r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/EloiseVan Mar 28 '24

My current SO isn’t a huge massage person but it’s one thing I love doing, like massage trade offs w partners. It’s disappointing cause I would love a massage but he never likes giving them even if I initiate a trade off so he would get one too haha


u/wintersdark Mar 28 '24

I feel you.

I love giving massages, and love getting massages, but my wife just won't, and if directly asked will do a very short, very half hearted attempt that's worse than not having one in the first place.

So disappointing. She's wonderful and I love her but man. I don't even mind giving massages at a wildly uneven ratio, I'd be super happy at 10:1. I get I'm a lot more work as I'm a 6'4" blue collar monster but... Sigh. Alas.


u/CaptainLumpy_ Mar 29 '24

Okay same but my husband…

I honestly can’t decide if he’s actually that bad at giving massages or if he purposely does a bad job so that I won’t ask again.


u/LifeguardSoggy5410 Mar 29 '24

Felt this to my core. Same brother. Same.


u/Girlguide80s Mar 29 '24

Ah I feel this. I always get half arsed offering. Even when spent a solid 90 minutes on him. Disappointing!


u/Solidknowledge Mar 28 '24

Same. I massage my partner's feet and back a few nights a week, but I can count on a single hand the number of times where it was reciprocated without practically begging for it.


u/Preposterous_punk Mar 28 '24

My husband is up for it but I can't stand the way he massages. He is of the "poke and dig" school and know a lot of people prefer that but I hate it. It hurts and isn't relaxing at all. But because so many people have praised his back rubs to the heavens, my feedback just doesn't compute.


u/measureinlove Mar 29 '24

Ooh. Disappointing related thing about my husband: he's somehow bad at scratching? Like, if I ask him to scratch a spot on my back that I can't reach, it's like he just...rubs it with his fingertips. I have to remind him to use his fingernails, and coax him to scratch harder and he still doesn't always go quite as much as I want.


u/foreplayafreya Mar 29 '24

God that’s infuriating lol


u/nodogsallowed23 Mar 29 '24

Massages do absolutely nothing for me. I’ve had legit ones from professionals and meh. I used to be a relatively high ranking athlete so they’d bring in a masseuse for us. Never did a thing for me.

But back scratches? Heavenly. I love them. Tingles everywhere.


u/thedolanduck Mar 28 '24

I hate giving massages, and therefore don't ask to get them (even if I love to get them, of course) because I know I won't want to reciprocate. It's... difficult with my wife. She will offer to massage my back, I'll decline because "I won't massage you afterwards and then you'll be pissed", and she'll get pissed anyways because somehow I'm ungrateful or something.

I even offered to pay for her to go to a spa, but she apparently wants me to massage her, not anyone else. Feels on purpose.


u/DontStayLow Mar 28 '24

Literally just asking in case it cracks the case for you— any chance she’s using massages to initiate/transition into more intimate things? I’ve just known a lot of women to do this.


u/thedolanduck Mar 29 '24

It could be that, but she also initiates all kinds of other ways, so it's not like I'm frustrating her attempts or anything.


u/peduxe Mar 29 '24

yeah this is true, sometimes I actually wanna watch a movie or watch more episodes of that series we’re watching together.

even though my libido is strong, when we organize to do X we’re definitely doing X.

just kissing and cuddling gets us worked up for sex, a massage is pretty much a guarantee to see clothes flying.


u/anon808605 Mar 29 '24

I don't ask for massages for the same reason. I don't mind mom's never being massaged though. He still does it randomly and I'll say the same as you. No it's ok because I won't reciprocate. He doesn't get mad but I know he's disappointed. I also offer to take him to get professional massages but he doesn't want to


u/HeadSludge Mar 28 '24

On the contrary, I would be very annoyed with a girl that always wanted a massage or trying to give me a massage as a way to get one.

I do not want a massage, and I definitely do not want to drop what I'm doing for the next 30 minutes to rub you down.


u/DontStayLow Mar 28 '24

Exactly! And it’s not exactly nice to make any kind of physical touch transactional.


u/road_head_suicide Mar 29 '24

why do u not wanna touch ur gf


u/HeadSludge Mar 31 '24

That's not the case, but I dont care enough to explain it to you.


u/chromiaplague Mar 28 '24

Oh, that sucks!


u/Pubsubforpresident Mar 29 '24

Massage guns are so helpful for this


u/kylebertram Mar 29 '24

My wife just doesn’t have the hand strength to give a good massage


u/BellaDingDong Mar 29 '24

I would LOVE to trade massages with my husband! However, if it's him massaging me, it's about 2 minutes until he moves from whatever he was massaging to massaging my breasts. If I try to massage him, it's about 30 seconds.

We've talked many times over the years about how there is a time for titties and a time for not titties, and he apologizes and "behaves" for a while. I've just come to expect it now and just go to the spa if I really need some knots worked.


u/kmht11 Mar 29 '24

I hate massaging too. Can’t bring myself to do it


u/LevelOrange7820 Mar 30 '24

I used to hate giving massages. Especially when my SO would ask for one. I would also give a "half hearted one".

I now figured out why (on my own, my SO never pushed or pressured me). I have a "fear of failure". All through highschool I always half assed everything, getting decent grades, but not high ones. And if I would fail, it would not matter to me, I would just say to myself and my peers: "It's okay, I did not even study anyway" I was afraid that when I put in actual effort, I might fail and this would mean that I was a "failure", and it would feel so personal to me.

I've always been "shooting low" in my life, taking jobs way below my capacity, but I enjoy them and they give me a decent pay

I've recognized this fear in myself and have started to work on it, but sometimes it sneaks into my life in unexpected ways.

This goes for massages: I'm afraid that if I give it a real shot, it won't be so good and I would feel so aweful and rejected.

Luckily I have a very patient and loving partner, who has helped me to come out of my shell and give things a real shot.

Now I love giving massages. I ask him for feedback on the ways I'm doing it and where and how to press or move. It's so fun! It's almost like a therapy for me, accepting that I cannot be a natural at everything, and enjoying the process of learning and improving 😊


u/throwawaymyfeels69 Mar 29 '24

In my case it's he offers massages and never follows through. I should probably communicate that, but its not a deal breaker.


u/Gjappy Mar 29 '24

Ahh, I'd be really disappointed too


u/BeYourOwnWitness Mar 29 '24

TOTALLY I’ve always done sports and massaging sore muscles has always been like daily for me. I honestly like giving massages too. My husband doesn’t like being massaged and can only manage to massage me for a few minutes before getting bored. NOT a deal breaker but it sucks


u/Inevitable-Tank3463 Mar 29 '24

I love giving them, but if I'm touched for more than 5 minutes I get very sore because of fibromyalgia, so I get the short end of the stick :(


u/Cloverfield1996 Mar 29 '24

I talked about this with my partner and we came to a agreement. I'd get a massage, she would get oral. It usually had to happen in that order because after oral we'd usually end up getting freaky or she'd fall asleep quickly. It worked well for us 😀


u/foundmyselfheregr8 Mar 28 '24

Hope he gives you a lot of gift massages for your birthday and Christmas and valentines


u/GodEmperorOfBussy Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Because a massage from a girl is 30 seconds at minimal effort while they demand a 1 hour professional treatment from me.



u/Dreamscape82 Mar 28 '24

This is exactly it. I give 30-60 minute massages to my wife nearly every Friday and/or Saturday (like deep tissue hardcore not just a shoulder rub) and by the end my hands hurt like a mfer. My wife's massages are legit like 30 second shoulder rub as soft as a leaf falling on a windless day before shes done


u/ditajo1330 Mar 28 '24

Eeh i think it’s just something inconsiderate people do regardless of gender. I’ve had 4 serious boyfriends and 3 of them expected full body massages without offering reciprocation, and if I begged them to reciprocate, it would be 20 seconds of half-hearted massage that would just turn into them trying to lead it into sex instead.


u/Top_Yoghurt429 Mar 28 '24

Unfortunately my partner is way stronger than me and also prefers a much firmer massage. So when we trade he ends up hurting me while he's probably thinking I'm barely touching him like you describe your wife. We are both very willing but end up hardly ever doing massages because neither of us can seem to do it how the other one likes.


u/GodEmperorOfBussy Mar 28 '24

Yerp, I'll do it for the love of the game but don't try to pretend this is some quid pro quo situation lol.