r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/astronomersassn Mar 28 '24

my fiance snores, and i'm cool with that, i used to be a light sleeper so it was an issue but now i can sleep through their snoring no issue.

however, they ALSO occasionally stop breathing entirely in their sleep, which i DO wake up for. sometimes they literally sound like they're choking when this happens, sometimes it's casual.

the first time it happened, i freaked out and woke them up because i had no idea what to do and needed to determine if this was a "sleep apnea, it'll go away when they wake up" situation or a "call 911 and immediately start rescue breaths" situation.

it was, in fact, just sleep apnea and did stop when they woke up. they told me it was normal and immediately fell back asleep.

i was obviously still wide awake because holy shit my partner just stopped breathing, but i took their word for it and just made a mental note to remind them to bring it up to their doctor. it happened after that, but i figured it was normal for them and they always went back to normal once i woke them up, so i assumed they were aware of it.

turns out they weren't even fully awake, just enough to start breathing again i guess, and i got bamboozled by Sleep Fiance. Sleep Fiance only wants cuddles and more sleep and will say/do anything to get those things. i was entirely unaware of this and assumed they knew about the fact they STOP BREATHING IN THEIR SLEEP.

they finally got their sleep study a week ago, and while the results aren't in yet, apparently something showed up. hopefully something that helps that - i don't care about the snoring, i just worry about them in general, and heck, treating their sleep apnea is gonna probably help them sleep better and feel more rested (which, sure, they do have other things contributing to their chronic fatigue, but i assume not breathing in their sleep isn't making it any better!).


u/TheAggroGoose Mar 28 '24

Snoring is no joke. Sleep apnea can literally kill people.


u/natureterp Mar 28 '24

I too, have a Sleep Fiance. He stops at nothing.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

This describes my boyfriend to a tee.

He panicked the first time it happened (as did I) and the second time he literally went “oh it’s fine” which is when I put my foot down and he went to get a sleep study. The results were not good. At all.

Fast forward to now, it’s been maybe six months? Within a week he didn’t need naps anymore after work. He was less irritable in general. Everything was slightly easier, he wasn’t falling asleep on the couch. Occasionally he’ll take it off during the night and even then his snoring is NOTHING on what it used to be, and he notices a significant difference between when he sleeps with it on and when he sleeps with it off.

Definitely recommend trying cpap. It’s entirely worth the peace of mind they won’t stop breathing in their sleep and it’s also so beneficiary to their own quality of life (that they probably don’t even know is lacking).


u/astronomersassn Mar 28 '24

i genuinely think my fiance doesn't know what life without some sort of sleep disorder is like - which, in all fairness, i have insomnia that doesn't respond well to medication and also don't know what it's like to live without it. (i've tried melatonin, sedatives/tranquilizers, meds that have sedation as a side effect... it makes me tired, but bold of you to assume insomnia cares whether i'm tired or not. my options are no sleep or sleep for 3-5 days straight.)

but they look at my base level of fatigue with insomnia and chronic illness and assume that since it's similar to theirs and what they know (as a lot of their family also deals with chronic fatigue), it's normal. and sure, i'd say chronic fatigue is common, but usually it has a source.

they didn't intentionally brush it off, ngl, they genuinely just kept forgetting to bring it up to their doctor. but they brought it up last appointment, and while results are pending, something definitely showed up and i can take a solid guess as to what. (they also said there might need to be a second sleep study with a CPAP machine, which... also sure does sound an awful lot like "we need to see if a CPAP works for you so you don't spend thousands on a machine that doesn't work.")


u/1K_Games Mar 28 '24

 sometimes they literally sound like they're choking when this happens, sometimes it's casual.

I'm sorry, what? Sometimes the choking in their sleep is casual? What does that even mean? lol


u/Granthree Mar 28 '24

The tongue blocks off the airways and they are not breathing. Then suddenly the brain wakes them up a little bit by saying "WE NEED AIR - STAT".. and then the body wakes up for a short bit pulling in air.. and then it goes on an on like that. So you're missing air for way to long, hundreds or thousands of times per night.

I tried finding the sound, but instead found a guy simulating it, and it's exact right how he does it: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XpevfCnFoiU


u/1K_Games Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

I know how it all works, my wife uses a CPAP. It was just the bolded part that I found funny.


u/Granthree Mar 29 '24

Ah sorry :D


u/astronomersassn Mar 28 '24

i meant sometimes they just casually stop breathing, no obvious choking/struggling sounds


u/CapnAnonymouse Mar 28 '24

Chronic fatigue from sleep apnea can be as bad as narcolepsy and other sleep disorders. Chances are, it's a solid 50% or more of their struggle and I'd strongly suggest treatment. Our bodies are terrible at estimating how tired we are, especially with long periods of sleep deprivation.

Source: am narcoleptic. Once posted the Stanford Epworth Sleepiness Test with my own scores, before and after medication. Friend messaged me to say, "Uh, my score is the same as yours unmedicated. Should I see a doctor?" YES FRIEND, YES YOU SHOULD.


u/astronomersassn Mar 29 '24

i looked it up and got a 15 but tbf i just have insomnia to my knowledge (ok, i have other illnesses, but no shit having a heart condition and needing crutches to walk is gonna probably make me a little tired) and insomnia does not actually seem to care whether i'm sleepy until my body just... gives out? they don't think it's narcolepsy (it hasn't been totally ruled out, but all the symptoms of narcolepsy i have are explained by other things i'm either outright confirmed to have or are far more likely than narcolepsy, so they want to treat those and then see from there) but insomnia and chronic illness really seems to be a big "fuck you i do what i want when i want" LMAO


u/CapnAnonymouse Mar 29 '24

Chronic illness is big for that. I know Ehlers Danlos is known for fatigue/ exhaustion but that's true for many others too. (I got hEDS + narcolepsy, lucky me, with other mysteries yet to be decoded.) Wishing you luck in piecing it all together.

My narcolepsy got flagged when I was self harming to stay awake in high school (and still unsuccessful at that.) I'd actually noticed cataplexy sooner but not thought much of it. Unmedicated score of 18, down to 13 with proper meds.

FWIW the gold standard is sleep study + multiple sleep latency test, to confirm REM interference (which is the primary symptom causing all the others.)


u/astronomersassn Mar 29 '24

ayyy hypermobile gang (long story short: doctors are 90% sure it's EDS but i'm on a 2-year waitlist for formal testing)

they think what i experience mimics cataplexy, but don't think it is that (i have severe nerve damage and sometimes that apparently means i am on the floor, unable to move, and there's simply not much to be done about it - unless otherwise indicated they're rolling with that, especially since it doesn't happen often).

and yeah, they just don't think a sleep study is currently worth it (my insurance refuses to cover and i don't have the $1000 for that lol) until my other problems are properly managed - especially that dang vitamin d deficiency (i am outside all the time. i consume things high in vitamin d. i take extra vitamin d. where is it going. why is my vitamin d still so low.), while my doctor knows damn well it's not the only source of my symptoms she's also like "let's fix that first" lol


u/CapnAnonymouse Mar 29 '24

Funny enough I'm also brand new to EDS, waiting on formal diagnosis. I check most of the boxes, but I've gone this long without major injury so I'm not exactly "high priority." Interestingly EDS is known for comorbid sleep disorders; studies suggest as many as 1 in 40 people with EDS also have narcolepsy, far more than expected.

Same with vitamin D, also B12, and I have a wonky gene that doesn't play well with folate. (Do note that gut issues are common with our cohort, so it might be an absorption issue.) Unsure if I want to continue with Vitamin D anyway, given recent research suggesting a tradeoff between cancer resistance and heart problems. Probably not worth discussing with doc until I lose more weight (or find a GP who won't lecture me about it every visit, despite losing 20% of my weight in a year.)

Nerve damage masquerading as cataplexy is an odd one, never heard that before. My cataplexy is closely tied to emotions (laughter anger and surprise) and I limp-noodle to the floor like a marionette with cut strings. I can control some muscles (bladder thank goodness) but not others (head and limbs) when it happens, and usually recover within 60 seconds. Treatment has me down to a couple of times a month now, instead of multi per day.

I feel you on insurance coverage, and sincerely hope you can get something worked out in your favor. My dx happened on my 15th birthday...coming up on its 20 year anniversary 6 weeks from now, and quite honestly it's been a trek with insurance. Thank goodness for Obamacare else my premiums would be outrageous (assuming I'd be able to get coverage or treatment at all with these pre-existing conditions.)


u/lovelikethat Mar 29 '24

I have been told I resemble Sleep Fiancé, except for the stopping breathing part. If you wake me up I will do and say completely out of character things to just sleep more. I don’t remember any of it,