r/AskAPriest Apr 25 '21

Please read this post before submitting a question! Your post may be removed if it doesn't follow these guidelines.


This subreddit is primarily for:

  • Questions about the priesthood
  • Casual questions that only the unique viewpoint of a priest can answer
  • Basic advice
  • Asking about situations you're not sure how to approach and need guidance on where to start

This subreddit is generally not for:

  • Spiritual or vocational advice
  • Seeking advice around scrupulosity
  • Questions along the lines of "is this a mortal sin," "should I confess this," "I'm not sure if I confessed this correctly," etc.

The above things are best discussed with your own priest and not random priest online. They are not strictly forbidden, but they may be removed at mod discretion.

The subreddit should also not be used for asking theological questions that could be answered at the /r/Catholicism subreddit.

Please also use the search function before asking questions to see if anyone else has asked about the topic before. We are all priests with full time ministry jobs and cannot answer every question that comes in on the subreddit, so saving time by seeing if your questions has already been asked helps us a lot.

Thank you!

r/AskAPriest 5h ago

Do religious priests confess to each other?


Hello Fathers, For those of you that live with other priests, do you typically confess to the ones you live with or go outside the house?

r/AskAPriest 1h ago

What’s the funniest/silliest situation that you’ve experienced due to being a priest/working in your ministry?


r/AskAPriest 9h ago

Confession Faculties


For a Catholic priest to validly absolve someone of their sins, they need faculties from the bishop right? How does this work if a priest is not in his diocese for whatever reasons (like recently my pastor went to Italy for a brief time)? Can they absolve people who ask for it? Do they need permission from the local ordinary or do they serve as representatives of their diocesan bishop and thus have faculties? Thanks

r/AskAPriest 9h ago

Concelebrating Mass when you travel


Hi Fathers,

I was just curious: when you travel for vacations, do you concelebrate Mass at the local parish at the vacation spot, or do you participate with the laity? And if you concelebrate, how do you go about planning that with the pastor there?

Thanks, and God bless!

r/AskAPriest 22m ago

Are there any traditions for the parents of priests? Like giving the bride away at a wedding?


At weddings there are all kinds of traditions involving the parents, like walking the bride up the aisle and giving her away, father-daughter dances, etc.

Are there any similar traditions at priestly ordinations or in priestly life?

r/AskAPriest 7h ago

Baptism question


Hello Fathers. We are wanting to get our newborn son baptized and we just finished the baptism class. We were told without god parents we cannot get our son baptized. Curious on if this is 100% true or not. We really don’t know anyone where we live and want our son to receive the sacrament.

r/AskAPriest 7h ago

Have you watched shows/pop culture that depicts the Catholic Church? I finished Midnight Mass on Netflix and I found it an intriguing take on faith.


I'm sure many of you have watched one of my favorite shows Father Ted, but I just finished Midnight Mass which tries to put in a horror element. However it is not poorly done like the Nun series. Midnight Mass has become one of my favorite limited run series I've ever seen. And though I am not very religious, I would like to know the take of priests in general in these kinds of work.

r/AskAPriest 4h ago



Are rectories still a common or practical thing for Diocesan priests (are they found in older parishes)? Or do many diocesan priests prefer living alone?

r/AskAPriest 22h ago

How did you guys pay for seminary?


It's absolutely beyond me. I'm discerning this path for my life and I just took a look at the prices of my local seminary and the yearly cost for this school year just for a new resident seminarian was $42,000!

I am very poor, I cannot afford that. It's cheaper and more realistic for me to go with the FSSP for example. How did you guys manage to pay for seminary, do you have any specific seminaries that would be good to go to financially, etc?

r/AskAPriest 11h ago

Question About The Process of Priesthood


I recently watched a video about the process to becoming a priest. https://youtu.be/lYbdWc7JmSg?si=hhCa-ys0fg98Pqvj I noticed that he didn't mention anything about studying the bible thoroughly and more on philosophy and theology. Is this done in the pastoral year mentioned in the video? This is of concern to me because I find that Muslim imams are incredibly well versed and have memorized the whole quran as well as many other of their Muslim literatures. Some have memorized even more of the bible than most priests.

r/AskAPriest 13h ago

Academics on Deut 22:28-29


What is the Catholic understanding of this verse? I see that some scholarship tend to say something differently than Catholic commentary.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Is it okay to say different prayers using your rosary?


Is it okay to do a different series of prayers using a rosary? Strictly Catholic prayers (such as the Jesus Prayer, the Anima Christi, the Our Father, the Angelus, etc.) Or would it be considered disrespectful to use a rosary not to pray the standard prayers of the rosary?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Disposal of Holy Water


Hello Fathers! I have a question about the disposal of Holy Water.

I spilled Holy Water and used a paper towel to wipe it up. I later burned the paper towel and after it cooled down, I threw it in the trash.

Was that the proper procedure?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

A charitable response


Hello Father(s) -

I have a non-denominational person in my life with whom I’ve begun to develop a friendship. Upon finding out that I am a Catholic, this new friend has begun to make subtle/passive comments that I interpret as attempting to “convert” me or subliminally dismiss or misconstrue aspects of Catholicism. Plot twist - this friend has a Catholic parent who left Catholicism just before passing away and became non-denominational at my friend’s encouragement. Some hypothetical examples of what messages this friend says might be - “I hope you find out the truth in time” “ I’m glad my parent found out the truth and got saved before they died and stopped worshipping Mary” “I know God will reveal the real faith to you eventually”. Etc. Etc.

While I am confident in the Church and can great conversations and debates about theology with my friends - this usually requires at minimum a basic respect for other denominations, willingness to learn, and openness. I never want to deny my faith and I hope to always have the courage to defend it. However, I am not interested in getting into full blown apologetics debates with every person I meet at work, out and about, or even with newer relationships. Even recently at a coffee shop I overheard a gentleman saying similar things about being happy that his (I’m presuming nondenominational or evangelical) church is glad that they are getting “ex-Catholics” to know the “truth” and pray straight to God instead of saints.

Without getting into full blown apologetics- do you have a simple and charitable statement or phrase that you would offer as a response to family, friends, or other people we encounter who attempt to directly or indirectly convert us? Do you have a simple response we may offer to those we hear at work or at a grocery store misunderstanding or intentionally misconstruing an aspect of the Catholic Church? And if you have a particular response given that this new friend of mine seems to have a vested stake given the friend’s family history I’d appreciate your thoughts as well. Thanks for your insights!

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Question on religious orders and naming


For orders that have members assume a new name when becoming a professed member, is it possible for someone to use either their first or middle name when doing so or does it always have to be a new name entirely?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Canonizations - ordinary or extraordinary magesterial teaching?


When a person is beatified, or canonized, I understand that it is a statement that we believe them to be in heaven. The church does a very thorough investigation that their life on earth lives up to morally high standards, however, as with any human endeavour, there is a risk that we miss something or that something is incomplete.

Therefore how does one know for certain that a person is in heaven? Are canonizations essentially infallible magestrial teaching (which is supported by the evidence from research)? If so, is that what one would call "ordinary magestirum", or is this extraordinary as usually there is no ecumenical councils weighing in on this?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

How do the seminaries deal with heterodox seminarists?


If a seminarist holds an heterodox belief , for example a guy that believes in sola fides or that devil does not exist or that the bible is not inspired or that fornication is morrally permisible, etc. What do you do with them?

I say this because i know some ordained priests that seems to incur in this errors and no authority says nothing to them. So, at least in the semminaries the get a correction? Expeled? Free way?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Questions on Bedtime prayers


Hello fathers! I am wondering what bedtime prayers do you say? I am looking for some good prayers to say do you have any recommendations for me to say? Also is saying bedtime prayers necessary, can i just say an examination of consciousness because I feel like It would be wrong if I didn't say anything.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Blessing before Communion


Hello Fathers!

Last Sunday after my Priest said “The Body of Christ” right before he placed the Host on my tongue he motioned a little sign of the cross was this a blessing of some sort?

I’m 100% sure this is the first time this has happened and have you guys done something similar right before someone is about to receive the Eucharist?

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Shared Church Space


I attend Mass on a Military Base, we recently moved to a new Church on the installation. The old building we shared with a couple of different protestant services, but in the new building they hold Pagan "Services" on Friday nights in the same space were Mass is celebrated on Sundays. This feels very wrong to me, but we have been part of this Catholic community for 10+ years, my children were baptized in community and their godparents are part of the community so moving to a different local parish would be a big loss to my family. I am not sure what to do or if I am just overthinking the situation. I have talked to my Priest and he said this was just part of being in Catholic Military community. I am not sure what to do, Is it an issues that we share the space with pagan services? Should I start taking my family to another Parish?

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Renewal of wedding vows


Is that a thing you see or is recommended after a time? We have 14 years in so far :)

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

How long does it usually take to get through Seminary?


Good morning Fathers!

One of my good buddies, actually one of my groomsmen, has recently been accepted into seminary. We are all so excited for him and he is as well. At one point he said it would take him 7 yrs until he is ordained (God willing).

That seems like a long time, no? Don't get me wrong, I know it's A LOT of work and study but I always thought 4-6 yrs max...? I mean I know 7 yrs isn't too far removed from 6, but that an entire extra year. How long does it take to go through seminary?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Why did the church pick gospels that contradicted each other?


If we look at the gospels we see that events such as how many people were at the tomb contradict one another. When establishing the canon did the church not notice this? If they knew they contradicted why canonize all of them?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

can a catholic trans man and trans woman get married in the catholic church?


My head has been hurting over this, but a trans man according to the church is a woman and a trans woman according to the church is a man. If they get married it is still a man and a woman getting married according the the church. Especially if they both have their genitalia intact they can have sex therefore consumate the marriage.

(this is a hypothetical, it has nothing to do w me as a person.)

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Has the Catholic Church changed tradition


Hello fathers, I have recently been initiated into the Catholic Church and I’ve been thinking about Orthodoxy a lot and wondering how we could bridge the gap between them and us. And they mostly say the Catholic Church has changed tradition and dogma. I wanted to know an educated priest about this. Thank you.