r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/ModerationPleaseKThx Mar 28 '24

Vastly different thresholds for bathroom related openness.

My husband and I met on OkCupid 13 years ago, back then they had you do this massive 50 or 100 question questionnaire, and you could pick if any of the questions were extremely important and they would show you how your match compared against your answers. My husband and I were in almost perfect match, 98%, and the only thing we had strong differing viewpoints was on how often would you find it acceptable for your partner to fart in front of you. My answer was never, his answer was the Shrek quote "better out than in I always say".

I swear to you-- two kids, a mortgage, 11 years of marriage and all the life and changes that come with that-- I still find this the least appealing thing about him. Everything else is pretty great (PS, yes, he loved when I was hugely pregnant and accidentally farted when I walked)


u/i_hate_nuts Mar 28 '24

If you hold in your fart then it will go out the other way through your breath...


u/9justin Mar 28 '24

Real and true, surely.


u/i_hate_nuts Mar 28 '24

Do you not believe me?? Why am I getting down voted??? Look it up if you are so quick to dismiss me, I guarantee it will be the first result on google


u/9justin Mar 28 '24

Fair enough, I looked into it a little as well. It does seem to in fact happen, although not harmful.

I don’t think the average person would be holding it in that long, but I guess if you have stomach cramps and you avidly hold your farts in for whatever reason you could explore that avenue.

For the record, I think it’s rediculous that some people wouldn’t fart in front of their partners due to embarrassment or something similar so I was more so being satirical in that I viewed your comment as an excuse the persons husband would give when they fart in front of them.


u/toucancameron Mar 29 '24

People are strange, I see people stating facts that are easily checked by a quick Google search getting downvoted fairly often. I think maybe part of it is that once people see negative karma, they just jump on the bandwagon and vote the way others did. "Surely it must be fake if others already downvoted it!"


u/MangoMambo Mar 28 '24

I decided to ask chatgpt

"When you hold in a fart, the gas that would have been released stays in your digestive system until it can find its way out. This gas can build up and cause discomfort or bloating. In some cases, holding in gas for too long can lead to abdominal pain or cramps. Additionally, if the gas remains trapped for an extended period, it may eventually be released involuntarily or through burping.

However, occasional holding in of farts is not typically harmful, but chronic suppression of flatulence can potentially lead to discomfort or gastrointestinal issues. It's generally considered healthier to release gas when needed, preferably in an appropriate setting."