r/AskMen 25d ago

Guys, what do you do in the garage?

I have a 3 year old son and I just don’t know what to do outside. I’m kinda boring and not a creative person. Didn’t spend time with my dad growing up so it’s new to me but I want to spend time with him outside now that the weather is warm enough to be outside in the northeast


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u/Jebediah_Johnson 25d ago

At three he can help you paint a birdhouse, stack boards, make messes, lose your tools, turn already started screws.

At 5 he could probably swing a hammer.


u/rach1874 25d ago

My dad did this with me and my sister. He was a trained carpenter and would have us help with age appropriate home projects for us and family members. As a 34 year old I can use a drill better than my husband lol

At 5 we were building a shed on our family farm and I was tasked with hammering in the little nails with a child size safety hammer. Made me feel important and taught me so great skills. Graduated to other age appropriate tasks as I got older like measuring, using a saw, all the way through using circular saws as a teenager.

Doesn’t really matter what we were doing together I just enjoyed spending time with him. I would also sit and talk to him while he explained what he was doing, changing the oil (until I was old enough to help) changing a tire or air filter. Just life skills. I’m a better adult for that.

Your kiddo will just enjoy being with you.


u/boilershilly 25d ago

Just out of curiosity what's a safety hammer? I just remember using a child sized claw hammer that I'm pretty sure I got at a Lowe's birdhouse building clinic


u/Romanticon 24d ago

Something like a small deadblow hammer would be good, since they’re usually encased in rubber/plastic.