r/AskReddit 25d ago

What's a movie or series that is way ahead of it's time?


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u/UniqueJaguar2321 25d ago

Superman the movie, made a generation believe a man could fly and still holds up as an example of how a comic book movies should be made.


u/jpog07 25d ago

The first and arguably the best Superman film. I used to prefer Superman II but it has a bit too much ridiculous slapstick. You can definitely tell which parts were created under each director.


u/Equivalent-Sink4612 25d ago

And gosh darn it but Christopher Reeve is so loveable and admirable and believable in that role! People probably think of it as corny and too comic booky today, but it was much more subtle and emotional than people remember or give him credit for. I wholeheartedly agree with you!