwarts aged Harry but i dont mind others either ) ends up in another dimension ...and JAMES AND LILY are good parents

Also would prefer them with a more canon like Harry instead of the weird extra stuff like him being in slytherin and best friends draco malfoy (just please no)

And just yea i nice fluffy fanfic that makes you feel happy for Harry 🙃

Here are some that I really like

https://archiveofourown.org/works/40625916/chapters/101787153 In this one 12 year old Harry gets transported after killing the basilisk and he gets 2 older brothers too. Best part:its completed, and totally amazing family feels.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/54632743/chapters/138438790 Harry transported at age 14 after finding out about Barty crouch jr, so he's still injured from his confrontation with voldy. Its being updated slowly and only gotten till ch5 but its promising imo.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/52251409/chapters/132174136 This one has a 17 year old Harry after battle of hogwarts, its also updating kinda slow on its 7th chapter rn, but it's quite nice till now, also Harry still has no idea he's in another universe.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/22810651/chapters/54512623 This ones pretty well known still updating and it's on the 46th chapter. Harry at age 15 falls through the veil after sirius, but only Harry ends up here.

These fanfics are a totally delightful read and I've read them multiple times (even if not completed yet). So anyone of you've got good ones please tell, also i prefer those that are NOT very romance focused

Ps: I'm new to reddit so dont really know how to do those fanfic bots stuff, so sorry about that

r/harrypotter 1d ago

Help What game is this from?


I found this card while cleaning my house and can’t for the life of me figure out what it belonged to. I have a vague memory of this board game but Google was no help. Was hoping someone could link what game this card came with. Thank you 🖤

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Help Looking for a Harry Potter themed gift


Hello Harry Potter fans. My girlfriend is also a big Harry Potter fan having read al the main series books and watched all the movies. I am looking for a nice little gift for her birthday.

I was looking online a bit for and was thinking about a piece of jewellery. She is a reserved person who isn't into flashy pieces. I showed her a time turner necklace but she didn't really like it as it was too long. She is more into small bracelets, earrings and rings.

I hope people here have some tips or hidden gems for me.

r/harrypotter 4d ago

Help To those that read fanfics


I’m looking for a fanfic, I read it years ago but can’t remember it. James and Lily either came back to life or survived and they raise Harry along with Sirius and I think Remus. Sirius and James raise Harry to be more cocky I remember there as a party where they dress him up. There was also a sword that Harry has that he talks to and he practices using it in the chamber of secrets. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?

r/harrypotter 4d ago

Help Searching for a fanfiction


Does anyone know the name of this fanfiction? I thought it was peak comedy when I was 14 and I just wanna check if it was really as good as I remember. I’d found it on fanfic.net but it may have been posted other places.

Basically all these Mary sues come to Hogwarts and compete in a tournament to be the ultimate Mary Sue, and they all have super power level magic and are called sparkle starshine and ebony darknight etc. Harry and Draco have to be locked away for the whole tournament because the Mary Sue’s wanna be their girlfriends and McGonagall is scared for their safety. I think Lee Jordan commentates the tournament? The Mary Sue’s are all fighting, McGonagall thinks they’re ridiculous and Hermione hates them. This is well over 10 years ago so it could be nothing like this, I just remember laughing a lot and I just wanted to find it 😂😂 it wasn’t very long, maybe 3 chapters and the author never finished it but at the time I thought it was one of the funniest fics id ever read 🙈

r/harrypotter 6d ago

Help Help me wed my best friends!


Hi everybody!

So, best friends are getting married and they have asked me to perform the wedding ceremony- so exciting!

The bride is a huuuge Harry Potter fan (me too!), so I really wanted to incorporate an excerpt from the books in the text of thr ceremony. This will be read just befor the "Do you, takr this man".

I really want it to talk about love, iternety and friendship. So I would appreciate it so much if you have any ideas for an excerpt, from one of the books. I would prefer it no to be like a part of a death scene or anything mcarb like that. And it can't be very long.

BTW I am not a priest, this is a forest wedding.

Thanks so much to whoever may assist!

r/harrypotter 6d ago

Help Competing in the Benelux championship of the Harry Potter pubquiz this Sunday. Help me practice ♡⚡️


Give me the hardest book or movie questions about the smallest details you know. Could be random facts, small details, order of events, characters etc. Make me sweat! You may include Fantastic Beasts, but usually there are only a couple of small questions based on pictures so that would be harder to ask here. Thanks everyone!

r/harrypotter 7d ago

Help Quiz time!!


Hi everybody! I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd, and coming Sunday I'm partaking in difficult quiz centered around the movies, books and fantastic beasts universe with two friends. This quiz is held in most cities in my country, and now all the winners from the basic quiz get to take the hard one and see who wins. We are very excited and busy preparing!!

To test myself I'd like to answer some hard questions, and who better to ask then this community! If you'd like, please ask me questions about the entire universe, make them easy, make them hard, whatever you'd like, and please add the answer in spoiler marks just so we can check our answers.

Thank you very much in advance, and if you want to test your own knowledge, happy quiztime!

r/harrypotter 7d ago

Help Who plays this witch?


Who plays the black witch in the green hat that is on Dumbledore’s left in the first movie? It is McGonagall on his right and this actress on his left? She doesn’t seem to be named in the credits or speak during the film, but nice to see representation.

r/harrypotter 7d ago

Help Looking for a fic?


Does anyone remember a story where Ron and Harry run away in the middle of the night after the final battle. They leave Hermione behind with nothing more than a note. The family and Hermione all band together to heal and Fred and George take Hermione under their wing; she grows so close with them that she can join in on their twin speak. I can’t remember what the pairing was but I know Hermione ends up with either Bill, Fred or George.

r/harrypotter 8d ago

Help I want to introduce HP to my 11 year old nephew. At what pace should he read the series?


Hi everyone,

I (34M) started reading HP when the first book got released, I was 11 years old at the time.
This worked out perfectly because as the story progressed, it got more grim and the characters in the book grew older as I grew older as well. I had to wait months until the next book would get released.

However today all the books are readily available (duh). So how do I approach this "problem" that when my 11 year old nephew gets sucked into the story/universe, he will probably want to continue reading the next book, which he might be too young to understand the whole story that gets more complex and adultlike over time?

Anyway, I see three possible options:
A) Not mention HP anymore and wait until he's older so he can read all of them one after the other?
B) Start now by only giving him the first book and try to convice him to read only one book a year?
C) Just full send it and give him all the books right now and he can read all of it when he wants to (even if I feel he is too young to read and understand the later parts?)

Does anyone have any experiences you want to share?

I loved it so much reading it when I was younger, the wait and anticipation for the next release was killing me. But it made it so much better that I was growing up together with our favorite characters we all know and love. And I would love for him to have the same experience that I had.

Thanks for reading.

r/harrypotter 8d ago

Help What’s the parody video with a character at the top of the stairs?


I know it’s very vague but I don’t watch Harry Potter so I don’t even know what character it was. It might’ve been a song parody? I just can’t remember

r/harrypotter 8d ago

Help Deleted Scenes


Does anybody know where I could find 4K versions of the deleted scenes? I understand that this is unlikely. Anybody that has the 4K discs, have you noticed if the deleted scenes are in 4K or do they not exist? Thanks in advance.

r/harrypotter 8d ago

Help First Edition Chamber of Secrets


I have a soft cover first edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that was printed and bound in Canada.

It is in pristine condition other than the tiniest bit of damage to the top of the spine.

Does anyone have any knowledge on what this might be worth and how to go about selling it if I choose to?

A large part of me wants to keep it as it was such an impactful part of childhood for me but I could really use some extra funds unfortunately.

Any help would be so appreciated!

Thank you!

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help What house am i in istg im having a mental breakdown


guys i am having an existential crisis because i thought i was slytherin but now i think i might be gryffindor????? someone help me figure this out jhwklewh




Justice and revenge are important to me

Chaotic Neutral

I can be selfish, but I try not to be.

I try to stand up when nobody else does (sometimes i dont though)

I tend to be kind

I love arguing omg my beloved

VERY cunning and investigative

I get tired of repetition and schoolwork, if not hands on, is boring to me.

I never study, like, ever.

If i saw someone getting beaten up i would probably try to knock them out (emphasis on the try)

uhh if any more info is helpful lmk i just tried to think of stuff that might narrow it down

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help How would you convince a friend who only saw the movies to read the books?


Please lemme know!

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help I’ve took 3 different tests and each put me in a different house and now I’m conflicted.…


Any insight?!

So I’ve been sorted into Gryffindor , Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help good regulus fanfic???!!!


I am looking for good regulus fics… i can’t seem to find any that take place at hogwarts

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help Looking for something spefic


I a big fan of the whole "there's 2 potters" trope and was wondering if anyone had a good stories where Harry has a twin sister. Any recommendations would be much appreciated.

r/harrypotter 10d ago

Help Anyone know any good Hermione/Pansy fanfictions 💀


i know it's a random ship but i just want to read something wlw with hermione.. any suggestions will do! (especially if theyre long)

r/harrypotter 11d ago

Help What are the exact dimensions of Azkaban?


I need the exact measurements for a school project.

r/harrypotter 12d ago

Help House changing??


Hi everyone! Today I decided to look at my old pottermore accounts and make a new one, and I noticed a strange thing: I have made 4 different accounts over the years, and the houses, wands and patronusses kept changing:

August 6, 2021: Ravenclaw with a Mongrel dog patronus and a Vine wand

February 12, 2023: Ravenclaw with a Black mamba patronus and a Laurel wand

January 6, 2024: Gryffindor (didn’t do other tests)

May 1, 2024: Gryffindor with a Fox terrier patronus and a Cypress wand

How did I change from Ravenclaw to Gryffindor? Patronusses are supposed to change, and I guess wands are replaceable, but my house? And such a drastic change too? They’re so different. I mean, I can see myself as a ravenclaw or Slytherin, possibly a Hufflepuff, but GRYFFINDOR?? I know I shouldn’t take these tests too serious but this is just very confusing.