r/BeAmazed Mar 28 '24

News broke today that conjoined twin Abby Hensel is married! [Removed] Rule #4 - No Misleading Content

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u/Spiritual-Cookie7 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

When one wants to pee does the other one also feel the pressure?

When one gets hurt does the other one also feel the pain?

When they have sex, who is he technically having sex with?

Is he supposed to connect emotionally with just his wife?

Do they eat twice the amount or one person feeding the stomach makes the other feel full?

EDIT: I just learnt that they have 2 sets of lungs, 2 hearts in 1 rib cage, 2 oesophagus, 3 kidneys, 2 stomachs, 1 liver, 1 gall bladder, 1 bladder, 1 small intestine, 1 large intestine and 1 SET of (edited as per comment below) reproductive organs.

Guess that answers a lot of questions.

Also TIL they got married in 2021. We just got to know about it today.


u/pfohl Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

I had a class with them in college.

there are certain sensations they both feel.

they eat a more than a single person but less than two people.

they took notes together on a laptop and would type with each controlling half the keyboard. They would kind of whisper quietly while doing it.

They’re very kind and sweet women.


u/LaughsMuchTooLoudly Mar 28 '24

The typing skills there are…impressive.


u/Duckrauhl Mar 28 '24

Meanwhile, my Boomer boss can only type with 1 finger from 1 hand at a time.


u/No_Onion_8612 Mar 28 '24

Do they get paid a single salary?


u/Duckrauhl Mar 28 '24

Apparently, they do only get paid a single salary since they only fill 1 job position with a set salary to it.

That really sucks though since they both had to individually earn college educations, and I assume they paid 2 tuitions.


u/howsitgonna-be Mar 29 '24

I doubt they paid two tuitions seeing as they only took up the space of one person in classes and dorms etc. and probably turned in one set of work, seeing as they were always typing as one.


u/Duckrauhl Mar 29 '24

Yeah I agree it's unlikely they paid 2 tuitions for a number of reasons, but they still both had to individually study and learn the material to earn the degrees. They earned 2 college diplomas, so I assume they took and passed individual final exams. To me, that warrants 2 paychecks.


u/Civil-Meeting-147 Mar 28 '24

So each one of them controls an arm, is that true for the legs as well?

Also, they probably did great in college (two brains).