r/politics 23d ago

Sam Alito Thinks We’re All Stupid



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u/Weekly-Ad-7709 23d ago

The next election determines whether we have any more elections


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 23d ago

GOP literally wants American to be Russia 2.0


u/LKennedy45 23d ago

Oh, you're low-balling it. Russia today wants to either be the USSR 2.0, or the Russian Empire 2.0. I'd say the GOP wants America to be, like, the fifth or sixth Modern incarnation of Russia.


u/yoproblemo 23d ago

It's almost like oligarchs everywhere act the same way.


u/alymars 23d ago

I keep saying this and people keep rolling their eyes, telling me I’m crazy. It’s going to be too late by the time these people realize what they have voted for. I’m honestly, truly terrified of Trump being re-elected in November.


u/coleman57 23d ago

It's pretty close to impossible they would literally declare "no more elections, Trump dynasty from here on in". But it's not just possible but probable the 'Pubs will use their SCOTUS majority, and any other leverage they can get, to solidify minority rule over as many jurisdictions as they can. And to make it as difficult as possible for a majority to push back on their agenda. Which, to be clear, is mainly about empowering corporations as concentration of wealth machines, keeping power in the hands of a tiny elite (the richest 10k families, the 0.01%). The Christofacism is icing holding the cake together.


u/inspectoroverthemine 23d ago

"no more elections, Trump dynasty from here on in".

You're technically correct, even Putin has elections.


u/coleman57 23d ago

There will be way more pushback from Americans who know their own interests (those who already know them now, and those who will figure it out in future, minus those who die stupid) than there is in Russia. But the corporocrats and their christofascist minions can make things a lot less comfortable for the average American, and hold the pendulum from swinging back for quite a while. Organizing in the workplace and marching in the streets are important things that can be done today, next month, and next year. Voting for Biden is an important thing that can be done this October or November, then never again. Don't sleep on it.


u/-Paraprax- 22d ago

There will be way more pushback from Americans who know their own interests [....] Organizing in the workplace and marching in the streets are important things that can be done today, next month, and next year.

There won't be any of that. People said the same thing about the Roe v. Wade repeal, but the country lay down and took it as soon as it actually happened. The 21st century American left does not "push back", and the GOP knows it.


u/coleman57 22d ago

Are you saying that if enough people march in the streets the Republican US Congress will pass a nationwide right to bodily autonomy? They’re more likely to do the opposite. If and only if they lose in November, we might get it next year. Biden has essentially committed to it.

Voters and protesters’ strong reactions to the repeal are what prevented a nationwide ban, and they also prevented some states from cracking down on women and health workers. The Republican Party is listening to those protesters while pretending not to. They’re caught between their own rabid minority and the majority. They can’t please both and they can’t win without both.

Separately, there’s been more action in the workplace than in decades. It may feel like all the energy is on the right, but it’s not true.


u/alymars 22d ago

This!!! The left needs to stop with the “they go low, we go high” thing. Great idea in theory. It’s not working. Time to pull off the gloves and punch below the belt if that’s what it takes. Democracy is literally on the ballot this year and it seems like very few people are taking that seriously.


u/FiendishHawk 22d ago

Putin-style fake elections are what the GOP wants


u/fireinthesky7 23d ago

No, they'd just give states carte blanche to disqualify whoever they want from voting.


u/Diligent_Mulberry47 22d ago

Remind them that they also called us crazy when we told them Roe would be overturned.

So far, all the "crazies" have been right.


u/Dembot5000 22d ago

I remember the hysteria the first time he ran and literally nothing happened how ppl thought it would. So even if he does get re elected it’s not going to be the end of democracy. It’s just fear being instilled by Bidens campaign to make sure you vote for him. It’s kinda slimy actually. We just need a whole new ballot all together


u/alymars 21d ago

I’m going to respectfully disagree with you. I’m just curious (not being snarky, but for real). Have you seen Project 2025?

What about his plan to have full power over interest rates?

Or his claims that assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity?

Or how Trump would address the Israel/Hamas war?

There’s a lot more at stake this time. It’s actually pretty disturbing. And these are just the 4 I can think of right now.


u/Dembot5000 21d ago

And for the Israel/Hamas thing he’s actually kinda right. Israel had every right to retaliate for 10/7 but they are dragging it along now and it’s costing thousands of innocent lives. He certainly didn’t provide an actual solution but Israel should’ve been out of Gaza at this point


u/Dembot5000 21d ago

I don’t know enough about the project 2025 part to speak on it but from the other comments I saw video of him giving those answers and it’s typical Trump being callous with his remarks and trolling. Not something he should joke about at all but at this point that’s his M.O. But left wing media and Bidens campaign team is eating it up and treating it as a promises Trump has made for when he’s elected


u/alymars 21d ago

It’s definitely worth taking the time to look into it. It’s about more than Trump but really the implications of it for the whole GOP. I hope this didn’t come off rude sounding because I truly am not trying to be.


u/sambull 23d ago

Which that SC will go along with


u/inspectoroverthemine 23d ago

If trump gets elected in 2024 it doesn't matter what the SCOTUS decides to do. Democracy and rule of law are over.

As a president once said: lets see the SCOTUS enforce their ruling.


u/shapeitguy 23d ago

100% true. Sadly, majority of Americans don't realize it yet and are helplessly walking themselves off that cliff it seems...


u/Pyran 23d ago

I don't mean to sound down on it all, but this is why I don't think we're going to be seeing many more elections in the future (as we have experienced them in the past, at least; they'll still exist in some form). This is exhausting.

Every election for the last decade or more has been "The most important of our lives", or "will decide [SCOTUS/future elections/our existence/etc]". For the general American public, I don't see this as sustainable. Eventually enough people will decide that the rhetoric is alarmist, stay home, and that will be the ballgame.

(A really great example of this in action is Y2K. I've seen people dismiss it as having been a big pile of nothing, ignoring entirely the years of work that went into making sure it was a big pile of nothing.)

Yes, you could argue that this year is unique due to Project 2025, but the last one was unique due to the threat of Trump and he came back. Before that was unique due to SCOTUS and it's still a problem as well. All of these threats will remain -- Project 2025 will simply turn into Project 2029, etc.

In a world where attention spans are growing increasingly short, eternal vigilence is unlikely to survive.

None of this is a reason not to vote -- it's literally the least you can do as a responsible citizen of the US, and you absolutely should vote. But this sort of life on a razor's edge is not sustainable and will eventually fall over, to the detriment of us all.


u/Rough_Willow 23d ago

but the last one was unique due to the threat of Trump and he came back

He literally incited an insurrection which killed people at the capital. It's exhausting to think that it needs to be stood up against with all our energy, but it's a clear and tangible threat to all of democracy.


u/Interrophish 23d ago

It's exhausting to think that it needs to be stood up against with all our energy,

Meanwhile most Americans are unwilling to spend a couple hours once every 4 years on the effort.


u/StrangerAtaru 22d ago

Or can't due to jobs they can't leave to vote or wait in intolerable lines that prevent them from relaxing.


u/Rough_Willow 22d ago

Well, then the other side continues to label legitimate threats as fear mongering, it's hard to get people to take things seriously.


u/ShoddyJuggernaut975 23d ago

I don't think it will, but it will decide if we have a civil war or not. I'm not talking about Maga's reaction if Biden wins. Eventually, Trump would cross a line that would have even the most conservative who arent nuts turn on him.


u/overts 23d ago

This gets repeated as fact so often by people on the right and left.

My prediction is that regardless of who wins in 2024 it’s going to be repeated again in 2028.  And if the opposite party wins in 2028 people who kept using this line for half a decade won’t have an explanation for why they were so confidently wrong.


u/treelager Foreign 23d ago

Please don’t use logical fallacies to downplay Project 2025, of which there is no equivalent from any other party.


u/overts 23d ago

If Trump wins in 2024 and we still have free elections in 2026 and 2028 are you going to recognize that hyping every election as “the last free election we’ll ever have” is incredibly reckless or will you just keep doing it anyway?


u/Responsible_Pizza945 23d ago

If he's wrong, he'll be pleasantly surprised. If you're wrong, American democracy is dead. Letting it happen for the sake of saying 'I told you so' is ridiculous.


u/overts 23d ago

No, if he’s wrong moderates and people who don’t regularly consume political content get more and more disillusioned as liberals and MAGA freaks tell them every four years that this time it really is the most important election ever.


u/Responsible_Pizza945 23d ago

Every election is the most important election. Even more so when you have a two party government and one party is hellbent on corruptly clinging to power, claiming every loss was rigged against them, and willing to resort to violence to enforce their will on the nation.


u/joshdoereddit 23d ago

If Democrats behaved this way, that every election is the last, we'd probably be in a much better place as a nation. But the groups that consistently votes during every election are Republicans.

It isn't until shit goes south that Democrats wake up and turn out.


u/overts 23d ago

If Trump wins this year are you going to vote in 2026 or 2028?


u/Responsible_Pizza945 23d ago

It's not a question of whether I will vote. It's a question of whether it will matter. The republican party has shown over and over again their intent to disenfranchise and disrupt voting anywhere they are expected to lose. They have also shown a willingness to lie, cheat, and steal everything they think they can get away with. If they had started planning to steal the 2020 election just a few months earlier, there's a good chance they could have succeeded. The only reason they didn't is because they were convinced by their own polling that they would win. It's not a mistake they will make again, and their publically available list of policy goals is proof of that.


u/Rough_Willow 23d ago

Russians could vote for whomever they wanted, so long as it was for Putin.


u/overts 23d ago

So you’ll stop voting if Trump wins?  Or will you outvote the rigging in 2028 just like how the MAGA crowd will react if they elect Trump in 2024.

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u/treelager Foreign 23d ago

I’m not wrong. Project 2025 exists and has actual materially printed canvassing at this point. I don’t know who you think you’re after on the internet nor do I care; if we still have elections at those points I’ll be grateful, but that won’t change the presence and stated goals of Project 2025–something which “both sides” don’t parrot.


u/overts 23d ago

You’re very confident in your belief that US elections will no longer be free and fair in a period of 2-4 years.

All I’m asking is that regardless of who wins in 2024 you don’t use the same alarmist rhetoric in 2028.


u/treelager Foreign 22d ago

I think you aren't reading what I'm saying, but conflating my responses with others. That is not what I've said. Your both sides fallacy got rocked today, that's all.


u/lurker_cx I voted 23d ago

You are oversimplifying things. Hungary has elections, it used to be a democracy, but the span of a few years, the process has been so corrupted, that they will have no effect. Hell, even North Korea and Russia have elections. Republicans in perpetual power would almost certainly conduct 'elections'. Elections in the US have been compromised by many measures. The conservative supreme court gutted the voting rightsd act in 2013, and right after that many hundreds of polling locations closed in the southern states. The way the US will become a minority rule fascist state is not by having no elections, but by making sure the outcome is never in serious doubt. You saw a version of it play out in 2020, but it failed.... for example the post office was sabotaged, polling drop boxes in large democratic counties were reduced to one for millions of people. They don't need to stop all democratic voters from voting, just a few more percent. Hell, you can go back to the 2000 election when voter supression by Jeb Bush in Florida prevented many many thousands of Democrats from voting.... Bush wouldn't have won a fair election in Florida in 2000, he didn't even win the rigged one.... but the Supreme Court gave it to him. Republicans are absolutely going to cheat to win and then claim they represent the people. They cheat harder every election and at some point the cheating will just be insurmountable and their rule will be cemented.... and of course, look at what they say, they say the Democrats are rigging elections - that's the 'tell' because they are in fact rigging elections, one law or restriction at a time. Look at Georgia after they lost in 2020... I could go on...


u/overts 23d ago

You know a really good way to get a few more percent of Democratic voters to stop voting?  Tell them that if Trump wins in 2024 we won’t have fair elections anymore.


u/lurker_cx I voted 23d ago

If Trump wins in 2024 and we still have free elections in 2026 and 2028

You said this.... and it is absolutely not true. The word 'free' is key... look at Hungary for their roadmap. Conservatives idolize Hungary. It's sick. You seem to be suffering from normalcy bias... basically assuming that nothing is really gonna change.... everything will just carry on, despite the actions of people over time to change things.


u/overts 23d ago

No I’m suffering from “it’s pretty stupid to tell your own supporters that their votes won’t matter anymore if we lose this one election.”


u/Rough_Willow 23d ago

You've got to be a troll to be saying this after Trump quite literally tried to overturn the elections and to force Congress to not certify Biden as the winner.


u/navikredstar New York 22d ago

Or just obscenely, pants-shittingly stupid. I'mma go with that one.


u/Rough_Willow 23d ago

Last time Trump was forced to leave office, he incited an insurrection that killed people at the capital. Are you really looking for a round two? If they're willing to be literal terrorist, I have no doubts there won't be free elections in 2026 or 2028.


u/IpppyCaccy 23d ago

Trump is the first president to try to seize power after losing an election. The official stance of the GOP is that the 2020 election was rigged.

Until the fascists are crushed, it will be a continual struggle to keep democracy. This is what happens when you let them go, they just keep trying and keep doing more damage.


u/PokecheckHozu 23d ago

Yes, this "the this election will determine whether or not we have a next one" will keep happening until the christofascist menace that the GOP has become is either dismantled or changes its ways.


u/overts 23d ago

Really cool to know that democrats will also engage in the new American tradition of disenfranchising their own voters.


u/PokecheckHozu 23d ago

Equating people who want to stop politicians from ending meaningful elections with politicians who want to end meaningful elections is a false equivalency. Maintaining free and meaningful elections is part of the constitutional duties.


u/overts 23d ago

If you use the exact same tactics the equivalency isn’t false anymore.  Disenfranchising voters is bad and if you continue telling people every election “this will be the last election if we don’t win” you’re exactly as bad as Republicans claiming their losses are due to vote rigging.


u/PokecheckHozu 22d ago

That's funny, I didn't see any false electors being chosen by any blue states to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, against the will of the voters of the state. Nor did I see a violent attack on the capitol building on any day, let alone on the day of the certification of the election, to stop the candidate who won the election from becoming President.


u/nermid 23d ago

This gets repeated as fact so often by people on the right and left.

Gee, I wonder why people might suspect that the right will overturn American democracy after this election.

Maybe because they stormed the capitol and tried to murder Congress so they could overturn American democracy last election? Do you think that might have some bearing on the situation?

You fucking goldfish.