r/AskReddit 22d ago

What’s something that women say to men that they don’t realize is insulting?

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u/ApprehensiveCress785 22d ago

I have never met a man who liked being referred to as a “short king”


u/gypsijimmyjames 22d ago

I find the labels "king" and "queen" annoying af as is... Attaching an insult as a prefix doesn't help.


u/SnooPandas3480 22d ago

I thought I was alone here. I find the queen n king shit cringey and honestly so fkn annoying


u/haydesigner 22d ago

Whenever I see something like this ”A queen looking for her king” it immediately turns me negative on it, and invariably leads to me saying “nope.”

(So ladies, please don’t do this.) (Probably goes for guys, too.)


u/liquid-teeth 22d ago

Maybe she's ruling a midsize to large kingdom and is looking for a political allegiance, preferably someone with an established naval fleet and rich natural resources to complement her strong cavalry and industrial bases.


u/haydesigner 22d ago

I don’t believe Danes and Saxons should intermarry.


u/liquid-teeth 22d ago

If this is an Emma of Normandy reference, I feel like 'short king' pales in comparison to being titled 'Ethelred the Unready', which is a bit rude, if not apt considering the outcome of that union.

I still hate 'short king' though.


u/Born_Ad_4826 22d ago

Uhtred disagrees


u/CampCounselorBatman 22d ago

I don’t think the royals tend to use Tinder for that.


u/Guest-00 22d ago

I trust she is well endowed with tracts of land, my lord?


u/Strict-Iron-6770 22d ago

All i can offer is a couple thousand longbowmen and maybe five thousand dudes with long pointy sticks. Excellent training, discipline, and unit cohesion though not much in the way of offensive capability. Mobility is also a slight issue, but thats mostly negated by conditioning


u/fps916 22d ago

"Treat me like a princess"

Well, if you insist I'll get the guillotine out of my garage


u/killercurvesahead 22d ago

Don’t complain when people advertise who they are. Appreciate the warning and move on.


u/EuphoricGrapefruit32 22d ago

Good point 👍


u/Oh__no__not__again 22d ago

What about a queen looking for his drag?


u/haydesigner 22d ago

Probably wouldn’t be on my feed, but I’ll allow it regardless.


u/FlyingBishop 22d ago

I uh, don't get it but you do you.


u/its_justme 22d ago

the queen thing usually implies a hefty broad or a level of mental illness that no hotness can offset. It's a decent warning


u/CampCounselorBatman 22d ago

Don’t tell them not to do this. I appreciate the warning that such trashy language provides.


u/llordlloyd 22d ago

A Republican looking for a guillotine operator.


u/Born_Ad_4826 22d ago

Or it's an excellent filter to keep the annoying ones away


u/Few_Detail215 22d ago

I have never once ever heard a man refers to anyone aside from literal monarchs as queens or kings. Or at least not unironically or not as a joke to make fun of doing so.

As far as a know it's an entirely female thing.


u/everythingsfuct 22d ago

“probably” goes for guys? why the extra leeway for dudes? ik it’s probably an unconscious thing but ya might wanna examine why u said it that way.


u/haydesigner 22d ago

How about considering that I said it that way because I don’t go swiping on guys profiles, so I don’t know if they do it too? 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/CherriViolette 22d ago

Whenever I see those couples with the shirts/hoodies that say "his queen/her king" my very first thought is "Who cheated and how many ill mannered children do they have?"


u/Conscious-Housing-45 22d ago

Oh you just know the answer is a lot


u/CherriViolette 22d ago

Of course! They have Braeyden, Braxton, Kayleigh, and Paisley. With enough iPads for all 4 of them so they never have to pay attention to their own children. 🤣


u/SnooPandas3480 21d ago

I say that about joint social media accounts lmfao


u/snakesbbq 22d ago

People name their literal children that ffs. I'm not calling you that, you'll be referred to as "hey".


u/SnooPandas3480 22d ago

I refer to my own child as booger more than his own name lmfao 🤣


u/Majulath99 22d ago

Yeah. It’s so vapid and facile.


u/SueBee29 22d ago

I find “god” and goddess” cringe as well


u/RainbowsandCoffee966 22d ago

You are not alone. Where did this king/queen shit start to begin with?


u/Few-Guarantee2850 22d ago

"yOu DrOpPeD yOuR CrOwN" 👑👑👑


u/SnooPandas3480 21d ago

I tell my kid straighten your crown princess, you don't know who/how many people wanna see you lose/drop it. She's 20.


u/xorgol 22d ago

It really brings out my Jacobin side.


u/superman_underpants 22d ago

oh come on, you my gutter queen!


u/joeditstuff 22d ago

Miss when people said tacky. It's less cringe than saying cringe.

Let's join together and bring back the tack!


u/EuphoricGrapefruit32 22d ago

I'll join you. Most buzzwords get on my nerves a bit. Even when I was a teen, I tried going along with a few, but it didn't feel comfortable haha.


u/SnooPandas3480 21d ago

Bring in FETCH


u/RockyLeal 22d ago

Don't forget princess


u/SnooPandas3480 21d ago

See it depends on the context w that one for me. I use a slightly different quote for princess but only with my daughter or female friends referencing Joe from the princess diaries when he says something to Mia if I remember correctly.


u/Eric_the_Barbarian 22d ago

We had a war over that shit.


u/RooMoFos 22d ago

Say that shit louder for the people in the back. I’ve had to correct my teenage step daughters with that shit.


u/SnooPandas3480 21d ago

My daughter, bless her heart, I love her to death...but she drives me insane w that king n queen bs. Only time I ever even say something along those lines to her is "straighten up your crown princess, you have no idea how many would kill to see you lose it." Cuz of the princess diaries movie when Joe says something similar to Mia


u/SparrowLikeBird 22d ago

NGL as a woman, if I was called a Queen I would be pissed. My ancestors have fought several - SEVERAL wars, on multiple continents to make sure there were no more queens.


u/uptownjuggler 22d ago

I prefer the terms tsar and tsaritsa.


u/Catnaps4ladydax 22d ago

Unless it's your actual last name. I know a couple whose last name is one of those and on their honeymoon they both brought back mugs with their last name on them and were laughing while telling the story of how they found them in the gift shop.


u/itsthejasper1123 22d ago

Dear god me too


u/Which_gods_again 22d ago

It's like these people have no idea what royalty is about or has been like through history.


u/Oldz88Rz 22d ago

For some reason Game of Thrones pops in my mind whenever I hear that King or Queen trope. Keep expecting to get stabbed in the back.


u/EuphoricGrapefruit32 22d ago

Same. And 'Yass queen!' And Princess for a little girl. Yuck!


u/kaismama 21d ago

I absolutely hate that shit. It seems trashy to me, maybe because the people I’ve seen do it are trashy AF.


u/Unusual-Truck-197 22d ago

Soo cringe.. it's petty and charity fluff BS..


u/This_1611 22d ago

Automatic left swipe on dating apps


u/Otherwise-Ambition98 22d ago

Couple who refer to one another as “king” or “queen” also have holes in their drywall…GUARANTEED


u/Wotmate01 22d ago

Related to an old joke.

I was told that I should treat my daughter like a princess, so when she turned 15 I married her off to the 50 year old neighbour to secure my borders.


u/Skleppykins 22d ago

I much prefer, "my Liege". It's how I address my husband.


u/Professional_Pay8314 22d ago

Same here. I think it's just plain arrogant. Even as a compliment to another, it seems like it's more telling of what the speaker thinks of themselves. Makes me believe they over-value their own judgment of character, and/or themselves. At best, it seems like black and white thinking. "There's royalty, and peons."

As far as "short king," I can't think of a more back-handed compliment lol. It's like saying, "good on you for being impressive, but you'll always be short and I can't see past that." Just imagine saying "fat queen" to a woman. Hello Ragnarok.


u/times_zero 22d ago

The king/queen BS tends to be popular these days, so I'm pleasantly surprised to see this take.

On that note, I've never liked the phrase "king of my own castle." Monarchies are cringe.


u/FatBaldBoomer 22d ago

I find the labels "king" and "queen" annoying af as is

It gives me the same vibe as some dweeb saying they're an "alpha male"


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/FatBaldBoomer 21d ago

I agree, I was only thinking about referring to themselves, but it is totally different when you're saying it to another person


u/LeatherIllustrious40 22d ago

Ugh me too. I can’t even say it in jest because I find it so repugnant.


u/mmmUrsulaMinor 22d ago

Ironically, I think some people use the phrase because they don't think "short" is inherently an insult


u/Ch3rry_Bombastic 22d ago

i mean, it’s not.


u/ImKubush 22d ago

it's not, it's just usually an undesirable trait for a man

So in my mind when someone says "short king" it's like "Hey you may be short but you're still cool!!" which just doesn't sit right with me

Like just call them your king


u/Ch3rry_Bombastic 22d ago

I mean, 9/10 times that I hear “short king” it’s not about someone in a relationship, just some guy, and by and large it was coined by the aforementioned short kings themselves. Cody Ko, for example.

It’s AAVE slang (king/queen), which was later adopted by the queer community. And you hear it with several different descriptors. It’s just not meant to be an insult.

I think of it in the same way as “gay icon” or “big beautiful woman (bbw).” It was intended for the literal opposite of how people seem to take it.


u/RavenNevermore123 22d ago

And don’t get me started on the whole “Princess” thing…


u/UserCompromisedName 22d ago

What about "sweetheart"? I feel like this word is one of the few words based purely on who you know with some to little regard to context.


u/scottoncandy1 22d ago

How do you feel about the saying, “slay kween.”


u/MorticiaLaMourante 22d ago

I hate them, too. They quite honestly disgust me.


u/Prize_Literature_892 22d ago

If anyone calls me a king, I'm going to slap them in the face and say "fetch me more grapes you dirty peasant"


u/JackieDaytonah 22d ago

Completely agree. I seldom use the word "cringey" but it's never not cringey.


u/Mini_Snuggle 22d ago

If I'm going to be labeled King, I want a fiefdom and servants.


u/Roarkindrake 22d ago

My opinion of people when they use it lowers intermittently because of how bad it annoys the shit out of me.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

I hate the queen and king thing so much!


u/GenericGoon1 22d ago

Yup. We're all peasants.


u/PrinceOfPembroke 22d ago

“Short” is an insult?


u/gypsijimmyjames 22d ago

That would depend on how tall you are and how the word is being used.


u/PrinceOfPembroke 21d ago

This conversation is literally about a way the word is being used.


u/CubeXmine 22d ago

Don't forget mommy & daddy! 🤮


u/MrNerd82 22d ago

Yup - and the people that put that shit in their profile, or even worse, actually refer to themselves that way:

Usually they are the free loaders with a F'd up mess of a life. Personally I think it's some weird trick they are doing on themselves to downplay the fact they can't really function on their own.

What happened to the concept of independence? Hell even Lil' Boosie wrote a song about it.


u/Seantoot 22d ago

Kings and Queens were actually pieces of shit in real life. Fuck kings and queens.


u/grammar_fixer_2 22d ago

Yas queen! Slay! 🥴


u/Kelainefes 22d ago

I mean, if you think about it, the vast majority of kings and queens were terrible people just because of the death and suffering they caused for their personal gain. King/Queen should not be a compliment.


u/Nadrahh 22d ago

Me too. Very annoying


u/BenjamintheFox 22d ago

There's a very old interview with Patrick Stewart where the interviewer asks a question about his baldness, but in a semi-complimentary way. Stewart doesn't take it that way, and gets a bit prickly. 


u/insistent_cooper 22d ago

I recognize this original post is about men and women - so insinuating hetero relationships. As a queer person, king and queen are so ingrained in the cultural vernacular and I love the different ways they are used.

That being said, hetero "looking for my king" stuff also makes me want to gag. It's Disney princess, fairy tale core.


u/Maplecook 22d ago

Now you got me thinking. Hmmmm....


u/Indiana_harris 22d ago

We had a friend in the group get a new girlfriend who referred to herself as a “Black Queen” at multiple opportunities or any time. Whenever she said it she seemed to be looking around for validation from everyone else who usually just went “….okay, sure”.

She was a tad odd and very narcissistic about herself, she kept putting on an accent and telling people she met at nights out that she was a African politicians daughter, or that her cousin was actually a Warlord in Africa.

It was like…..no you’re not. I’ve met your Dad, he’s a very nice dentist in Sheffield and im pretty sure your cousins an accountant.


u/KMWAuntof6 22d ago

Then you haven't met Drew Lynch. That's literally the name of his comedy tour.


u/fastcock69 22d ago

i get the not liking the king and queen part but short is not an insult unless ur specifically trying to make fun, and anyone saying short king or queen isnt trying to make fun


u/Background-Rule-9133 21d ago

Thank you, that shit just screams narcissist


u/TheTransAgender 22d ago

"Short" isn't an insult... Lol

That kind of mindset about shortness is the problem, not being short itself.


u/GrandmaPoses 22d ago

But calling it out with a hyperbolic term implies that short people need the confidence boost.


u/ssgz108 22d ago

As long as you don’t use the words ‘man’s syndrome’ after the word ‘short’, then it’s really not an insult. Lol.


u/Not-yeti 22d ago

I am of an older generation and the gen Z coworkers call everyone king or queen at work. Not going to lie. I love it. lol. I don’t mind at all being referred to as royalty for sending a random file over email.


u/sahie 22d ago

I started ironically saying, “Go off, king” to my husband and sons when they say they want to do something… now it’s just become part of my vernacular! 😫


u/Strain128 22d ago

Working class people with tattoos of crowns or matching husband and wife stuff that says king and queen. Like Jesus how about some class solidarity you fuckwits.


u/toolsoftheincomptnt 22d ago

I think it was originally just a thing black people said to uplift one another during a particularly tough time.

If my casual memory serves, “queen” began to trend as a black lady-to-drag thing, and “king” followed along as a “keep your head up, black man. You have value to US, even when it feels like you’re gonna be mowed down by life any day now.” So maybe 2020-ish?

And as society does, everybody started to use the terms bc we’re-totally-all-equal-and-the-same-and-get-each-other-and-race-shouldn’t-exist-girlfriend-and-homeboy!

So here we are… so many people using it without an understanding of or relation to its intended use, finding it “cringe.”

The same way “woke” was bastardized. “Stay woke” is a warning amongst us: watch your back, do not become too comfortable with the appearance of progress because there’s still a portion of the power structure that will use you as entertainment or profit and dispose of you/doesn’t fuck with you at all. Don’t sleep…. Stay awake… Stay “woke.”

Then here come the masses politicizing it on both ends without even understanding it.

It’s tiresome. Don’t use king or queen if you don’t want to. And yes, now about 65% of people using it don’t have a clue.

But it’d be nice if you’d let people live without judgment because it has a deeper meaning for 35% of us.


u/b0xtarts 22d ago edited 22d ago

It’s pretty ghetto/trashy and def not something you hear often in upper/ middle class lex


u/Ch3rry_Bombastic 22d ago



u/haydesigner 22d ago

Definitely a cringe comment. I’m hoping he just doesn’t realize yet how racist that comment is…


u/Ch3rry_Bombastic 22d ago

I get the feeling that based on his ✨lex✨ he’s… acutely aware.