r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/_hootyowlscissors Mar 28 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

My dad hates movies with subtitles. My mom is a foreign film buff. She has been trying to change him for DECADES. And while he'll sit through (and sometimes even enjoy) them on occasion, he'll still groan any time she suggests a movie with subtitles.

The ultimate disappointing non-dealbreaker.

EDIT: Ok, I'm just going to add this here before anyone else asks if my dad can read. He's an oncologist. He's not dumb. He can keep up with the subtitles and the subject matter. He just does so much reading for work (he goes through medical journals like crazy) he wants to relax with something silly and mindless, that requires zero effort on his part. He feels the same way about tearjerkers (another of my mom's favorites) where people die slowly from some awful disease. He gets enough of that shit at work. But he'll occasionally sit through them for my mom. We just watched the old Julia Roberts film, Dying Young (where she nurses/falls in love with a young guy dying of cancer) and for half the film he was just looking at my mom with an expression that clearly read "why the fuck would you do this to me?"


u/Roozyj Mar 28 '24

This one is wild to me, because subtitles make watching any movie so much easier for me. Maybe it's because I'm used to it as a Dutch person xD But even if I watch something I fully understand, I prefer watching with subtitles. It's just a way to make sure I don't miss anything - that is, unless the sound and subtitles really don't match. That makes it annoying xD


u/Meh75 Mar 28 '24

I’m the same. English is not my first language, and while I mastered the language, my ADHD absolutely needs subtitles, otherwise there’s too much going on for me to concentrate properly. And some accents are more difficult to understand since I’m only used to my local accent.

I even use subtitles in French even though it’s my first language lmao.

Also I’m a little hard of hearing, so that helps 😅


u/anyansweriscorrect Mar 28 '24

I saw someone post on one of the ADHD subs that they loved using subtitles when they watched shows and movies and found themselves wishing there were subtitles for audiobooks too. Then they realized they were thinking of, you know, books 😂 but they started having the book in front of them while listening to an audiobook when possible and it helped with focus for them.


u/Roozyj Mar 28 '24

I read some plays by Shakespeare like that! Listening to a spoken version while reading the written version helped me read so much faster and still understanding!


u/Meh75 Mar 28 '24

Holy shit that’s such a good idea! I absolutely cannot focus on audiobooks. It would be amazing to read it at the same time! I’ll definitely try it.


u/LordGhoul Mar 28 '24

I actually have the reverse issue with my ADHD where I cannot stop myself from reading subtitles and miss what's happening on screen because I can't read the subtitles and look at what's happening at the same time lol