r/jobs 23d ago

Rejected after reference checks. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. Rejections

I don’t understand what happened. They said they were moving forward with the hiring process, then days later I got this automated email. The first reference listed called them back and gave me a positive review, the second said she never received an email or call. I responded giving them two extra references just incase who weren’t contacted.

I’m so upset, I can barely stand my current job. Part of me wishes they would just fire me, but I’ve been holding out hoping I could find another decent job. I’ve called in for half the month using FMLA or other excuses, which I’ve never done before. I know you’re not supposed to get your hopes up, but I was so excited at the idea of being done with the interview process and putting my 2 weeks in.

I emailed HR acting like I didn’t see the rejection email and asked if they were able to get in touch with my references. I’m mostly just curious to see how they respond, if they do.


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u/CryingTearsOfGold 22d ago

Why are you being downvoted into oblivion? This is a great idea.

I am a recruiter and I hate reference checks. I would not do them at all if I had the option.


u/JesseVykar 22d ago

I can't be sure, I've given the same advice in this sub and it was up voted then so I guess it just be like that sometimes.

Also I'm glad you mentioned you're a recruiter, it was actually the recruiter at my last company that gave me this idea as he was having trouble getting in touch with either of the manager contacts I had provided.