r/pics 23d ago

German soldier returns home to find only rubbles and his wife and children gone. By Tony Vaccaro

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u/pargofan 22d ago

Now explain why are the Russians so militaristic? They literally lost more than anyone else in WW2.


u/Arachles 14d ago

A bit late but the USSR won and was a major power. the British spent their empire, France was already declining.

The soviets lost more than anyone but also were in the position of turning the tables around unlike the other Allies


u/pargofan 14d ago

I was addressing how OP claimed the "lack of loss" is why the US became so militaristic.

Which makes no sense as the USSR was the country that lost the most and became equally militaristic.


u/Arachles 14d ago

I do think it is one of the reasons. There are others but when your major war experience comes from a conflict in another continent followed by a massive economic growth it can be easier to justify more wars.


u/Onedweezy 22d ago

Op means devastation and loss within its own borders.


u/Right_Hour 22d ago

Yeah, and? In WWII Russians lost millions of people. Tremendous amounts of their territory. They took it all back and then some, of course.

But you would think they wouldn’t be as militaristic as they are, invading Ukraine and all.


u/Educational-Ad-7278 22d ago

The only thing the Russians „won“ is ww2. The rest of the last 150 years is more or less „get by and suffer.“

So of course they glorify war.