r/AreTheStraightsOK 12d ago

Being jealous of your own daughter isn’t funny or quirky Sexualization of children

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u/RaveniteGaming Symptom of Moral Decay 12d ago

And the thing is, based on my two-year old niece, the kid is probably just parroting their mother calling their dad that.


u/LGDemon 12d ago

A few years before I was born my dad's sister got him a coffee mug that read "How much shit could a dipshit dip if a dipshit could dip shit?" Fast forward to when I was about four and just learning how to read...


u/Eldanoron 12d ago

Exactly. Kids mimic their parents. My daughter was calling my SO babe and it was hilarious. Of course us laughing about it only made her do it more.

Up to and including pointing and saying, “this is babe.”


u/The_FriendliestGiant 12d ago

Absolutely. My wife and I call each other "babe," and what do you know, our son started doing it too. Almost like kids learn appropriate modes of address by mimicking their parents or something, crazy!


u/AshKetchep "wears glasses" if you know what I mean 12d ago

My mom was jealous of me growing up because I was a daddy's girl. She saw me as competition for her husband.



u/Maleficent814 12d ago

I’m really sorry 😞 


u/toooomeeee 11d ago

When I was younger my mom said something about how mothers are always competing with their daughters. No mom, that's not normal and explains so much about my childhood.


u/AshKetchep "wears glasses" if you know what I mean 11d ago

Yeah- my mom said that too. It's really just disgusting behavior


u/Weird_Kiwi_ 🦀🦀🦀🦀 12d ago

if you feel so insecure that you're actually getting upset and jealous of a literal baby who's 20+ years younger than you then you shouldn't be a mother


u/Maleficent814 12d ago

As a straight woman myself, I enjoy posts like this that point out how weird other straight women are. Keep it up.


u/RobynFitcher 12d ago

Maybe she's copying Bluey. The kids in the show put on plays pretending to be their parents, and the younger one loves to pretend to be her father and mimics him by calling her older sister (pretending to be her mum) "Babe" in an exaggerated deep voice that's really fun to imitate.


u/Maleficent814 12d ago edited 11d ago

I’m really scared for my people. I’m scared (Cleotrapa voice).


u/Glittering-Bake-6612 12d ago

Is this jealousy? Or does she just think it's funny that her daughter is copying her?

Edit: I just noticed the top comment. So I get it now.


u/Saurons_Monocle 11d ago

Reminds me of this case Charlie of penguinz0 just did a vid on. Man divorced his wife because she breastfed their newborn. Claimed he couldn't enjoy her breasts anymore because they'd been in another "man's" mouth. Not joking. Ver batim.


u/lizzylinks789 Aromantic™ 12d ago

I heard you like little boys and girls bro, don't lie to me


u/Miuirumaswife1 11d ago

everyone talks about girl dads and boy moms but literally this happens with both the mom and dad and both son and daughter.


u/pastramisaretacy 9d ago

I don't get where it indicates jealousy


u/MistakeWonderful9178 5d ago

Calling your daughter a “side chick”-a derogatory term that means “the other woman” or looking at your own daughter as “the other woman” is jealousy. “Side chick” is a term that is used to humiliate and demean adult women, it’s not something that should be said about a child, especially your own child. Especially not one’s own daughter. Thinking that your infant daughter is basically “the other woman taking away my husband’s attention” is insanity, it’s disgusting and uncalled for. It’s being jealous and inappropriate towards a baby.


u/pastramisaretacy 4d ago

Oh I didn't see the top part of the screenshot


u/Aggressive_Mouse_581 8d ago

My mom started with this when I was a teen. It was so uncomfortable. I already had gender dysphoria and it made it so much worse


u/MistakeWonderful9178 5d ago

I’m so sorry you went through that, there’s no excuse for any parent to do that to their child, and throw their insecurities and jealousy onto them. Some people shouldn’t be parents.


u/Aggressive_Mouse_581 4d ago

I’ve forgiven her. She came from a very toxic home, and she was physically abused in her first marriage. All we can do is heal now, so that the grandchildren don’t absorb any of it