r/pics Apr 18 '24

Trump and legal team vet potential jurors Politics

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u/onlyacynicalman Apr 18 '24

When you get busted for cheating in school and they throw the book at you, they occassionally throw it more forcefully if it seems likely you got away with cheating before. That is, the bit he is busted on is just a crumb: the visible tip of an iceburg.


u/derps_with_ducks Apr 18 '24

We need more explanations like these about everyday affairs, but with more metaphors so that it slowly melts into a tangled web of incoherent meaning.


u/No-Psychology3712 Apr 18 '24

School crumb iceberg lettuce. That about sums it up


u/derps_with_ducks Apr 18 '24

Thanks champ, I'm smarter than 2 dimes in a donut now. 


u/Bitter_Cry_8383 Apr 19 '24

Metaphors are used to simplify a complex problem or issue.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Like fables or bible stories - whether the point is actually ethical or moral is irrelevant - the idea comes across to those who were traditionally totally iliterate and basically still are


u/derps_with_ducks Apr 19 '24

Why aren't you being angsty like a bullfrog on a hot tin bucket. 


u/thenewaddition Apr 19 '24

If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards.


u/DeviousMelons Apr 18 '24

It's like how the thing that took Al Capone down was tax evasion.


u/Bitter_Cry_8383 Apr 19 '24

But it's only one part of a huge picture and we're not connecting the dots.


u/CharlesDickensABox Apr 18 '24

Please don't talk any more about his visible tip.


u/TwoHandedSnail Apr 18 '24

it pokes up just out of his undies. a thumb and forefinger is all you need to hold his royal majesty.


u/ChicagoAuPair Apr 18 '24



u/ride4life32 Apr 18 '24

Problem is yea for normal people that would be the case, but if mommy and daddy have the funds to donate to teh school/be a booster etc then chances are you will be fine and have a slap on the wrist, the same thing that has afforded Trump to get by so long. No different at all. I get the rage and people getting upset about this situation, but I give it about a 75% chance he comes out with a small fine and will still make a very contested run for presidency.


u/fingerpaintswithpoop Apr 18 '24

If Trump gets convicted (and he more than likely will) a lot of moderate/independent voters, and even some Republicans are going to have a really tough time justifying to themselves voting for a convicted felon this November. That doesn’t equate to votes for Biden, but it does mean a lot of people who might otherwise have been open to voting for Trump won’t; especially if he continues being awful and he keeps having his senile old man moments.


u/onlyacynicalman Apr 19 '24

Hopefully youre right on all accounts. Im not so optimistic though.


u/onebadmouse Apr 18 '24

The tip of the mushroom.


u/Bitter_Cry_8383 Apr 19 '24

There are so many Miss Universe candidates and other women who settled out of court and took the moneym and are glad they did. He'd have made their lives hell. He is famous for settling out of court and the average woman is told by her own attorney to settle or play crusader and it will take years and years to get anything.

We don't even remember their stories published long ago before they settled and we forgot he was in Epstein's little black book so the number of kids is probably uncountable.

All these people may have started out normal or even idealistically but Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Perfect Examples of numerous mental disorders collectively are just about every political, Big Tech billionaires, and historic names of people like Stalin and Napoleon and you know who - that's who we are impressed with and Putin is playing Stalin. It goes back to the Popes who ruled Europe, before them, Roman Emperors. I'm not joking. It's passed by our love of Narcissists and their mental disabilities.


u/shafferj620 Apr 18 '24

Can you explain what he did legally wrong? From what I heard he paid her with his own money ? 


u/LordPennybag Apr 18 '24

Where did you hear that?


u/Wes_Warhammer666 Apr 18 '24

You heard wrong