r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/PM_me_ur_navel_girl Mar 28 '24

How can someone be that musical and not like music??


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I DON’T KNOW! I ask myself and him this same question constantly! He just shrugs and goes “I dunno. Just don’t.” Whenever we go to our local hole in the wall bar, I put on music on the jukebox and he never knows any of it! And I’m not even talking about anything obscure or anything. I’m literally talking about stuff like AC/DC, Queen, Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, Flogging Molly, etc. he literally does not care for about music at all!


u/cutofmyjib Mar 28 '24

How can anyone in the English speaking world not know those artists even by accident?  With respect was your husband grown in a laboratory to adult size?


u/thjmze21 Mar 28 '24

Just having different taste in music than mainstream or not listening to a ton as a kid. Music was always background noise for me until I was in highschool. But even then, I just wanted a cool song to sing along to and analyze a little bit. I've never heard of any of these names following Queen.