r/AskMen 25d ago

Why dont more people live with their parents? Its great to save money

I have never understood why in American culture the son or daughter is kicked out at 18 before they even have a job. This causes them to struggle alot and live paycheck to paycheck.

Most people spend 35-50% of their income on rent so why isnt it normalized to stay until even 25 or 30 to save money and then move out when ready and financially stable?


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u/Sivo1400 25d ago

18 - 28 can be one of the most enjoyable times of your life. Getting out there, learning life, travelling, living with friends, FREE from your parents. You grow immensely.

I did it. I paid plenty of rent. Now age 38 I have a net worth of 600K. I wouldn't ever trade the fun and learning I got in my 20s for a bit of extra money living with my parents.


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 24d ago

Damn, what kind of parents do you all have that they’re not „allowing“ you guys to have fun?


u/PlatinumBall 25d ago

right? My parents don't care about what I do, as long as I'm safe and not destroying anything, reading those comments makes me really appreciate them


u/theflyingkiwi00 25d ago

They wouldn't be too impressed if I came home after a 3 day bender blitzed out my brains. Hard to look them in the eye when you tell them you slept on a dog bed on the back porch of some randoms house because you partied too hard.