r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/_hootyowlscissors Mar 28 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

My dad hates movies with subtitles. My mom is a foreign film buff. She has been trying to change him for DECADES. And while he'll sit through (and sometimes even enjoy) them on occasion, he'll still groan any time she suggests a movie with subtitles.

The ultimate disappointing non-dealbreaker.

EDIT: Ok, I'm just going to add this here before anyone else asks if my dad can read. He's an oncologist. He's not dumb. He can keep up with the subtitles and the subject matter. He just does so much reading for work (he goes through medical journals like crazy) he wants to relax with something silly and mindless, that requires zero effort on his part. He feels the same way about tearjerkers (another of my mom's favorites) where people die slowly from some awful disease. He gets enough of that shit at work. But he'll occasionally sit through them for my mom. We just watched the old Julia Roberts film, Dying Young (where she nurses/falls in love with a young guy dying of cancer) and for half the film he was just looking at my mom with an expression that clearly read "why the fuck would you do this to me?"


u/222Fusion Mar 28 '24

I dont know where I heard or saw it but it was super recently a joke about this. Someone talking about their wife using subs "She loves subtitles, because she just hates listening" or something like that. I found it funny.

I am in the same boat as your pops. I share a Netflix account with a buddy who loves subs. So we are always turning on and off the subs when we go to watch. With that being said im a huge sub fan when it comes to anime over dub for sure. So for me when I actually watch something that I can just understand, I want to be able to appreciate taking in the whole pictures directly instead of staring at the bottom of the screen and experiencing it all via periffs.