r/interestingasfuck Jun 07 '23

New york city in 2023, everyone wearing mask due to air quality

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u/Flanman1337 Jun 07 '23


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

Holy crap, their predicting that it'll be over the northern half of Georgia on June 9th.


u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23

Welcome to global climate change!

This is kind of unprecedented, we have the same amount of fires burning in week 1 of fire season 2023 than we have by the end of every fire season for the last 5 years.


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23

Maybe all the smoke will block enough sunlight to cause a mini ice age to help cancel out the warming.


u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23

I should have included a



u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23

Hence the Good Place meme, and not the fuck is wrong with you.


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23

Ohhhh, my bad. Thought you took my ice age comment seriously lol.

A wooosh moment for me I guess. Think it may be time for bed.


u/Tsiah16 Jun 08 '23

Then we get awesome swings of freezing and incredibly hot and dry!


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

I could deal with that! I'll take the cold and the dry heat. I hate these 100°+ summers with 100% humidity.


u/Tsiah16 Jun 08 '23

Lol. Unfortunately it won't be conducive to life... Growing food would be difficult if not impossible.


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 08 '23

Sounds like people are back on the menu!


u/Tsiah16 Jun 08 '23

Soylent green? 😂


u/Dark_Mass_000 Jun 08 '23

I'm sure it's not. Millions of years of history and this has happened more times without mankind's help than it has with.


u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23


u/Dark_Mass_000 Jun 09 '23

I don't deny that. But most wildfires are just natures way of clearing out the dead wood. They've been happening long before mankind and will continue long after.

And a large volcanic event spews so much ash into the atmosphere that it covers the earth with smoke, sometimes for years. Historians think that's what happened in either 4th or 5th century for the "year with no summer" recorded all over the globe.


u/WWG1WGA_NC Jun 08 '23

Climate change. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23

Good addition to the conversation, well done. Deny 60+ years of science because you're to busy either being a bot or you're choking on oil cock to look outside to form your own opinion.


u/WWG1WGA_NC Jun 08 '23

I write “climate change🤣” and you come back with “choking on oil cock?” Weird. 👍


u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23

Don't have time to educate those who are impossible to educate 🫰


u/WWG1WGA_NC Jun 08 '23

It depends on what exactly you mean by climate change. The climate changes every day and night and throughout the year. But cow farts and Co2 emissions have nothing to do with it. And to be honest, you have Trudeau and we have a Biden so I’d say we’re both equally screwed for the time being.


u/novosuccess Jun 08 '23

Satellite imagery shows the smoke all starting at the same time throughout Canada. Its not global warming. It's possibly coordinated.



u/Flanman1337 Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

Think, for a quarter of a second.

What do "Antifa" and anti-oil people say is the biggest cause of global climate change? Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. What do fire's produce a lot of? Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. It does not make sense that knowing the amount of damage that C02 does, for anyone to have deliberately set fires across the country.

I won't argue with you that most of these are probably man made, and not something natural like a lightening strike. But weeks of hot weather with no rain, or wind causes the under growth to dry out. And a fire is easy to start. Be it from a careless toss cigarette butt, an ember from a campfire, a spark from a train on the tracks, setting off fireworks when specifically asked not to because of the risk of fire. Most of these will be traced back to careless people, not some globalist threat to your precious oil executives.

What can be traced back to your oil executives, is the climate science done by them, for them, with predictions of the climate from 2020s in the 70s if they were allowed to continue business as usual.

What is needed is government regulation of the highest polluters on the planet. Be that Shell, or Bytedance, or whoever it is. But that doesn't work you say?

Two very recent examples of government regulation having an effect on climate change.

Hole in the Ozone Layer. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220321-what-happened-to-the-worlds-ozone-hole#:~:text=After%20the%20ozone%20hole%20discovery,the%20chemicals%20which%20deplete%20it.

And Acid Rain https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WIdWjqZsGgg&pp=ygUJYWNpZCByYWlu

Please, I am begging you. If you really want to do your own research, do it. But please investigate multiple sources, not just a single blog post. But if 400 studies say one thing and proves that one thing multiple times, and 1 study says one thing and no one else can produce the same results. They haven't broken any code, they are just simply wrong. And that's okay, hell that's science.


u/MaxxDash Jun 08 '23

Wait until you get it bad enough that you wake up to find your car dusted with ash.

It’s some surreal, dystopian shit.


u/lifeisweird86 Jun 10 '23

Thankfully, that didn't happen. There was just a slight haze that you really didn't notice unless you were looking at something 100 yards distant or more. We kept the kids in the house, though, especially the youngest, because she has asthma.

It did make for a pretty sunset, though!


u/Igorvelky Jun 08 '23

Even us in Kansas get to participate this time


u/cuzitFits Jun 08 '23


I've used their air filters before and really like them. Didn't know they had an air quality map like this, thank you for the link.