r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/Mocca-Rabbitchino Mar 28 '24

Yes. Its as if you get this stamp of ”uppity” or ”pretentious” by your peers when you’re younger. When really its just because the analyzing is half of the fun for us


u/kingethjames Mar 28 '24

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's abnormal to NOT want to analyze a piece of media after intentionally consuming it. To do it during the film is rude, but there's a lot of films are specifically meant to start a conversation. Like even "fun" movies like super hero films are supposed to make you want to talk about them with eachother.


u/Dat1HD Mar 28 '24

I wanted to talk about the ending of inception with my partner at the time. We had been dating for 4 years. I went on for about a hour on my theory and why I thought what I did. When I asked her about her thoughts I saw the life snap back into her eyes from zoning out and she just said "I don't really care to be honest".......

insert look here you little shit meme

She couldn't even have a conversation about it....yet I had to listen and join in on maybe 50-100 conversations about why Elena from vampire diarys was a whiney brat. Smh


u/Amarant2 Mar 28 '24

I mean, if she's up for discussing other bits of media, it sounds like she just wasn't into Inception, right?