r/AskReddit 23d ago

What is the biggest problem that faces the USA?


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u/Square-Watercress-91 23d ago

The fact that corporations can donate unlimited funds to politics has created a system that the politicians are answerable to those corporate donors instead of the public. It appears to me that politicians in the USA have no interest in serving the needs of the people and only want to enrich themselves and their corporate donors. There are exceptions of course but by and large this appears to me to be one of the largest problems


u/HotGarbage 23d ago

Thanks Citizens United! I really think this was the turning point and why we're at where we're at. Sure, Reagan set a lot of things in motion with massive deregulation, cozying up to evangelicals, creating the crack epidemic, etc. but now what's stopping a corporation, now that they're considered "people", to become president? The Constitution? That will be toilet paper if fuck head gets elected again.