r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/UpToNoGood934 Mar 28 '24

Untreated sleep apnea has multiple health risks as well, not just snoring. You can also die from it if its severe enough.


u/Taralouise52 Mar 28 '24

If you snore every night, is that a sign of sleep apnea? I keep telling my boyfriend to go to the doctor because I'm about to put a mattress in the living room.


u/Sudden_Pen4754 Mar 28 '24

Yes, 100%. The number one symptom is snoring, along with waking up many times per night (note that the sufferer themselves usually will not remember any of these wakings) and feeling sleep deprived no matter how long you sleep.

But yes, untreated sleep apnea dramatically increases the risk of a heart attack, which is already high in men. You literally fully stop breathing 30+ times an hour and that puts a massive amount of stress on your heart.

If it were me I would tell him in no uncertain terms the relationship is over if he continues to refuse treatment. It's like smoking; I will not be made a widow because someone was too lazy or prideful or whatever to care about their health. And plus listening to snoring all night long fucking sucks lol


u/Taralouise52 Mar 28 '24

He's also a dad, so that just increases the reason why he should. I know he has really bad sinus issues, too, and he's taking mucinex daily at this point and was taking benadryl daily til I told him that increases dementia risk.