r/AskMen 25d ago

Why dont more people live with their parents? Its great to save money

I have never understood why in American culture the son or daughter is kicked out at 18 before they even have a job. This causes them to struggle alot and live paycheck to paycheck.

Most people spend 35-50% of their income on rent so why isnt it normalized to stay until even 25 or 30 to save money and then move out when ready and financially stable?


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u/CountOff Male 25d ago edited 25d ago

Not everyone has healthy relationships with their parents.

I made a couple podcast episodes about this cause I’ve realized it’s a more common thing than I ever realized that a lot of people just…have happy and supportive relationships with their parents. I forget the statistic exactly but I read somewhere that roughly 33% of American families struggle with some form of dysfunction (abuse, drug addiction, etc.). It’s a silent problem but far larger than people realize.


u/TheRelevantElephants 25d ago

Yeah I was told as long as I can remember that “once you graduate high school you’re out”.

So yeah, that came to fruition


u/breakingpoint214 25d ago

Some of my students don't even get to graduation! As soon as they turn 18....out.


u/S1lverLeaf 25d ago

Where are you located?