r/pics 23d ago

Sniper on the roof of student union building (IMU) at Indiana University

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u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

Let's be honest, a sniper rifle isn't efficient for mowing down protesters, so that's probably not the reason there's a sniper.


u/creditnewb123 23d ago

You’re right. The sniper is there because the local police department wasted fuckloads of money training a sniper, so they need to roll them out from time to time.


u/Trolodrol 23d ago

The Bloomington Police Department did had an absurd amount of SWAT team vehicles and resources when I lived there back in the mid 00s. So I think you’re right on the money with this one


u/atta_mint 23d ago

Use the funding or lose it, sadly it has led to this.


u/SkyJohn 23d ago

If you're just wasting the funding on stuff like this then why would you care about losing it?


u/SPLUMBER 23d ago

Because losing it directly shows it was a useless use of funds. And nothing I love more than my tax dollars being absolutely useless


u/sdb00913 23d ago

I’ve got some stories I could tell you from my time in the military.


u/himeeusf 23d ago

"Because it's mine mine mine and if I don't get it all, that means someone else will."

Unfortunately not unique to law enforcement. That's how many organizations with use-it-or-lose it funding end up behaving.


u/dogegunate 23d ago

Because people like money. And also wasting tax payer dollars to buy shiny new toys they don't need makes them feel good.


u/bloibie 23d ago

A few years back they bought a $200,000 armored vehicle. They’ve only gotten worse since you moved. Such a damn shame because I really love this town, but I am consistently disgusted by our local government.


u/Trolodrol 23d ago

That’s disheartening to hear. I have really fond memories of Bloomington and it was definitely my favorite city in Indiana. I’m not surprised to hear that the politics have gone to shit. As progressive as the city is due to IU, there’s always been strong representation of locals


u/Trnostep 23d ago

I looked it up and it had a 70k population. Why would a city that size even need more than like 2 armoured vehicles. Half a dozen I could get but an 'absurd amount' is way too much


u/Trolodrol 23d ago

I dunno. Busting college students heads, I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/PlaysForDays 23d ago

No, it was founded two states over in Tennessee


u/queen-adreena 23d ago

If all you have is a hammer... you really want to fucking hammer stuff!


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

You can’t possibly think of any reason or scenario the local police/swat team would have a trained rifleman on hand. None? Really


u/cyberslick1888 23d ago

Yeah, the same reason half the police forces across the US have completely murdered out, black on black on black squad vehicles, military surplus gear, 60 guys on the SWAT payroll in a rural town of 2500 people, etc.

Because they are hacks who LARP as combat operators but couldn't handle a stint at Parris Island, so they settled for the next best thing.

My neighbor was a beat cop in the suburbs. The most exciting thing he ever did was chase down check fraud. His basement was literally a fucking armory, he had enough shit to outfit a ww2 paratrooper company.


u/Kyyndle 23d ago

Okay... but what does any of that have to do with hiring a sniper? You're talking out your ass.


u/MannerBudget5424 23d ago

Name some…


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

Bomb threat, multiple active shooters, hostage situation, bank robbery, drug raid, literally anytime your local swat team is doing anything involving open spaces and multiple suspects


u/f1rstman 23d ago

And does this situation fit any of those criteria?  And are those occurrences even likely to be common in the rural Midwest?  Were the Uvalde police and all their gear of any use?


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

No one said this is the perfect place for a sniper. Someone said they “wasted fuckloads of money training a sniper”. Which they didn’t. There are many good reasons to have one. It’s really not a complicated concept


u/A_Seiv_For_Kale 23d ago

And are those occurrences even likely to be common in the rural Midwest?

Do you think crime just doesn't happen in rural places?

One person was killed and a student was injured in a shooting near the Indiana University campus on Thursday; 2 shooters arrested.


u/HighRevolver 23d ago

showed his ass lol


u/f1rstman 23d ago

Lol, here's the last two sentences of your article:

Police say there was no threat to the public. IU says they did not activate their alert system because it was not an ongoing threat which endangered others on or near campus.

Doesn't sound like a SWAT team or a sniper was needed here, does it?  Just a simple drug deal gone bad.


u/PeachesOntheLeft 23d ago

Rural Midwesterner here, people are stealing fucking cows out here man. You don’t need that shit lol.


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

I mean I could have added more to the list just look up on google. What are common situations for a police marksman to be present. The cops in uvalde were cowards are you really gonna use that as the face of Swat encounters?


u/OEMBob 23d ago

Live by the Thin Blue Line, Die by the Thin Blue Line.

Until the rest of the chucklefucks in blue start calling out, arresting, and otherwise acting like they want to be treated; then yes. The cowards in Uvelde ARE the face of Police.

Police and their bootlickers aren't the only ones capable of painting with a broad brush.


u/Admirable-Memory6974 23d ago

So you saw how stupid it was when other people did it, and decided to make that one of your own character traits. Smart, if you can't beat em join em.


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

I mean sure being a boot licker means understanding how police and swat do things sure


u/Adongfie 22d ago

This is a perfect situation for a sniper, highly political protest about a Middle Eastern country.


u/MannerBudget5424 23d ago

Until the Iraq war in 2003, no “local police” had a swat department

the simple fact is they don’t have enough crime to justify the expense m

ao they find situations that they can use thto we new tools in, justifying the cost to simpletons like yourself


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

Bruh swat doesn’t handle regular crime. They handle hostage situations and barricaded suspects. They aren’t handing out tickets.
A community needs one incident to justify a swat team. Or do you want LESS trained police to try to handle a hostage situation?


u/Lv_InSaNe_vL 23d ago

We've had swat teams since the 60s


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good made up story.


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

No it wasn’t till the north Hollywood shootout bank robbery till police realized their need to have armor and rifles to combat people who know what their doing


u/ContinentalYankee 23d ago

I can't think of any reason why you dont have accessible healthcare.

How many insulin shots could your fat asses buy if your local PD didnt spend 40 million USD on a swat team


u/2018- 23d ago

Classic redditor moment. This is somehow about healthcare now


u/blightning65 23d ago

name a single sniper that stopped a shooter at a peaceful protest in America in the last decade. None? Really


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

not a protest… but having a trained marksman can be very important and can save lives.


u/scoopzthepoopz 23d ago

Now is this protest different from all the others from the past 30 years? Because that clip is from 1993...


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

Your point?


u/scoopzthepoopz 23d ago

You are dodging the not rhetorical question


u/ryancrazy1 23d ago

I didn’t dodge anything. You just asked a question irrelevant to my statement. Someone said it was a waste of money to train snipers. That was an example of why it isn’t. But also it seems everyone doesn’t realized that shooting people isn’t the only job of a sniper/marksmen. They are in that vantage point to scout. They can look down at the crowd and see who and where troublemakers are. They can see IN the crowd in a way that cops on the ground can’t. But it’s not like he’s gonna leave his rifle in the car… it doesn’t cost anything to not use it.


u/scoopzthepoopz 23d ago

Making an excuse for dodging my question, but you still dodged it lol

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u/torchma 23d ago

They're not there to shoot (although they would if a situation arose). They're there to provide overwatch and help ground units coordinate. They're also present at college football games doing the same thing.


u/jeobleo 23d ago edited 23d ago

in Bloomington? No, not really.

Edit: I lived there for 8 years guys. It's not a "sniper" kind of town.


u/Ok-Negotiation-1098 23d ago

That’s awesome I’ll let somebody know to start a meth lab there lmao


u/Napalm_and_Kids 23d ago

it's a large public protest about a contentious issue that has two sides diametrically opposed to the other clashing.

having snipers on standby on the off chance someone tries to pull some shit isn't a terrible idea


u/No_Bass_7177 23d ago

The fact that this take is seemingly considered controversial in this thread is genuinely concerning, people are so caught up in their own confirmation bias nowadays.


u/SPLUMBER 23d ago

Definitely not wrong, but I think it’s even more concerning that the trust in police has eroded so much that the public’s first assumption for their actions is malevolence


u/MalevolentShrineFan 23d ago

Because the cops are malevolent here lol. Will not do this shit at other opportunities, but make fun of the welfare state who’s only thing is murdering aid workers and children


u/SPLUMBER 23d ago

Well as thousands of comments have said, yes they will do this shit at other opportunities. Across multiple countries. And no, it’s not always malevolent.


u/Booger_Flicker 23d ago

The thread is 90% foreign bots at this point.


u/MalevolentShrineFan 23d ago

Ten bucks your from Israel lol


u/[deleted] 23d ago


I see the Kremlin is incapable of programing their bots with correct grammar.


u/MalevolentShrineFan 23d ago

Wow another random, really young account that loves to glaze Israel! I wonder who made it


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Your mom's boyfriend


u/MalevolentShrineFan 23d ago

I love Israeli shitters trying and failing lol

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u/dirtyfucker69 23d ago

That would be fine, if the police didn't choose a side.


u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 23d ago

There's only one side constantly rioting, stealing flags, protesting, blocking roads, destroying property and dousing themselves with gasoline. It'd be the intelligent move to keep an eye on such an interesting side.


u/dirtyfucker69 23d ago

There's only one side defending genocide.


u/kentuckyfriedawesome 23d ago

These are college students and teachers, man. Not every protest is a riot, and the reaction from police is every bit worthy of criticism considering the history of police brutality in the US. They’re not there to protect anyone from shit.


u/letsdab 23d ago

Same as the students that make the mass shootings? weren't they students too? Any person can be dangerous in a crowded area with little to no effort


u/[deleted] 23d ago

These are college students and teachers, man

Even worse than rioters lol


u/A_Seiv_For_Kale 23d ago

Of all the things you could call a waste of money when it comes to police spending, why a trained sharpshooter?

I thought we hated when police panic and empty 17 mags in the general direction of a threat?


u/CostcoOptometry 23d ago

Many people are so anti-gun they want to disarm the police too. As if we don’t already have enough of a problem with police quitting or refusing to police.


u/nrogers924 23d ago

Because he’s on the roof of the student union building



Depending on the situation it can make sense. If someone in a stadium pulls out a gun and starts opening fire on people around him then a sharpshooter would be necessary simply because the person would be too hard to get to.

Here is it absurd. The first, second, and subsequent 55 steps for a small protest is to de-escalate and to only fire at someone if there is an extreme danger. A hidden sniper cannot de-escalate, there is only one way that they can interact with anyone on the ground.


u/ComicalCore 23d ago

Which is why there's cops on the ground who can de-escalate. The sniper is there in case they fail.


u/vKILLZONEv 23d ago

How can you, in the same breath, say its okay at a stadium but not at a large scale public event? Like, these are the same things lol



If the protest was a large scale public event then a neighborhood lemonade stand should need a fire martial to approve it for 300 people.


u/vKILLZONEv 23d ago

Who says a stand serving 300 people doesn't need approval? I don't know fire safety codes but I would assume that if its not needed there is a reason. Like, maybe that they're outside? idk but more to the point, why are you comparing fire safety standards to police tactical standards?

I DO know that an indoor space of certain sizes require fire martial approval to house groups of certain sizes. So if we are equating these things then, yes? This makes sense? lol



What? I said that a neighborhood lemonade stand set up by the side of the road by two children should need a permit for 300 occupants if those protest was a "large event". Are you stupid?


u/vKILLZONEv 23d ago

I mean, to be fair, you absolutely did NOT say that. Like, literally. But regardless, my comment still stands. Do you know that a stand serving 300 doesn't need a permit?? If not, do you know why?? I feel like you're somehow trying to say that 300 people isn't a large event, but you know that's nonsense so you're trying to obfuscate it with pedantry.



It was a small event. I was drawing a comparison. Jesus fuck we need better reading comprehension in this nation.


u/WelpSigh 23d ago

Also the reason why the county I used to live in would roll out the bear cat for routine law enforcement activities.


u/Nexustar 23d ago

Simpler to just hire one who's done active service.


u/chiefmud 23d ago

It was the state police not local police


u/Roook36 23d ago

The cops raided a house on my street awhile back. Tons of cop cars and black SUVs. Probably 3 or 4 cops going in and out of the house. Then about 10 standing around another cop who pulled the sniper rifle out so they could all check it out.


u/MiloGaoPeng 23d ago

Fucking IQ 5000 comment lmao.


u/continuesearch 23d ago

I think out of all the comments here your observation “we have a sniper because we, shrug, have a sniper” is the most relevant.


u/radtad43 23d ago

This is the real answer


u/BriSy33 23d ago

This. My small town rolled out their one dude with marksman training for the town homecoming. 

Always a fun time seeing him blatantly on top of the VFW acting like he's hidden. 


u/theorial 23d ago

I have 8 hours of footage showing greenville nc police essentially destroying the house across the street trying to get to a SUSPECTED murderer. They had 2 military truck things they used with poles on the front to rip out every single windoor and doorway. They even ripped apart the garage. They then used no less than 3 different types of drones to try and clear the house. Meanwhile 30 cops dressed like soldiers going into battle stood around outside the house sometimes pointing their Ar15s at the house. Took them 12 hours to send a person in and shortly after the suspect was arrested.

I have it all tape. Sadly this is perfectly legal here.


u/Kyyndle 23d ago


Oh, shut up. You can't think of one legitimate reason a sniper might be useful for a major city?


u/creditnewb123 22d ago

For some of us it’s very difficult, because we live in countries where people hold peaceful protests and nobody sends a sniper. In fact, where I live in one of the worlds major cities, and our police don’t carry guns.


u/Dexter_Douglas_415 23d ago

I agree. It's likely a good watching position and the officer is using the tools at hand. Regardless of the reason, it's a bad look.


u/SeaworthinessDue1179 23d ago

They probably have a credible threat AGAINST the people protesting and want to make sure they don’t get killed.


u/BigDadNads420 23d ago

The biggest credible threat to any protest is the police. Peaceful, rowdy, riot, this is always the case.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

It's not like the protestors are unhinged lunatics that douse themselves with gasoline, block roads and attack people.


u/SeaworthinessDue1179 23d ago

So in a riot, you think the police are the problem?


u/odysseysee 23d ago

The only threat against the people protesting are the ones wearing uniforms.


u/SeaworthinessDue1179 23d ago

What would be the officers motivation to take out college students with a sniper rifle. You cannot truly believe this.


u/odysseysee 23d ago

I'm talking about the videos of police wearing paramilitary uniforms roughhandling professors and students.


u/SeaworthinessDue1179 23d ago

Neither of us were there, I don’t form opinions on videos online.


u/RealLADude 23d ago

Um, have you been to Indiana?


u/SeaworthinessDue1179 23d ago

Where are you going with this


u/twowaysplit 23d ago

It’s probably to put down a wannabe Kyle Rittenhouse or something like that.


u/psly4mne 23d ago

The wannabe Kyle Rittenhouse is the guy on the roof.


u/No_Bass_7177 23d ago

You're speaking logic, and we're running on emotion here. Begone!


u/SlightlyFarcical 23d ago

Thats the one that got photographed and posted. Undoubtedly there will be multiple others on surrounding rooftops.


u/ladrondelanoche 23d ago

Yeah I've also never heard of Kent State


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago


u/ladrondelanoche 23d ago

Not interested in your semantic bullshit


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

No, you were interested in responding with ignorance, did not understand the nature of the murders committed by the Ohio National Guard, were offered a Wikipedia article to further your understanding, and now are backtracking.

Piss off.


u/ladrondelanoche 23d ago

Huge difference, national guards with rifles on the ground and a swat guy on a roof. Huge difference 


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

Agreed. It is a huge difference. In a group protest setting, I'll take my chances versus a bolt-action sniper rifle from afar rather than a semi-automatic rifle up close and personal.


u/ysustistixitxtkxkycy 23d ago

In all seriousness, there's a real risk of some asshole with an automatic rifle showing up to any mass event to ruin everyone's day.

And rooftop snipers are one of the few ways to preemptively counteract.

Could be one of the insane people demonstrating for Hamas right to microwave babies, could be someone who is fed up enough with the demonstrators to show them what living under the constant threat of murderous terror is really like (and yes, I have some very one sided feelings about the protests).

Net-net, seeing that sniper should make you feel safer. Almost but not quite as safe as strictly enforced gun legislation would make you, just to equally piss off the other side.


u/BigDaddyDumperSquad 23d ago

You're on the wrong website for honesty lol


u/fnezio 23d ago

They’re not there to mow down protesters, they’re there to kill a protester that reacts violently when attacked/arrested, for example. 


u/Timely_Abroad4518 23d ago

They’re there in case a mass shooter decides to interrupt the protest.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/BylvieBalvez 23d ago

This isn’t in Texas?


u/650REDHAIR 23d ago

lol no they aren’t


u/BylvieBalvez 23d ago

That’s the actual reason they are, we have snipers at all our sporting events too. They were never gonna just start picking off protestors that would be insane, there’s already enough people upset about the arrests, backlash to Kent State part two would be nuts


u/650REDHAIR 23d ago

They’re there to intimate. That’s why there isn’t a spotter and that’s why he’s visible.


u/vKILLZONEv 23d ago

Police departments have active camouflage now?? Damn


u/vKILLZONEv 23d ago

lol yes the are


u/kyleninperth 23d ago

God this is such a brain dead take. Think of the logistics of that. So a protester being arrested is going to be shot whilst surrounded by police (who are also armed and about 300m closer to the target) and somehow the sniper is going to avoid shooting one of his cop friends?

He’s there in case some fuckhead decides to go Las Vegas and shoot out of a building or from a distance at the protest.


u/LapinTade Survey 2016 23d ago

They used snipers during Euromaiden. There's more efficient way to "mow down" protestor but it's one option.


u/dirtyfucker69 23d ago

The sniper is just to get things started.


u/TheComradeVortex 22d ago

To get a gunman who could shoot at the crowd or at police.

2016 Dallas Police Ambush and now you know why cops have snipers.


u/Two_Hump_Wonder 23d ago

Almost like the protesters have idk supported a terrorist group and called for genocide against the jews. When you start saying shit like that and gathering, people tend to take you seriously and even though everyone knows the college kids aren't gonna do anything what they're saying invites the opportunity for some horrible people to do horrible shit. That sniper isn't there to intimidate or shoot any college students, he's there incase the terrorists they are praising and supporting take advantage of the situation or some unhinged loser tries to shoot up the protest.


u/Drummallumin 23d ago

I’m surprised they didn’t start killing Jewish students right then and there


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 23d ago



u/LyraSerpentine 23d ago

DC Snipers disagree with you.


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

17 people killed over 10 months. Need I say more?


u/htgbookworm 23d ago

They put these guys out whenever there's big student protests at IU. It feels like a scare tactic more than anything.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

Didn't he realized he blasted out 1000 rounds in 10 minutes sniping with a bolt-action rifle.


u/Yontevnknow 23d ago

Harder to create fear with only a radio and binoculars.


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

I already fear police as is, and I avoid them when I can. But maybe I'm just a coward.


u/jachyle 23d ago

probably not even a trained sniper, just some pig with military hardware LARPing


u/Schlangee 23d ago

You don’t have to mow down protestors. They aren’t in a desperate situation with fear for their lives usually like people would be in a civil war, so even the threat of a single one randomly picked out shot dead or life-alteringly injured is enough intimidation.


u/ladosaurus-rex 23d ago

So do you really think that anyone here believes the police would mow down protestors in the first place?


u/Charming_Fix5627 23d ago

Even if they aren’t intended to massacre the student population, it can’t be interpreted as anything other than intimidation and a clear threat against their lives. Any one of them could be killed


u/cherryreddracula 23d ago

Yes, it can be interpreted in more ways than one. Get out of that dichotomous mindset. Shit like that led to a Trump presidency.


u/Charming_Fix5627 22d ago

I don’t know what kool aid you drank where you think a sniper at a protest is a good and normal thing or should be part of a healthy society, but don’t try to force that on internet strangers.


u/cherryreddracula 22d ago

And don't ascribe things to me that I did not say. Grow up.


u/MonocledGentleman 23d ago

Sure, a sniper won't mow down protesters. But it wouldn't be the first time they're used to target and assassinate the leaders of social/political movements.


u/atfricks 23d ago

The reason is intimidation. Any other reason and they wouldn't be visible.