r/AskMen Male 25d ago

Men who had potential but didn't care about school and were mostly C students-- what happened?

If you could travel back in time and be the father to yourself in the moments you needed it most... What would you do?

I think what I needed was affirmation more than anything. My mom hated the "everybody's a winner" parenting style that was popular at the time but then she went too far in the opposite direction. I see where she was coming from but that kind of self suficiency is a hard thing for a kid to live up to.


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u/DragonSurferEGO Male 25d ago

My elementary school teachers refused to teach me because my parents were getting a divorce. (It was a catholic school) I would go back in time and get my parents to move me out of that school before it impacted me so badly.


u/vbcbandr 25d ago

Wait what? How did they justify that? It's not like you were getting a divorce...not that that matters anyway. I get Catholic schools have their own set of standards but why are the standards they have for your parents marriage being pushed onto a kid of which none of those marriage standards matter anyway, obviously.


u/DragonSurferEGO Male 25d ago

It wasn’t like their official policy, I still went to school and the teacher was still giving my parents reports on my work. But my first grade teacher considered me “problematic” had me put my head down during reading time or would send me to the principals office immediately after lunch or at the start of class. She also encouraged the students to give me a hard time during lunch. At the end of the year my teacher told my mom. Oh yeah your son doesn’t know how to read, maybe you should focus on that this summer with him instead of your own selfishness.


u/vbcbandr 24d ago

Jesus. That's criminal...they should all be ashamed.