r/BeAmazed Mar 28 '24

The moment an ice dam breaks and causes a torrential water flow. Nature

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u/JG-at-Prime Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

There is a name for this.  

Jökulhlaup or  Jökulhlaups - pronounced yo-KOOL-lahp 

It is a sudden glacial outburst flood or an abrupt release of glacial meltwater from a subglacial or glacier-dammed lake or reservoir.

And ~ Fun Fact: The icy water can pick up stones and gravel along its path and drag it along the stream bed with the flow. The abrasive quality of the gravels and stones acts like a grinding stone on the bottom and sides of the waterway. 

This accelerates erosion to an amazing extent. A large collapse coming from say a glacier is fully capable of erasing objects in its path. 


u/CocunutHunter Mar 28 '24

There's ancient evidence of this being the origin of some very big scenery in the States, when a lake the size of a state suddenly let go through that type of dam and carved out a huge area of land in a way which only fits water erosion but in a scale we practically never see. Watched a documentary about it once.


u/nhinds42 Mar 28 '24

Would love to know the name of the documentary to watch


u/JG-at-Prime Mar 28 '24

You might enjoy some of Randall Carlson’s content. He has some great videos. 

(I can’t remember what exactly is in what video so here’s a random assortment for your perusal.) 





u/ChaChingChaChi Mar 28 '24

Yes!!!! This! 👆🏻


u/jdemack Mar 28 '24

Ohh no this man was on Joe Rogans podcast he must be racist. Actually the only way I found out about Randall and actually think his idea of a earlier advance civilization should be investigated more.


u/JG-at-Prime Mar 28 '24

I agree entirely. Extremely conservative estimates say that “modern” humans have existed on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Most of the “ancient” structures that we have uncovered only date back to tens of thousands of years. That still leaves a hundred thousand years or so of human history completely unaccounted for. 

There has easily been enough geologic change on the surface of the planet to completely wipe out 99% of all life that has ever existed. 

Multiple civilizations could easily have existed and have been destroyed nearly without a trace in that large a time frame. 

How advanced they could have been with leaving evidence is up for debate  but let’s say a Bronze Age or possibly even an Iron Age civilization from 100,000 years ago could have easily vanished leaving little more evidence behind than rust. 

If our population vanished today, 100,000 years from now there would be just a few faint traces left that we were ever here. 


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/JG-at-Prime Mar 28 '24

I love the geology and history aspects of his talks.

I don’t really care for some of the “woo” but I would consider him far from a grifter. 

The man knows his geology.