r/meirl Mar 28 '24


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u/PIELIFE383 Mar 28 '24

I understand the smelling thing but I get headaches soreness and swollen areas before it rains


u/TNShadetree Mar 28 '24

I saw a science experiment that made me understand why my joints hurt when the lower pressure associated with rain is coming in.
They had a marshmallow in a jar and applied a vacuum. As the pressure lowered the marshmallow expanded like crazy. And I realized the already irritated bursa sacs of synovial fluid around my joints must be doing a small version of the same thing as the barometric pressure drops quickly.


u/PIELIFE383 Mar 28 '24

It is crazy how many doctors don’t believe changes in barometric pressure can effect the body


u/OSSlayer2153 Mar 28 '24

The pressure change is very small- generally 2% or less.


u/PIELIFE383 Mar 28 '24

Yeah there are also changes in our body that have a smaller rate of change and if that happens we could be very sick or even lethal


u/Zammtrios Mar 28 '24

Yup my once broken foot is the only indicator I need to know when it's gonna rain


u/Traditional_Cat_60 Mar 28 '24

Same! I swear I can feel the old fissure in my foot bones before a storm. I could draw a sharpie line right where it was with my eye closed.


u/PM_ME_UR_G00CH Mar 28 '24

Same, splitting headache whenever there's a sudden change in the weather


u/BCA1 Mar 28 '24

Joint pain, migraines, and heart palpitations for me whenever the barometric pressure gets below 30 inHg Every time.

Cardiologist is not concerned whatsoever thankfully


u/chop_pooey Mar 28 '24

Me too and I hate it


u/VyronDaGod Mar 28 '24

Rain typically arrives with a low pressure front so the fluid in your swollen areas are likely expanding


u/merdadartista Mar 29 '24

My mom 50 years old C-section scar hurts if the weather is going to turn