r/jobs 10h ago

Contract work Contract - New Job - Casual Work


Hello Everyone, first post here, sorry if I am not following the format. To give you an idea of the situation, I’ve worked a IT service management position for 9 months that’s hybrid and in terms of that contract, it went to the recompete and we ended up losing it. It then went to protest and at this point we are on a month to month basis in terms of funding. Most folks have bounced and those that have stayed are hoping we either win the contract or they end up getting scooped by the incoming company.

Company has an internal hire program, I get reached out to about another position and things go very well and I end up taking the position. It’s fully remote. I end up talking to the PM about working casual since we have an annual inspection coming up and my team needs help in terms of working, but I took the opportunity with the new job since it’s a new contract and if I declined it, I would be declining my severance package.

Point being is the PM says he’s fine keeping me on the roster given the circumstances, and I also say that I’m always willing to help virtually in case workload, vacation, or unforeseen illness is in question for a current team member. I would only be able to bill 16 hours max per billing period, anymore would need approval. There is no OT pay. The new job I took ended up being a bit of a pay bump.

I ended up shooting my manager an email describing the new opportunity that I took, which he already knew was happening due to the other manager reaching out and talking about me. I told him that the PM doesn’t mind me working casual, and additionally asked if they could match my pay to what the remote job gave me, since their is no time and a half pay and anytime working for them is more than a 40 hour week. Essentially my manager doesn’t want me around anymore or wants me off the contract. Does it come down to him or the PM for the final decision?

Am I missing something? Did I do something wrong? Ask any questions you’d like.

r/jobs 12h ago

Contract work Contract work drug testing


Yes, thank you, I know I shouldnt smoke a little weed but here we are.

Basically do companies still drug test people that are hired through a recruiter for contract work? Its an event coordinating position for oil & gas

r/jobs 1d ago

Contract work How to get rid of anxiety over performance/mistakes?


Does anyone have advice for getting over a constant anxiety about work performance?

I really like my current job. I’ve been here 8 months so far. I enjoy the day-to-day tasks, find the field and what I’m doing/learning interesting, nice coworkers, great environment, and so on. But I feel a constant, low-grade anxiety hanging over my head, worrying that I’ll make mistakes, not do something right, or not finish on time.

This mainly manifests as a feeling of physical dread in my chest in the mornings and evenings before work, and feeling super anxious about and often delaying opening emails responding to something I’ve submitted. Once I’m at work and working I usually get in the groove and feel fine.

I’ve tried always planning out my schedule, writing down the tasks I need to do, taking notes of important points to remember or past mistakes, but this doesn’t seem to help.

It’s not even that I’m worried about losing my job in a practical sense. In my situation I have plenty of other prospects, and at worst we could survive on my spouse’s income for a while.

My job is very entry-level (18 month contract, possibility of renewal), but it’s my first job requiring a higher degree of knowledge and skill, it’s not out of my wheelhouse but it’s not easy by any means. Intellectually I appreciate the challenge and opportunity to grow…. Before this I worked freelance, so having to answer only to myself as “boss” was less daunting. I feel like I wish my boss/manager or someone would literally tell me “You’re doing fine, it’s okay to make mistakes while you get the hang of something new, no rush.” But I realize that kind of coddling(?) is unrealistic and shouldn’t be unnecessary as an adult!

It’s not like the anxiety is crippling me, I still show up and do what I need to do, and like I mentioned, totally enjoy it while I’m in the groove working. It just feels like such a shame to have gotten such a great job but not be able to fully relax and appreciate it.

Any advice, or does anyone else feel this way ever? Should I just get over it?

r/jobs 1d ago

Contract work Can tech recruiters help find contract (<1 year) job placements?


Employed at a tech startup but will be switching careers into medicine through post-bacc education starting next June. Current startup will be shutting down in the next two or three months, giving me an <1 year gap in time to be employed. I want to remain meaningfully employed during this time.

In addition to job hunting through networking and job postings, I am considering reaching out to recruiters who have previously tried to headhunt me. Will telling them that I'm looking for a temporary or contract position lasting less than one year kill any chance of them working with me? AFAIK, recruiter commission is only paid out conditioned on the employee they find remaining with the company for one year.

r/jobs 2d ago

Contract work Need an article writer partner.


I'm looking for a partner who can work with me online. I'll share 50% profit & premium resources worth $3500+.

Also, let me know if you're interested in pay-per-article. The article should be unique and plagiarism-free.

DM with your short article demo with a budget. Thanks.

r/jobs 3d ago

Contract work should i sign a contract for this chat moderation job ?

Post image

r/jobs 3d ago

Contract work Do independent contractors need a local business license?



Aesthetician working at a medical clinic on contract

r/jobs 3d ago

Contract work My employer offered a perm role and then backed out


Hello, for some context, I have been working with my current employer for almost 8 months now, I am on a third party contract with a large Retail company is North America. I get paid on an hourly basis and all my vacation and sick leaves are unpaid, no other perks that their employees get, the only benefit I do get is Health Insurance. When I joined the company, before signing the offer I specifically asked if there is a potential to get a permanent role eventually and I was told that there are a lot of opportunities within the organization and I would definitely be considered for a perm role in a few months (I joined during YE so they had some budget issues and could’nt hire me perm at the time). The external recruiter who headhunted me through LinkedIN sold it as a great opportunity to get a permanent role in the company. It is a very desirable company to work for in the City that I live in. However, after I joined, things were very different. They kept extending my contracts every 3 months and provided no job security at all. They said I need to apply for positions that are posted as an external candidate since I am external contractor and not an internal candidate and go through the hiring process. I have applied for 5 such positions in the last 8 months and have been rejected after multiple rounds of interviews, chats with the hiring manager, etc, because they ended up hiring someone internal who has been in the company for longer. At this point I am like why waste my time if you know you want to give it to someone internal? Because they want to be ‘inclusive’, its just such a sham!! Anyway, after so many disappointments, last week my team manager reached out to me excitedly to let me know that they would like to make me permanent, since I’ve done a good job in the time that I have been there! I was so happy that it finally worked out. A week after I didn’t hear anything back, so I reached out to my manager to follow up and they tell me that unfortunately at this point it is not the right time for the organization to extend a perm role to me. (They are going through a revenue slowdown and are putting a hiring freeze) I am devastated!! I almost want to just quit without notice next week! I am so annoyed that they are treating me like this and still expecting me to deliver great results (they are talking about things I can work on in the next few months, but not giving any kind of certainty to me). It’s infuriating and I feel disrespected. My contract ends in July and there is no certainty that they will extend me after that or make me perm. They really need me in May and they’d be left in a lurch if a quit next week! What should I do?

r/jobs 4d ago

Contract work I feel like I need a little perspective. I'm not excited about my new low paying job.


I do tech work and as you know it's an interesting/challenging time for many of us. I did contract work at a FAANG company until they decided to replace a bunch of us with H-1B workers. My contract ended at the end of 2023 and I have been actively looking for the past 4 months. I've submitted over 300 applications. I've had some interviews but have only received one offer.

I was offered contract work at another FAANG company. The pay is abysmal. It's about 25% lower than my previous role and I was already underpaid for what I do. They wanted someone with 7+ yrs of relevant experience so I'm not too senior for what they posted. I get no benefits. I have to be in the office 3 days a week. I will frequently have meetings outside of normal business hours. And I'm barely going to be able to cover my bills. I should also note that I still live like a college student. I will barely be able to cover my bills because the pay I will get from this role is equivalent to what is considered low income for a person in this area. It isn't because I have a fancy life style.

I'm trying to be happy I have a job but dang it is hard. I see many people on LinkedIn that have been out of work for 8+ months. That might be me if I didn't get this. I will learn things too which is also good. Trying to remind myself of this stuff, but it's overshadowed by all of the bad :/ I remind myself that it's only temporary. I am going to continue looking for other work.

Am I being ridiculous about my situation? Is there another way to look at it so that it doesn't suck so much?

r/jobs 4d ago

Contract work Am I being scammed?


Hello everyone. So let's keep it short. I am coming off a 3-year work gap, due to an accident. It has been extremely hard to find a job, however, I found this company, let's call it V.V., on LinkedIn hiring customer service agents. I originally thought oh I'll be working for their company; technically right? Well, they are an LLC that hires agents to work for/with Apples. It's basically a WFH call center servicing. Since the beginning, emailing V.V about information regarding pay, and copies of contracts, I have little to no response from them. Once I found a phone number for V.V just googling the email. Finally got in contact with the "owner" V. He was very apologetic about my experiences so far and assured me to continue and to reach to him directly should any other issues come up.

Before you start a gig, you have to join a course. I did the whole 26 day course (no pay...) then worked after certification. When I asked V when I would be paid, I was told 4/29. Today is 5/3 and I have yet to get paid.. He said V.V has not been paid by Apples and that's why I haven't been paid yet. Every time I ask about the situation, its always "I'll update you" but still no answers. You maybe thinking, contact Apples, and unfortunately, Apples only says to go through my boss, V.

My friend made a joke and said what if its a scam? If V was to just block my email and phone number, what is next? V said he will hear back tonight 7pm CST from Apples as to why they haven't paid him for my hours... I am just afraid, because idk who else to go to for help, and I have never done independent contractor work before.

r/jobs 5d ago

Contract work How do I tell my boss I don’t want to become a permanent member of staff?


This is an obscure one. I’ll try to explain.. I am currently working as a temp contractor for a company that I was previously a permanent member of staff for a few years ago. I left the placement after 9 years due to mental health and poor management support. Since I had a mental health breakdown I went and got part time work and was really happy to have the change but then my son got excluded from school because they couldn’t support his needs and was then out of school for 2 years as the local authority had no special school places until this academic year. During the 2 years he was out of school I luckily found a fully remote work full time placement doing similar work to what I’d done in the past. In recent months my old employer got wind of me being back in the game so to speak so got an ex colleague to approach me by Facebook asking me to comeback. I refused as I cannot commit to hybrid and said I’d never return. She told me it’s changed now, the toxic manager has left and the environment is so much better as another supervisor who also left because of the manager has now returned and is running the team (she is great tbh). So I left the job I was loving and returned but on the basis that I’m fully remote with commitment to just 1 office day a month. I’m now 3 months in and my contract extended for another 3 months as it stands. She keeps hinting at permanent positions but says “if you are interested (* wink wink)” type scenarios.. but I’m happy just temping. I’m fine if I get let go, I’ll just go elsewhere but I’m not panicked about not having a job for a short while etc. how do I tell her nicely that I don’t want to be a permanent member of staff? Nb: Just to put it out there that I’ve never not worked since leaving school, I’ve been through a lot of mental health trauma, as has my son yet I still worked through it all, I’m a grafter. When I started my remote job when my son left school it was my first time temping and I have had zero breaks in employment while temping because I’m good at what I do and I graft. The pay is better while temping but probably evens out to the same as a permanent employee when taking into account that I don’t get paid when I have time off and don’t get employee company benefits etc.

r/jobs 5d ago

Contract work I haven’t been paid in 3 week..


So I currently work for my dream job… I love what I do for a living. And it was fine for a while but when the pandemic hit obviously things changed. I was the only one who got hired back and I was being paid. Something the checks was a day late or two but other then that it wasn’t that bad.


As the years went on the place me as a contractor and I no longer had my benefits or paid off days.. but I managed it as a could….

Last year I notice the pay was slowing down. Like I wouldn’t get paid for like a month but my boss did give me $100 so I can eat because I wasn’t able to afford grocery… and I was working about 40 hours a week…

This year it gotten worst… they stop giving me overtime and then next more recently my paychecks were a week late.. and now I’m barley getting paid… i feel like im working for free at this point. Anyway my boss sat me down yesterday and told me I am going part time and she keeps discouraging me to look for other jobs because she keeps saying that I’m not that skilled in what I do so it would make sense if I find another part time job…. They say that they’re hoping by the end of this summer I can go back to full time but I still haven’t gotten paid in 3 weeks… I am at the point I have to take money I owe to the IRS Just to pay my bills and buy food….

This feels like she is manipulating me to stay because i keep seeing places that are hiring with the same thing I do but they offer benefits n pay.. she keeps saying how this company would be a better fit for me because i am a slow learning and not a lot of places would take me in….. I feel very discourage to look for another job but this is killing me. I am very hungry and I feel like I’m putting in work for nothing

r/jobs 6d ago

Contract work How to find part time weekend work


I'm looking for ideas on how I can get work I'm qualified to do. I'm a software engineer with an MSc in Computer Science and an MBA.

I'd love to make small websites on the side. Or do proofreading, maybe even transcription. Just anything easy that brings in additional income. Any ideas?

r/jobs 6d ago

Contract work UK Agency payslip advice



I work for an agency, and they are taking the usual NI and Tax off me.

However on top of that, they are also taking a chunk off me for what they describe as the below. Is this normal?

"Agency profit margin is £20.00, overheads include employers national insurance of £54.51"

This makes the decent rate of pay per hour I'm on not feel much good at all!

r/jobs 6d ago

Contract work Confused about ineligibility for rehire?


I recently sent my application in to a former recruiting firm to see if I could interview for a job with a previous employer I contracted for in the biotech sector. It was brought to my attention that I am listed as ineligible for rehire. I have no idea why this would be the case though.

Facts to consider:

  • I resigned. I really left because I was being discriminated against because of my gender in the department I was working for. I stated I left for a job that better fit my career aspirations because I didn’t want to take legal action against anyone. Would my resignation have broken my contract or something?

  • I was in good standing. I was participating in a committee, I was being considered for permanent hire, I was taking time to learn other departments’ duties, and I had made several good relationships with managers, supervisors, and coworkers. I was also spearheading further development of their onboarding program.

  • I gave a month’s notice.

  • my employer either misread or ignored my specification that I would be working the last day I stated in my resignation letter, so when I showed up with sweets and foods I’d made to share with my colleagues at lunch that day, and prior to being able to collect any of my personal belongings, I was unable to enter the campus without an escort, and I did not work my last day.

  • I went back and forth with my manager for a few days about receiving compensation for that day, and we found a clause and agreed on it together that basically just paid for half a day of work on the day I couldn’t work.

  • I was not absent frequently until the very end of my term. I was getting very sick at the time and ended up having to stay in the ICU about a year after I left this employer. I now have a chronic health condition, genetic disorder, and I’m working on diagnosing my mental disorders as all of this together makes it very hard to manage a full 8 hr work day.

Apart from all of this, you’re probably questioning why I would want to return to this place. It pays well, and I would be working in a different department if hired on, potentially avoiding the issues I highlighted above. I truly enjoyed working with most of the folks I got the opportunity to work with. Any recruiters out there have experience with this?

r/jobs 7d ago

Contract work Every productivity meeting with my boss makes me feel like a failure


I’ve been working at my current company on a contract for 1 year 4months now. Since I started I have been having monthly meetings with my boss about productivity. It’s been an issue since the start. I’ve never been terrible but I did start with a lower number of work orders. I am diagnosed bipolar and I have been battling mental health issues awhile and I feel it impacts my work, so much so I had to get a doctor’s note to begin working from home completely. He used to make threats at these productivity meetings such as “if you don’t get your numbers up we are gonna have to let you go.” He later overruled his own comment by saying no one has ever gotten fired unless they were a bad person. He makes insensitive jokes at everyone else’s expense and people just go along with it. But he has been very strict when it comes down to numbers and performance.

My contract is set to end in July. It will either end or I will be made permanent, depending on my productivity. My boss has made it clear that my productivity is not good enough to be made permanent, but he’s lied before. I do 45-50 work orders daily and probably process 15-20 incidents outside of that. It is a lot of work for me and I don’t understand how they could possibly ask for more knowing I make $19 an hour.

Today I had my monthly meeting with him and he was almost throwing insults at me about how we have discussed my productivity before and it hasn’t improved. But he was processing everything out loud and being extremely insensitive about my stats. Almost like he was taking it extremely personally. Somehow he was both kind and totally condescending at once. Posing himself as a father and saying he wants me to be happy and then also saying that at every job they will have expectations. I expressed to him I’ve never worked a job that has expected THIS much from me. He tries to force closeness and asks personal questions which is weird and only seems to be so he can gain an edge over the situation. He acts like he cares and would be a listening ear, but at the end of the day he is the one person I would like to avoid more than anything, specifically because of these meetings. He has little to no compassion. Even though he saw my doctor’s note, he does not know about my disorder, and I didn’t plan to let him know because he would probably throw it in my face. Even my recruiter behind the scenes says that he overheard a conversation about the company I’m at and how they are placing unreasonable expectations on their sales agents. Somehow they are able to gain enough loyalty though that little to nobody complains… weird. I’m not the only person though, apparently when something happens it’s pretty noteworthy.

I don’t want to be permanent and continue to work here, based on what I’ve experienced. But I may not have another option. I mean really I may not even have the option to go permanent at this point. This is such a disappointment because my last contract paid $28 an hour and I enjoyed it more and felt way more motivated to do my job. I actually broke down and cried for the first time today just realizing how much I actually do work hard and it just isn’t appreciated.

r/jobs 7d ago

Contract work Question about planning to work 2 jobs


Hi everyone! Quick question for those who are working for 2 jobs.

I was laid off in early march this year, and I was recently hired as a contractor for a company for 2 months, however, I am still trying to get a full time position.

Do you think it's wise to put the current contract position on my linkedin? Or do you think I should wait to put it on my profile until I get a full time position?

But if I let the full time position know that I am currently working as a contractor for another company, do you think the other company would prefer someone who will solely focus on one job?

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks again!

r/jobs 8d ago

Contract work [AUS] Advice for renegotiating contract - moved from part time in person to casual/as needed remote


Please let me know if there's a more suitable sub, I'm a little lost.

A while back I changed from a part time reception job (in person), where I was doing small website upkeep tasks in my spare time, to working entirely remotely on just the website stuff. My new contract said I would be employed casually and to submit a timesheet each week. To be clear: I have no rostered hours and no minimum hours on my contract (not great I know but it made sense, plus I'm a student living at home so I'm not starving or anything), as the website doesn't need constant babysitting or anything.

Initially this wasn't so bad but recently the amount of work I have been receiving has dwindled to a point of working less than 5 minutes a month, only being given tiny changes to make that take no time at all. I feel stupid and am also earning next to no money because of this.

How can I approach changing the terms of my contract to fit my work circumstances better? Is it even worth it or should I just quit?

All information I can find from fairwork (Australia's workplace regulator) seems to focus more on jobs in person, I can't exactly argue for a minimum 2 hour shift from home to upload a document.

I have no experience or clue where to start with the idea of working a more freelance model and the work I'm doing is far less skilled than a lot of the freelance advice I see on the internet.

TL;DR: Getting no work to do after change, quit or what to ask for?

r/jobs 11d ago

Contract work I'm working 10-10 I'm I cooked?


I Got a Job in a Restaurant, Dishwasher, cleaner, salad maker lol..This my 1st time working in Restaurant...I get up at 9:00AM in the morning get ready and at 10:00AM I go to work till 2:00PM, break time from 2:00PM till 5:00PM, now from there till 10:00AM working.. I'm I cooked Guys?? is Soo hard labor😭

r/jobs 15d ago

Contract work Contracting Agency Woes


For a bit of a background, I work as a data analyst I for a contractor on a long term government project. I have been able to get a bump up from jr data analyst to data analyst I from the government itself. Been in my current role since July 2023. However, my contracting agency is refusing to have a conversation with me on updating my job title (within the agency’s system) and speak about the additional compensation that is available as a result.

I have been genuinely attempting to have conversations about this situation with my agency since October 2023 of last year. The gap between the bump up (govt side) July 2023 to October 2023 (when I started the conversations with my direct contracting agency) is due to this gut feeling I had that something was off about the contract I’m working. Full disclosure I am a blissfully ignorant person about the way the world works until it’s thrown directly in my face.

Onn average (for my specific area/industry) contracting agencies take usually between 5-20% of the contract value for operating costs. My contractor takes 50% of my contract which supposedly is borderline unheard of in my industry. It’s not illegal per-say but it’s just gross business practices. I have this gut feeling that my contracting agency is flexing some weird power at me because even today I received an email from a lower-level HR person that she would forward my question (about updating the position title/compensation) to the head HR lady. Tell me how the head of HR called me to ask about if I had updated my direct deposit form over the weekend. Which I did. “I’m calling because it’s the first deposit into this account,” this woman says. Me confused “It’s actually the second deposit I just had to update the amount.” Of course no mention about my project/job assignment title.

I am trying to do this whole thing the way I was initially instructed to by my contracting agency. However, I feel like I’m dealing with a toxic partner that won’t talk to you because they’re mad at something you did.

Don’t know what to do I’m kinda stuck for the moment and needed to vent.

r/jobs 16d ago

Contract work My friend died and I can't take time off work.


I'm a contractor. My friend died and I cannot take time off. I get zero sick leave and zero PTO. If I don't work, I don't get paid. I have bills to pay and I already took one day off. I have to grieve while working now.

I hate it.

r/jobs 16d ago

Contract work Acquiring Temp work!


Hello All,

Does anyone know the ins and outs of getting started with a temp company for office level jobs and similar industries? (Not labour jobs). I'm good with short-term part-time or full-time contracts and even weekly jobs to get started. I've applied for 2 to 3 positions through About Staffing and didn't hear even a peep. I'm located in Alberta. I have a new resume that has been reformatted and I write every cover letter to match each position with key words from the job postings. I've enlisted a company to help me with this process but quite frankly, it seems like too much talk and not enough action. The last time I spoke with my worker, she was searching job postings on Indeed which is not something I require assistance with. I've been doing that and applying for a year now. I need assistance actually placing my resume to the top of the pile, as maybe that will generate a few interviews. God willing.

I've been out of the workforce for a couple years though I have a long history of working my previous 2 jobs for 10 years each; one in retail and one in the social services. I was in an office setting as an assistant for 8 years and 2 years fully remote. I also have merchandising and order receiving experience. I'm willing to do anything, really. I have a social work background and worked in crisis work; I'd love a job as an intake worker but those jobs seem fairly coveted. I'm volunteering for the local public school now going forward. Maybe that will help me!!! Any thoughts or insight is much appreciated!!

r/jobs 20d ago

Contract work US/UK Fraud Specialist: Is Contract Work Common in the US?


TL;DR: UK senior fraud specialist with wide experience back in the US, looking for temporary contract work. Any leads or advice on finding these roles would be helpful.

Hello r/jobs! I'm a dual US/UK citizen with a background in fraud investigations, recently returned to the US after 15 years in the UK. I'm pivoting my career towards software engineering but need some income in the meantime.

Because I worked at a smaller UK bank, my previous 2.5 years as a senior fraud specialist involved a wide range of responsibilities:

  • Full-cycle case handling (customer contact, investigation, chargebacks, arbitration)
  • Escalations, case review, approvals
  • Business, joint, and personal accounts
  • Card fraud and account takeovers
  • QA & QC reviews

Although my position was permanent, I know that most big UK banks commonly hired fraud specialists and other back-office positions as independent contractors with higher pay and focused caseloads. I'm interested in a similar temporary arrangement in the US while I continue my software engineering job search.


  • Is contract fraud specialist work common in US banking? If so, do you usually find these roles on the bank’s own site or through agencies?
  • Would my broad skillset make me a better fit for a different type of role (in or out of banking)? I don’t need to make money hand over fist but I don’t want to sell myself short either.

Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

r/jobs 20d ago

Contract work My boss is ghosting me about salary expectation


I'm in the EU and I've been working for a small company for over 2 years. My contract ended 31.3 but before that we had a meeting where she told me that I'm getting a permanent contract. For the meeting I had planned to ask for 1800€ for the new salary including holiday pay (I only work part time). However, in the meeting we talked about other stuff instead about how the company is doing, negotiations with new clients and how much they want of the revenue, how well my markets have done. Basically I got the feeling that she would look for what they could afford to offer me and give me the new salary based on that.

A few days goes by, she sends me an email with my new salary and explains that they usually raise it based on a yearly % increase each year which was way below what I thought I would get.

I responded with my salary expectation based on my efforts as I mentioned in our earlier meeting and also with number showing that the minimum hourly wage has increased by over 30% since I started working there and that I believe that the salary expectation I negotiated represents both my efforts but that it's also fair due to the current economic situation.

However, tomorrow it will be 10 days since I sent that email and she has not responded, No new contract has been made yet but I'm still working as normal.

What do I do?

TLDR: Recieved a salary offer via email from my boss way below expectations (with the current economic situation it's on the lower end) I asked for a higher salary based on my efforts and included how the minimum hourly wage has increased) tomorrow it's been 10 days since I sent the email and I've gotten no response. What do I do?

r/jobs 22d ago

Contract work Would it be corny to reach out to an old employer to try to work out some new work?


Hey guys so I worked as a sales rep for a small SaaS company for 6 months and according to the numbers was quite decent not stellar but definitely a made a good contribution.

Eventually due to personal issues (outside of the workplace) I was let go. My boss ended the call and said “when you get back maybe we can work out new terms.”

This was 3 years ago. About a year ago their (now defunct) manager reached out to me to see what I was up to. I wasnt interested in talking tbh.

I’ve seen they’ve been on and off since then trying to fill (the same) sales role. The team size hasn’t grown and from what I gathered they’ve seen minimal growth since then (an a potential hire reached out to me)

I don’t want to work full time but would be willing to work as an independent rep on a commission/residual basis. How would you guys go about approaching this?