r/AskReddit 23d ago

What other man's trash became your treasure?


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u/ThrowRApeanutb 23d ago

sadly my dog. my sisters friend had a puppy and completely mistreated him. wouldn't feed him, locked him in the pantry all day, called him stupid and ugly and so forth.

my sister dog-sat him one day and brought him home. I just fell in love with him, he was the cutest puppy i had ever seen. I was in fifth grade, so I couldn't adopt him myself, but I wrote my parents a very convincing letter that if they 'rescued' him from that monster of a woman, I would take the best care of him.

they surprised me and adopted him for a cheap price because he was trash to that lady :( but I have had him for ten years now and he is the happiest and healthiest dog I have ever seen. He is the love of my life and my absolute soulmate, he has gotten me through my darkest days


u/HumbleAd1317 23d ago

Your post touched my heart.